Shimada Shoji's Japanese Benguet Mystery Novel

Shimada Shoji

Shimada Shoji is undoubtedly the most representative "Benge School" reasoning writer since the 1980s. In 1981, he published his first work " Astrology Killing Magic ", which shook the Japanese mystery novel world, thus creating a new Bengue School reasoning. , has a pivotal power in the mystery novel world. He not only inherited the "logic" and "thinking" of the mystery novels since the Edogawa Rampo , but also discussed the wonderful ideas in the novels and the profound human nature hidden behind them. and social significance ushered in a new era of Japanese detective culture. In the new era, the atmosphere of Japanese detective novels has become more and more strange and tense, and the plots have become more mysterious and grotesque. "Benge School" novels have always had bizarre plots and many tricks. The plot is developed through logical reasoning. The reader and the detective always stand in the same direction, looking for the murderer through known clues and obtaining the pleasure of reading. Shimada Shoji's detective novels are no exception. They are all-encompassing and largely represent the horror culture of Japanese detective novels in the new era. This culture is basically composed of vivid and vivid detailed descriptions and ingeniously conceived venue designs with strange atmospheres, that is, crime scenes.

In " Jack the Ripper's Hundred Years of Solitude ", Shoji Shimada's description of the tragic appearance of the deceased is immersive, "The shirt on her body was torn, and the wound opened from the heart to the lower abdomen. . . . Frog corpse that has been dissected. Under the light of the mercury lamp in the distance, many organs that look like pink overflow from the open abdomen, and sprinkle like a caving between the spread legs... The internal organs that have been pulled out Spread on the pitch-black ground, like a group of reptiles trying to get back into the dirt." There are similar descriptions of "Assod" in "Astrology Killing Magic" and " Vertigo ", and these bloody descriptions greatly stimulated The reader's imagination and curiosity make people nervous and have a strong sense of resonance, which has become a powerful tool for the author to lash out on humanity and torture his heart.

Shoji Shimada will deliberately create venues with peculiar shapes and a strange atmosphere. These venues are different from other venues, and it is these established characteristics that become the necessary and sufficient conditions for the case to occur. That is to say, the clues to the occurrence of the case are within the readers’ grasp, and the various conditions for the occurrence of the case have already been explained. Behind the occurrence of the bizarre case, the reader is more likely to focus on the lack of human nature and the deep sense of social meaning. Not the so-called eccentric chaos. There are Islamic mosques that are terrifying and eerie but exude warmth in the world and movie sets on the Dead Sea that can be called works of art. There are residential buildings that form an equilateral triangle in "The 2/3 Murder Case of Sunset Cranes in the North ", and " Crystal Pyramid ". There are ingeniously designed imitation pyramid buildings, and there are classic sloping houses created for revenge in "The Inclined House Crime ". These classic venue designs even influenced the head of the "New Benge School", Aya Tsuji Pedestrian . The series received great acclaim. Every treacherous scene is a perfect crime scene carefully designed by the author, focusing on rational logic, and they lead readers into the "industrial" step by step, so the book is full of "challenge" declarations to readers, which is also the new era" One of the fascinating features of "Benge School" mystery novels.

In addition, Shimada Shoji's novels inherited the "famous detective" principle of classical mystery novels, and created the classic "Mitarashiki + Shigang" series and "Yoshiki Takeshi" series. With his handsome appearance, amazing reasoning ability, extreme manic-depressive temperament and maverick demeanor, Mitarai is one of the most individual and excellent detectives in the world; and Takeshi Yoshikiki is loyal and loyal. A good policeman who is diligent in his duties, strong in action and quick in mind, willing to pay all the price for the pursuit of the truth. These two detectives have become the source of Shimada Shoji's detective novels touching the world with their unique personality charm. Their sharp thinking, wonderful reasoning and dedication to the truth have a profound impact on the detective culture in Japan today.

Under the leadership and influence of Shoji Shimada, Japanese detective literature in the new era paid more attention to the in-depth exploration of human nature and the analysis of social problems. The classic "Astrology Killing Magic" very typically exposes the deep sins of human nature. The most terrifying part of it is not the delicate description of the criminal methods, but the outright deceit and lies, and there is nothing behind it. The annihilated hatred makes people tremble from the bottom of their hearts. For a high-sounding reason, to commit such a step-by-step and unforgivable evil deed, one cannot help but wonder how terrible the human heart is? The torture of greed in "Vertigo", the pursuit of fame and fortune in "Exotic", and Mitarai's sincere maintenance of Ishioka in " Exotic Knight ", the lack and light of all human beings are unreservedly displayed in front of the world, While cracking the delicate puzzle, I am even more sighed at the darkness and light of human nature.

Under the influence of Shoji Shimada, the main body of Japanese detective culture in the new era jumped out of the "Benge School" reasoning and sublimated, not only pursuing the novelty and horror of the case, the rigor of logic and the tension of the plot, but also integrated into the human nature. In-depth thinking and extensive discussion of contemporary social issues, paying attention to the power and law, good and evil, crime and punishment around you, after clearing the fog in front of you, what is exposed in the sun is such a pitiful and lamentable heart story.

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