Hong Kong's [Mask Order] Handmade Origami Mask Holder


Handmade origami mask holder

【Mask Order】

Recently, there is a very strange phenomenon in Hong Kong, that is, the number of confirmed cases of the new crown virus has suddenly been soaring! The Hong Kong government's anti-epidemic measures first tightened the [gathering restriction order], followed by another [mask order]. When the vehicle and ship mask order is being implemented, citizens are also required to wear masks in indoor public places. So in the days to come, everyone must wear a mask on their face, or else they will get a ticket for breaking the law at any time!

In fact, I don't want to wear a mask on a hot day. I've seen many people wearing this kind of pig mouth mask before and have gradually switched to some thin surgical masks, because it's too baked~ It's not smooth!

Especially for people like us who work outdoors, breathing is more than twice as fast as those who work in general office buildings. In the end, I will only choose to wear the thinnest surgical mask, but in fact, the mask will become soaked in a short time. The soaked mask can easily cover the face or even the nostrils, making it difficult to breathe. If you have tried wearing a mask for running Exercise and you know where the problem is.

The adhesive edge will stick to the face and cause a little discomfort

【Mask holder】

There is always a solution to any problem. Recently, there are some three-dimensional mask brackets on the market that can hold up the mask to make breathing easier. At the same time, it can reduce the effect of the mask being easily wetted, which can prolong the life of the surgical mask and reduce the cost of the mask. Feeling cramped, I also bought one to try, mainly put it in a cloth mask or surgical mask, stand up the mask, and won't bite the mask when speaking, because this bracket is made of plastic products, and the rubber edge will stick to the face, causing It's a little uncomfortable, and after wearing it for a while, a red mark on the face is formed, which is very unsightly! However, I saw on Taobao that there is a mask holder with an improved design that is worth recommending.

【Silver Ion Reusable Mask Holder】

Silver ion reusable mask holder

【Homemade mask holder】

I think these 3d mask brackets have room for improvement and improvement, and this is not a complicated thing. It took me half a day to use paper products to make a very simple handmade origami that everyone can do together. Mask holder.

Self-made three-dimensional mask holder

First of all, I found some hard cardboard. I found some high-quality dining paper plates. The hardness is very good. Other tools can only be done with scissors, blades and tape. It only takes five minutes to complete the three-dimensional mask holder made by yourself.

High-quality catering paper plates
The three-dimensional mask can be completed with a blade and tape
It only takes five minutes to complete the 3D mask
Hold up the mask for easier breathing
DIY Mask Holder

Below is a YouTube video of the mask holder I made


No count! Looking at the mask, it will continue to be used for a long time, only by thinking about improvement and improvement😷

#DIYmask holder#mask holder#3dmask #3dmask #3Dmask #3Dmask# DIYmask holder


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一燈DIY大家好我是一燈, 我現時主力都是在YouTube, Hive, Steemit, DTube, LBRY分享一些簡單有趣的生活創作DIY作品,慢慢也開始增加了自己生活的記錄點滴。近幾年我都學習不少虛擬貨幣的操作。這些我都會一一在這和大家分享。 Youtube: 一燈DIY http://bit.ly/2Jgl5FB IG: http://bit.ly/2HhUNR6
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