Reading Bigen|We3 X NFT X Creator Economy AMA Notes: Why buy this "membership card"?

......How come to the Web3 era, I have to end up doing things together, am I stupid? Give me a willing statement, will you?

Tune in to the Web3 X Creator Economy hosted by vocus on April 14th! How creators and fans can create value together In the AMA (Ask Me Anything) event, the invited guest is Miula from "M View"/"Tech Giant Decoding", to talk about NFT from the creator's point of view, and introduce his NFT distribution plan.

Web3 X Creator Economy! How creators and fans can create value together AMA

I made some notes to organize, locked in the first half of the content, and shared it.

■ Why buy this "membership card"?

I myself am a loyal listener of "M Viewpoint", and I know that Miula is good at using events encountered in life to compare (for example) a concept so that everyone can understand it; aside from the technical aspect of NFT, all creators should first forget about NFT. Things, from the perspective of a "buyer" - the easiest to imagine is a "membership card" - give them a reason:

Why buy this membership card?

Perhaps it was a purely " economic " motive, and it sold for a higher price afterwards. Or other factors, that is, the practical use of the " Utility " that everyone is talking about. Of course, if the charm of the project itself is full, it is also feasible for fans to be willing to buy it based on " collection " considerations such as vanity, show off, and viewing.

In a word, if you are a creator who wants to help you issue NFTs, Miula’s top priority is to take a blank sheet of paper and take stock one by one, figure it out from the consumer’s point of view, and think about the functions you plugged into this NFT. How much value does it have? Is the given value enough ?

Think of NFT as a means to bring income to creators in addition to the subscription system, but it is not the purpose . Don't think that publishing will make money, and don't take the "market timing" of the market as a bear or a bull. "The question, these are not the most crucial considerations.

■ Ideal NFT appearance

Next, Miula put forward observations and ideas from the perspective of the creator, which is the ideal NFT appearance in his mind, or called the value system, which boils down to three points:

  1. NFT is a carrier of value
    Following a long discussion, think about how many functions should be added to NFTs? The value that creators give to NFT must be specific, not very general (isn't there enough money-swindling projects).

  2. The value created increases over time (value added)
    It's not a puddle of dead water after the release.
    The value of this NFT is not fixed. It integrates the imagination of the future, so that everyone can work together towards this vision to create value and make it keep pace with the times.

  3. Every participant is also a contributor, let the value grow, and then share the benefits <br class="smart">The focus should not be on sharing the benefits. It is definitely not as simple as just sharing the profit (dividing the money), but Focus on this part of the process of co-creating value .

So far, Miula has cited another example of "reclamation of wasteland" to analogize the discussion just now.

Divide this land into more than 130 parts (the number of audiences at this time) for distribution, everyone has their own strengths, and their personal connections, all contribute to their efforts: some open supermarkets, some open restaurants, some open clinics, Someone pulled a road... We worked together to make this area happy and prosperous.

Through NFT tools, a group of people can create value, the value increases, and the more everyone makes money.

■ My thoughts

Having said that, how to convince a group of people to "buy land", and deduct the reason for "why buy this membership card" at the beginning, and how to make a group of people have the motive to "explore" , it is worth pondering carefully.

In the past, I was just optimistic about you, and I invested in you, so you have to work hard! How come the Web3 era now, I have to end up doing things together, am I stupid? Give me a willing statement, will you?

The open and transparent (smart contract) distribution mechanism of NFT may add some incentives, but it is definitely not the whole story. This is a part that every creator who wants to issue NFT should think about.

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