2024 latest! Comparison of 15 job search platforms in Taiwan: Take a look at the pros and cons at once

The Newsstand
The job search platform cannot be your only job search channel!

The wave of career changes is coming again after the new year. What are the ways to find a job in Taiwan? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each pipeline and platform? This article will share my personal experience of using major job search platforms in Taiwan, such as 104, 1111, LinkedIn, Cake Resume, Yourator, Dcard, Taiwan Employment Network, etc. I hope to help you quickly find the most suitable job search platform for you and find your ideal job as soon as possible!

Online platform

104 Labor Bank

Advantages: large number of job vacancies and various job types

Disadvantages: There are many job vacancies for thousands of years (they are posted on the platform 365 days a year, and I don’t know whether it is a lack of vacancies or whether the company relies on the human bank to increase its presence)

1111 Labor Bank

Advantages: There are many activities throughout the year. If you look for a job, you will be given 10,000 yuan, and if you fill in your resume, you will be given coffee cards and so on.

Disadvantages: There are more job vacancies in the service industry and more small companies. Due to the nature of the vacancies, the salaries for the vacancies are generally not high.

Taiwan Employment Guide

Advantages: Many job types

Disadvantages: There are relatively few job vacancies (perhaps it is an executive unit of a public agency, so there is no need to fill the vacancies to create a lively and prosperous scene XD


Advantages: There are a large number of vacancies for entry-level positions in the service industry and back office

Disadvantages: There are many small companies, and due to the nature of the vacancies, the salaries for vacancies are generally not high.

518 Bear Class

Advantages: There are many job vacancies in the catering industry

Disadvantages: Fewer vacancies for other types of jobs


Advantages: There are many technical vacancies, and vacancies that are actually recruiting people will be specially marked [actively reviewing resumes] (I personally think

Disadvantage: If you enter the name of the job vacancy to search, the vacancies starting from page 6 will be 10,000 years old (the employer was active more than 1 year ago)


Advantages: There are many job openings in new startups

Disadvantages: There are many job vacancies for thousands of years (they are posted on the platform 365 days a year, and I don’t know whether it is a lack of jobs or whether the company relies on the human bank to increase its presence)


Advantages: The job openings are highly professional and the salary is relatively high

Disadvantages: Without three twos and threes, it is impossible to climb Liangshan


Advantages: It should be the latest job vacancies (?

Disadvantages: Some people just post job vacancies, and you may not get a reply if you leave a message below XD


Advantages: Unexpected

Disadvantages: Few vacancies

FB community

Advantages: Some employees of recruitment companies will post recruitment information in the club, giving them the opportunity to quickly obtain corporate information through direct communication, and even get opportunities for internal referrals.

Disadvantages: Pay attention to job hunting fraud prevention

On campus

Career Fair

Advantages: I met multiple companies that really have talent recruitment needs at one time (after all, these companies also paid to participate in the exhibition, so wouldn’t they spend unnecessary money to participate in the exhibition?)

Disadvantages: Walking to Iron Leg (?

Alumni Association

Advantages: You can get close to the senior sister and get information about the target company faster XD

Disadvantages: Requires hard work to manage connections

Student Affairs Office

Advantages: You can always keep an eye on the bulletin board for new job openings

Disadvantages: Need to collect school emails frequently (?

ultimate move

The last big tip is to go directly to your target company's official website or LinkedIn or social platforms, such as IG (recently, many companies will use IG to advertise job opportunities) and wait and see when they open the job vacancies you want. Of course, the premise is that you need to know what company you want to go to. If you don’t even know what company you want to go to...well, it may be a bit difficult.

The above is my personal subjective experience of using these platforms. You are also welcome to report your experience of using these platforms. Let us work together to provide more transparent workplace information for people who need to find jobs!

