The pace of life ep29 A true story close to oneself

The grading exam took a week. I thought to myself, what else can I do after taking the solo and backing vocals exam? I followed my classmates to the next exam room, which was a very large classroom. The students in the classroom were all singers. There are also dancers and guitarists. The chief examiner is Patri, the first teacher I came into contact with. Patri was as kind as always. First, he introduced foreign students to all the students one by one. I was surprised. Because of her good memory, and the smile that never goes away.

The grading exam took a week. I thought to myself, what else can I do after taking the solo and backing vocals exam? I followed my classmates to the next exam room, which was a very large classroom. The students in the classroom were all singers. There are also dancers and guitarists. The chief examiner is Patri, the first teacher I came into contact with. Patri was as kind as always. First, he introduced foreign students to all the students one by one. I was surprised. Because of her good memory, and the smile that never goes away.

Before I had time to think about what to take the exam, a male dancer was picked by the teacher, and it felt like a singer and a guitarist were randomly ordered, and the exam began. We discussed directly in the exam room what everyone wanted to take the exam, and you could choose whatever you wanted. I played Taranto, made Salida and a song. In a short period of time, I was amazed at the footwork of this male dancer. In addition to the speed, every voice was very clear. Flamenco dancers are not just dancing. It is also another musician, and I can feel it from this classmate.

I later learned that this class is a Tablao class, which trains students to have the ability to do Tablao. Tablao is a flamenco performance that everyone will experience when visiting Spain. In order to provide a variety of flamenco performances, the store will Find different singers, dancers, and guitarists to match, and create different sparks. I heard that some performers only know who they are pairing with on the day when they go to the backstage to prepare, even without rehearsal, just talk about the structure. See you on stage. To be able to perform such a performance, it depends on the performers' usual basic skills practice, understanding of the structure of each song, adaptability to various situations on site, and of course, the accumulation of experience.

A male singer classmate was asked by the teacher to do a show. After changing the dancer and guitarist, he didn't leave the stage and continued to sing on stage. In the end, he made 5 songs in a row. Later, I heard that this classmate was studying with a scholarship, as if he was the champion of a certain competition, and I respected him.

I have been looking at everyone on the stage anxiously, wondering when I will be called up, and I don’t know if I can do it well, so that I can’t appreciate and feel the expressions of other students. At this time, I am still good I want to "win", but I still really want to be "impressed", even though I don't dare to say it at all, because I'm afraid that I will feel "oversighted" after I say it. my thinking.

"class has ended!"

What!? I haven't passed the exam yet! There are still many students who haven't taken the exam! Why did the class end?

It turns out that there is no test for this course, just let us see how this course will go. Indeed, for students who have never done Tablao at all, the pressure of this test is too great. As for the quiz, the quiz week has just passed, and the class will officially start the next week. Which level will I be assigned to? I don't know but I really want to know.

(to be continued)

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