The ancient Indian health wisdom "Ayurveda" energy constitution test, let you know your constitution better

Do you know what your body type is? The energy physique test necessary for Ayurvedic therapy, knowing your postnatal voxel, can you slowly help yourself adjust back to the golden ratio!

Please take the quiz according to your 10-20 years of habits, personality and health. Which of the following describes you correctly will add 1 point, and you will be able to get the ratio of <wind energy/fire energy/water energy> of your postnatal voxels. This ratio is for everyone's reference, and it will be different after half a year's test! You can take a look at what kind of energy imbalance your most recent feature is before you can treat it.

Wind Energy Index:

✦ Very energetic person who moves fast.

✦ Very poor memory.

✦ Learn new things very quickly.

✦ Enthusiastic, energetic and lively.

✦ Tall or very short, very thin, and difficult to gain weight/strength.

✦ The joints are prominent, the tendons and veins of the hand and forearm are clearly visible.

✦ Hair is dry and fine.

✦ When making a decision, it is easy to hesitate and hesitate.

✦ Easy to constipation, easy to flatulence.

✦ Easy to worry about, even for no reason.

✦ When stressed, can be restless or paranoid.

✦ Easy to get cold hands and feet.

✦ Loves hot weather.

✦ The skin is dry, dark and rough.

✦ The eyes are narrow, small, dry and itchy.

✦ Sleep is easily disturbed or interrupted, and it is more difficult to fall asleep.

✦ Talk fast.

✦ When I am alone, I will not eat and sleep at the normal time.

✦ Being in nature makes me calm, happy and relaxed.

✦ Good at teaching or consulting.

Fire index:

✦ Very efficient and organized.

✦ It is easy to sweat, and the body smell is relatively strong.

✦ Loves cold food and drinks.

✦ Easy to edema.

✦ Easy to lose temper and get provoked.

✦ Gets angry easily, but calms down quickly.

✦ Have a good appetite and usually eat more than you need.

✦ Eating one meal less or later in time can cause discomfort.

✦ Defecation is regular, diarrhea is more common than constipation.

✦ Impatient.

✦ Medium frame, strong build and medium height.

✦ The skin is prone to acne, rashes and sunburn.

✦ Crazes into hot and spicy foods, as well as alcoholic foods and drinks when stressed.

✦ Easily bald. The hair is fine, straight, and brown.

✦ The eyes are almond shaped.

✦ Likes to compete, sometimes a bit aggressive.

✦ It takes about six to eight hours of sleep.

✦ Under stress, diarrhea and weight loss are common.

✦ Usually strict with others and self.

✦ Believe that you are inherently smart, charismatic, and trustworthy. Good at taking on leadership roles.

Water Energy Index:

✦ The skeleton is too large. Thighs, arms, butt are all too big.

✦ Prefer to do things slowly and methodically.

✦ The sound is soft, smooth and easy to get stuck.

✦ is a calm, gentle, easy-going person.

✦ The sleep time is relatively long, you need to sleep for eight to twelve hours, and you will feel comfortable all day long after you get enough sleep.

✦ Skin is thin, soft and smooth.

✦ Occasionally skip a meal and feel better.

✦ Prefers hot, sunny days over cold, humid weather.

✦ The eyes are round, large, with thick lashes.

✦ Walk very slowly.

✦ A caring, gracious and generous person.

✦ The hair is rich and thick.

✦ The body is very strong, has good stamina and good endurance.

✦ Under stress, it is easy to overeat and sleep.

✦ Digestion and metabolism seem to be slow and feel heavy after eating.

✦ It is easy to have phlegm and asthma problems.

✦ Learning is not fast, but as long as it is learned and understood, it will remain in memory for a long time.

✦ When stressed or unhappy, I become narrow-minded, stubborn, and possessive.

✦ I like to do nothing and be lazy, but I am serious when I work.

✦ Want to grab a lot of things, including money, relationships.

What are your ratios? After that, a series of articles will be launched to explain step by step how Ayurveda can help us return to a healthy body and mind. Interested friends are welcome to follow me.


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