Overseas Survival Guide | Prepare for the Best, Prepare for the Worst

I remember when I was young, I was not troubled by the wind and waves

When I was young, when I heard that my relatives and friends were going abroad, I always felt a little envious, but once upon a time, I already felt like going abroad, just like going to a nearby convenience store to buy a bottle of beer, just bring some money and keys. I set off. Although the words are beautiful, the pre-work needs to be done and completed, so that there is no worries. For my experience abroad, please refer to the previous article " City Celebration Shake Up!" |First Experience of European Christmas Markets ” and “ A Rare Experience in Life|The Experience of Wandering in Thailand ”.

The most important thing to do when going abroad is to get a visa and passport . Although there are many countries that offer visa-free discounts to our country, not every country has visa-free discounts. For passports, you need to pay attention to whether the passport is valid for 6 months. As for me personally, as long as there is one year left to expire, I will apply for a replacement license, try not to press the line, because how do you know how long you will stay in that place, people are no better than domestic people, there are too many uncontrollable factors If you can deal with it in advance, deal with it when you can. This is also a part of risk control.

Just happened to see @Emma's article, "Overseas Survival Guide|The Lost Passport of Rookie Japan Travel" , in her story, fortunately, she found her passport at the end, otherwise the whole itinerary will really be disrupted, so, in advance Make photocopies of your visa (if you have one) and passport, and put them in different places. In case the real documents are missing, having a photocopy proof can save you a lot of time and money.

Money is the second most important thing . No matter whether you are traveling abroad, immigrating or studying abroad, you have one thing in common, that is to spend money. You must first determine how much cash you can bring when you enter or leave the country. , It is best to bring some US dollars. No matter whether the local currency uses US dollars or not, when you want to exchange foreign currency, most of the local currency exchange places accept US dollar currency exchange. People say, don't exchange currency at the airport, because it is the most expensive, my experience The same is true, so I tend to find a cheaper exchange place in the local area to exchange foreign currency.

Because there will be restrictions on carrying cash when entering or leaving the country, so a credit card that can swipe foreign currency is a must. It is best to prepare several credit cards to be used. The credit card must record the international customer service phone number in advance. If there is a problem with the credit card, you can Find someone to ask for help, every year on the Internet, you will find websites or bloggers to share the necessary credit card discount lazy bag for going abroad, and apply for it in advance according to personal preferences.

Now, the Internet has become an indispensable element in people's life like sunlight, air and water. When you are in a remote place where you are not familiar with people, how can you not get the Internet in advance? I will definitely find the place before I go abroad. In fact, my first choice is Chunghwa Telecom's mobile phone roaming plan , because when a problem occurs, the customer service staff speak Chinese, so it is better to ask for help. If people want to save some money, they can also do it in their own country. To find a local cheap internet card, I have used both methods, and the experience at that time was not bad. The internet has become the third most important thing on my list of must-haves for going abroad .

It is often said that the fastest way to understand the local customs and customs is to follow the customs when entering the country Books, Lonely Planet Publishing House is the world's largest private travel guide publishing house. It has a long history and is the first travel book series written for backpackers, so it is highly praised by backpackers. I also recommend it. If you have one copy, choose the Lonely Planet series of travel books. If you have personal travel preferences, such as a tour of cultural and creative stores in the city or a city coffee shop tour, you can choose other special tours Books, but pay attention, travel books are actually very heavy, don’t bring too many books, I have actually taken an e-reader to go abroad, it can download e-books in advance, but you need to consider how long the power supply can last, I will subconsciously want to surf the Internet To check information, but you need an Internet connection to search for information online, so you must also get the Internet, it is a good tool, but I still used to bring a few travel books .

When you go out, you should pay special attention to safety in addition to experiencing the exotic customs. Some practical experiences are like, don’t stab the research map on the side of the road, like telling the liar that the lost lamb is here, don’t listen to the mercy of others , don't get into other people's cars. If you find something wrong, you'd rather pretend to be deaf or not understand, leave quickly, and don't reveal your money. My colleague in Thailand said that he observed that foreign tourists buy Anything is more than three to four times the local price. As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, go out, and be careful everywhere.

Think about the above things first, build your heart well first, and life is like a journey, you can't predict what kind of things you will encounter, I always prepare for the best, plan for the worst, and happily Enjoy all kinds of surprises in life .


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小小斜槓工程師我是個味覺白癡,味蕾分辨不出100塊的澳牛和1000塊的和牛差在哪裡,希望不要再打鐵了。 「打鐵」是指投籃不進,球打在籃框上就會聽到「噹」的一聲,就像鐵匠打鐵的聲音,有點引申為作白工的意思。 有拍盡力回拍,也歡迎關注,歡樂共享。
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