335. Reading more (studying) will make you handsome

Excellent writers do not rely on inspiration, but on memory. The essence of success is the same. With experience and reading, you will gradually approach success. How do you know that you are on the right path?

Excellent writers do not rely on inspiration, but on memory. The essence of success is the same. With experience and reading, you will gradually approach success. How do you know that you are on the right path?

First spend considerable time and energy to lock a direction (target), after confirming that it is feasible, and then invest more time

If you are really on the right path, it will be like a flywheel that keeps spinning, spinning and spinning (success)

When success comes, you will know it is an inevitable result

So it's the same old saying, starting with learning, many people think that learning is a hassle, be careful, it will snowball more and more, and eventually you will suffer, and you will find that you are mediocre because of yourself. question

People should be responsible for their appearance after the age of forty. Your appearance will gradually be replaced by connotation. When you realize the importance of accumulation (learning) as soon as possible, the older you are, the more handsome (beautiful) you will be.


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