
The girl's story would have been a tragedy. Without that dragon.

This is a story that happened in the eastern continent, in a small village, the story of an ordinary girl.

The girl's name is so ordinary, and she is so ordinary in the family that almost no one pays attention to her. What is there to mention about such an ordinary person?

Oh, don't forget, even ordinary people may have extraordinary stories.

The girl's story begins after she is married.

In Yaori, marriage pays attention to the life of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. So the girl has never seen her groom before she gets married, but the girl has no complaints about it, she is not a picky person.

And what about men who marry girls? He is more assertive. He didn't like his bride very much, she was too ordinary, like a grain of sand, not special at all.

The girl is not dissatisfied with this, she is a contented person.

The man noticed the girl when he was sick. It seems that people always have to wait until the dark night to see the stars that have always existed. The man is very sick, and even his parents dare not approach him. Only the girl takes care of him silently.

Under the girl's careful care, he recovered. With the mentality of repaying his gratitude, he would occasionally be gentle with girls, like a real husband.

But without love, all this is meaningless.

The man's attention was quickly attracted by the charming concubine, and his eyes no longer stayed on her. Just as before, when at home, the girl's parents were always on the lookout for other better, more talented siblings.

Despite this, the girl did not complain, she still lived a peaceful life.

The girl is a contented person, the concubines are not. They were dissatisfied with the girl occupying the position of the main wife, so they tried every means to frame her, and as long as there was evidence of the girl's infidelity, they could get over her.

One day, they succeeded.

The girl is very simple, so it saves a lot of trouble. A little lie was enough to ruin her with a little false kindness. The man is very angry that he doesn't love the girl, but he doesn't allow the girl to shame him. He locked the girl in the woodshed, ready to punish her.

For the first time, the girl shed tears with real sadness.

She never pursued glory and wealth.

Don't pray for a happy life.

She just wants someone to love her, from the heart, single-mindedly without any falsehood.

Is this a luxury?

The girl's story would have been a tragedy.

Without that dragon.

It was a mother and baby dragon, a very simple child who had just begun the experience of life. She saw the girl crying and turned into a human figure to talk to the girl. She felt that the girl was so gentle, and she liked this mother-in-law so much. She sneaked to see the man, and found that such a great treasure was actually wasted by such a good man! The more she thought about it, the more unhappy she became, so she ran back, kicked open the locked door of the woodshed, and said to the girl—

"Can I take you away?"

The girl looked at the child in disbelief. She had nearly silver-white blond hair, like sunlight and moonlight intertwined. Her eyes were like a clear sky after rain, and the blue sky was as clear as the sky itself. She asked herself, "Can I take you away?"

The girl asked tremblingly, "Why?"

The child looked at her tenderly, the girl seemed to be surrounded by the warm winter sun, "Because you are a treasure!"


Such yourself?

So ordinary, with no beautiful appearance, no admirable talent, such an ordinary self?

"Okay," she heard herself answer.

The dragon child laughed and slowly closed her eyes. Her form began to change, and she was replaced by the appearance of flying in the sky and being called the king of the sky. Her eyes turned into the metallic blue of reptiles, and silver lines appeared on her body.

"let's go!"

Carrying the precious treasure, the dragon soars high, leaves here, and returns to her country.

There, the girl found another "treasure" of the mother and baby dragon who cherished her—the mother and baby dragon's subordinates. He is different from men who do not cherish girls at all. He is both honest and reliable. The two made a marriage covenant, which is sacred and true.

The little baby dragon feels that he has earned it, and the two treasures together will give birth to a new little treasure.

The girl laughed heartily at the young dragon's innocent insights.

Her life was no longer peaceful, but full of laughter.

I wrote short essays a long time ago, when the brushwork was immature, and some people thought I was writing GL. So remind everyone not to ignore that the girl ended up marrying the dragon's "subordinate", not with the dragon!


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