Wedding Speech (Sister’s Wedding Speech)

She made me believe that I could become a better person, and more importantly, she convinced me that even if I didn't end up being a better person, she would still be here.

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Thank you to all the guests for attending this wedding banquet tonight.

I put off thinking about this speech tonight until very late.

The subject of "sister" is too big for me to start with. Before I even fully understand the identity of "brother", I have stood on this stage and told everyone about my sister, a person that only I can The "younger brother's perspective" seen.

Growing up, my sister and I have been very opposite in personality: I am quiet, she is active; I am timid, she is playful; I have low self-esteem, but she is confident; I am pessimistic, she is cheerful; she is decisive and neat in doing things, but I am old-fashioned. It is difficult to choose. Two people with opposite personalities spent their entire childhood and adolescence together.

We slept on bunk beds, and the starry sky we saw changed from the light green luminous star stickers on the ceiling of the bedroom to the sky full of stars looking up at the fields in other places; we borrowed many books from the library, and we longed for deserts and pyramids together. and all kinds of magical distant places.

Shared adventures and different personalities have turned us into a pair of "siblings" who can empathize. Empathy means the ability to understand each other and respond to each other's emotions. I always feel that she is another me in parallel time and space.

This kind of tacit understanding of empathy often becomes a life-saving straw when I am at a low point in my life.

When I was feeling heartbroken and depressed, she would take me to the mall, buy me everything from underwear, shirts to shoes and socks, give me a makeover, and then say to me, "Isn't this great! Much more handsome. Remember." Don’t forget to iron your clothes!”

When I couldn't tell what was going on for dinner last night, she would take me to a restaurant I didn't know, order a few dishes skillfully, and then tell me, "In the future, you can eat pizza from this restaurant in Central or Tsim Sha Tsui." You can drink milk tea from this restaurant. There is a delicious Hainanese chicken rice restaurant across the street from your company.”

She would take me to a party when I hadn't had any real contact for a long time, and introduce me to my friends, "Hey, he's my brother. He doesn't have a girlfriend yet."

She knows that I like writing, but she also knows that I am shy about showing it to others, so she will publish posts for me and open a blog for me at the same time, and even send my articles to her Chinese teacher, just to encourage me to continue writing. Go down.

Her existence reminded me of another possibility in life. She made me believe that I could become a better person, and more importantly, she made me convinced that even if I did not become a better person in the end , she will still be here.

I also want to take this opportunity to talk about our dad. Parents are the starting point for all sibling relationships, and the reason I have a wonderful sister is, ultimately, because we have a wonderful dad.

If someone asked me to describe my dad’s parenting style, I would say he was a shepherd. What do shepherds usually do? Play the shepherd's flute.

The shepherd basically paid little attention to his sheep. He just sat under the shade of the tree, letting the lambs eat grass and play with each other. To the point where the sheep even thought they were wild.

In this way, the shepherd quietly grew up with the sheep until they grew up. One day, he looked back, thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized: By the way, our grassland has never lacked grass, and there have never been jackals.

Thank you to my dad for giving my sister and me a very open and tolerant grassland, allowing us to make mistakes and grow. I also want to thank my dad for, intentionally or unintentionally, developing the habit of reading and writing in my sister and me, allowing us to slow down and engage in in-depth conversations. , and create a full inner world for yourself.

Tonight, my sister is entering a new chapter in her life, and I am so happy that she has found a soul mate that she can trust for the rest of her life.


I once heard a saying: "When you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start soon." Mr. K, my sister's rest of her life is up to you. I hope you can take good care of her in the future, a hundred times, a thousand times better than she is to me.

I wish you everlasting happiness and joy.

younger brother

(This article is the original speech delivered by the author at his sister’s wedding)

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