If one day, the boss said: You don't have to go to work again.


Due to the epidemic, in March, the company was officially notified by the company to temporarily suspend work for at least 2 months, maybe longer. The current thinking is just that I feel safe at home, protect myself and others, and agree with the company's decision-making very much. Until I saw Jack Ma's life sharing, he said:

Every day we have to work very hard, the same is hard work, why work for others, why not work for yourself.

This sentence woke me up a bit. If one day, the boss said: "You don't have to come to work again. "How to do?

Why wait to work for someone else, why follow your boss's schedule? Why not create a more selective life for yourself? But how many people are willing to put in the effort and time to make changes in their lives that are set in stone?

One of the great men who created the miracle of the Internet - Jack Ma

The lifestyle trends of working from home, distance learning and online courses will become more common. The powerful power of the Internet makes me amazed that I can use my professional field to spread valuable information to people all over the world at no time and place, and I think making money at home through the Internet is very suitable for introverted people. Office workers around the world have largely switched to working from home remotely. Learning to work from home and opening up another runway in the online world has gradually become more important.

When your household income can support your annual expenses, and then let the money help you through investment and financial management, you can basically say goodbye to your boss forever.

So what if you don't have a major right now?

Start focusing on learning 1 new skill

It is never too late to start at any age. In fact, people are often in a state of contradiction. On the one hand, they envy the success of others, but on the other hand, the struggle and resistance in their hearts often pour out, so that they do not have the courage to take one step.

Oh long time! Does it take 5, 10 or more years to complete the goal. Tell yourself: you have to act first, and then talk about the rest. It would be a shame if it was an excuse for procrastination because it took too much time to accumulate professional competence. Have you ever tried to think back to yourself ten or fifteen years ago, looking back at your stumbling growth journey, and whether you are very grateful for your choice to start action at the beginning, it may be very hard, but every stage of progress and failure experience It is helping you create compound interest value, and those processes are indelible.

How many 10 years can a person have? If you are still hesitating about life, when the next 10 years come, will you be surprised that you are still in the same place? If you have already taken that one step and wait for the next 10 years to come, will you be surprised that you are constantly growing?

Time always goes by quietly, but remember to let it be accompanied by valuable memories. One more life skill, no longer a fixed salary, and more flexible work income. One more life choice, more additional passive income and financial freedom. The pandemic may forever change the way people work in the future, so working from home has a certain importance.

So how do you get started? Which Internet Entrepreneurship is Right for Me? If you don't have a specific direction, you can refer to:

Newbies in YouTuber boat start making money online sideline from 0

Are you free from 12/20-12/23? There are year-end perks!

Why is it said to be a benefit, because this course is a free limited-time online course.

This kind of marketing method is very special. I think it indirectly encourages learners not to be lazy and to grasp the time to study immediately, because the free learning period of these 4 courses is 24 hours, and these contents will become paid course sales after the event.

(If you want to hear how people who have already succeeded in starting their own business online, arrange your time and go to class on time. 😊)

Limited time release period: 20:00 PM every day from December 20th to December 23rd (Taipei time, Taiwan)

Lesson 1 Basic strategy of making money online from 0

The second way to make money online & business strategy

The 3rd class thoroughly dissects how amateurs earn from 0 to the top 1% in the world

Lesson 4 Practical steps and methods for making money online that you can start now

👉Enter the official website to understand the course details

If you already have a specific direction for online entrepreneurship, Harry's 3 online courses can give you a reference:

Social Media Marketing 👉Learn more, go to the official website »
  • The average American adult spends 38 minutes a day on Facebook.
  • Teenagers aged 16-24 spend an average of 3 hours a day on social media.
  • In 2021, it is predicted that 3 billion people will be using social media software every day.
  • Facebook has nearly 1.4 billion daily active users.

If you have marketing skills, you can do marketing for other people, or you are already running your own online business, and you want more people to recognize your brand. If you want to learn how to advertise on social media, hope that every day You can let people all over the world see your brand, this teaching course may be suitable for you!

Shopify online e-commerce 👉Learn more, go to the official website»

Shopify is an online e-commerce platform that supports multiple languages. A start-up online store platform that can be started with only a small fee, and there is a free trial period for beginners.

Nearly 90% of consumers have shopped online, and the demand for online shopping is predicted to grow explosively in the next few years! If you are interested in running your own online store, this online course might be for you!

Online course sales skills 👉Learn more, go to the official website»

On 18/12/2019, a marketing authority from a western country released an analysis of online courses. He predicted that the online education market value will reach 350 billion US dollars in 2025! What a terrifying number, it means a change in the way people live and work in the future. If you have a professional skill and want to make money by making online courses but don't know how to make and sell your courses efficiently to people who need them all over the world, this online teaching course may be for you!

His courses also have year-end discounts. One thing I think is great is that within 14 days of purchasing any course, if the viewing degree is less than 30%, you can get an unconditional refund. (The policy may change in the future, so it is still necessary to follow the latest information provided by the official website!)

The film is Harry's entrepreneurial experience story.

Hope you like my sharing.

thanks for reading.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

蛙抵加你好, 謝謝你關注🐸發文。†God Bless Us. 我喜歡大笑 • 喜歡邊旅行邊工作 • 喜歡聊聊理財思維。在家也能創造額外收入哦 歡迎來逛逛我的IG及個人網站👉https://www.instagram.com/lets_firelife/
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