Daily reading and occasional reading can reveal a person's mental model


Daily reading and occasional reading can reveal a person's mental model

How many times a week do you usually read? A or B

A: Every day

B: Occasionally

Reading is a way of learning

Those who choose A consider reading as simple and important as breathing, and are "lifelong learners".

Those who choose B regard reading as the pills and ointment in the first aid kit, and they are "temporary learners".

The same learner, what's the difference?

The law of thermodynamics has a name called [Law of Entropy Increase], which means that in an isolated system, the larger the entropy value, the more disordered the system and the increase in ineffective work. It actually points out that there are two systems in our individual mental growth: the Sun Li system and the open system. system

For lifelong learners

They build their minds into an open system through daily learning, and there may be a compound interest effect in the future

For casual learners

Their minds are like a closed system, unable to produce compounding effects

There is no obvious difference between the two in the short term, but in the long run there is a world of difference!

After a certain person died, he saw King Gunpowder. On the way to see King Yama, he passed a palace, and the owner of the palace asked him to stay and live.

The man said, "I've worked hard all my life in this world, and now I just want to sleep, I just want to eat, I hate work!"

The owner of the palace said, "There are so many things in this palace, from mountains and sea delicacies to high-quality pillows, you can eat whatever you want, sleep whenever you want, and no one will care about you!"

This person lived for a while, ate, slept, slept, and ate, and felt very happy. After a while, he felt empty and went to see the palace master.

The man complained, "I am tired of these days of eating and sleeping. Can you give me a job?"

Palace Master: "We've never had a job!"

After a while,

The man went to the palace owner and said, "I can't live this kind of life. If you don't give me a job, I'd rather go to hell!"

The owner of the palace smiled and said, "You think this is heaven, this is hell, and a comfortable life is a kind of hell!"

That's right, an easy life doesn't have the feeling of going up the mountain and going down the oil pan, but it gradually destroys your ideals, corrodes your soul, and even turns you into a walking dead!

Doing nothing is also an unbearable pain

Daily management is a kind of fulfilling happiness

Ease makes one accelerate toward death!

People's learning can be divided into three areas. In the center [comfort zone], when a person stays in the comfort zone for a long time, it means that you are living in a knowledge or things that are not difficult for you to learn or are accustomed to.

You are in a familiar environment every day:

interact with familiar people

Do what you do

It's just a temporary equilibrium

Because you don't have to work too hard to get everything into a relatively balanced and comfortable state. That is, [equilibrium], in thermodynamics, when the system is in equilibrium, it is the maximum entropy.

you at this time

learned very little

Progress is slow

Lack of challenge and liquidity

This is a seemingly stable and comfortable state, but in fact it is a state of crisis, that is, false prosperity. You can only make rapid progress if you move from your comfort zone to your learning zone, or even your panic zone.

[S-shaped curve growth]

Reading a book every day and studying is a way of breaking the [balance], allowing yourself to grow in an S-shaped curve. When it looks flat, you will doubt yourself for what you are doing every day, but it will rise exponentially in the future. to the high level and remain stable.

[iPhone is exactly the product of the S-shaped curve]

Sales of the iPod line of products account for nearly half of Apple's total revenue. It stands to reason that the idea of normal people must continue to make this product well.

 But Jobs personally subverted this already successful product!

He made the iPhone again. By 2012, the iPhone accounted for 58% of Apple's total revenue. This is Jobs' subversive growth. He used a new S-shaped curve to subvert the S-shaped curve that he finally climbed.

Stay away from equilibrium and keep subverting yourself!

This is also what I am doing in the self-disciplined check-in group. The group friends are doing it together. Check-in every day and push myself to perform the action of doing this habit every day. Small actions can become big changes.

Can you say that reading a book every day is useless?

I really don't have time to read a page or two

It doesn't work in the short term

I really don't understand, I'm afraid to use my brain

Only those who do it know the truth!

Do you think you can be _____ (lifelong learner/temporary learner)


I hope that there are more people who are willing to be life-long learners, who can work together to exercise the habit of self-discipline for 100 days, make the entropy value tend to be negative, break the isolated system in everyone's heart, and grow openly. Do you want to create it together?

Join the Self-discipline 100 Days Club: https://bit.ly/100dplan


In this vast Internet, you pass by my blog, I use a song by Jay Chou to arrange the lyrics

Can you give me time without a song,

Just turn strangers into friends.

Subscribe to me, my friend your book companion ^^


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你的1號書伴批姝凰用文字留下我看書痕跡,記錄我下班生活 陪你精讀一本書,一起品書,一起成長,讓你自己成為百看不厭的書
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