[TOEIC] From 495>920! I used it for half a year! Part2

It's hard to get started! Now that you have overcome the first step, let's move on to the second stage!

Hi! I'm Jun! A friend who knows how to find a way!

Continue to share the second phase of TOEIC with you today! If you haven't read the first one , go back and watch it!
I will use the STAR principle to share with you the same, the difference is that this stage begins to encounter the wall bumping period, so I will share a lot of my bumping into the wall experience~

Situation Situational Background - The body and mind are in a state of preparation <br class="smart"> After completing the first stage, you can start to calm down and start reading. Even if there are many words that you cannot understand and need to check, the time cannot be pressed within the recommended time. , but at least the mentality has been adjusted! The listening part has also begun to accept listening to English because I started LryicTraining, at least this time I can bravely say that I am preparing for TOEIC! (Not guilty haha)

Task goal - mock exam can reach 800 > 750
Because the goal is 750 in the official test, I set the mock test goal as 800. If the mock test can be higher than the official required score, it is a way for me to gain a sense of security! You can tell yourself that you are prepared enough! However, the experience with friends on the Internet is that the textbooks selected for the "International School Village" are slightly more difficult than the official test, so when I found that the target could be set a little lower, the score was reduced to 750.

The second stage (2 to 4 months) can be said to be the stage that is most likely to hit the wall, because the "quantified" results have been set, and it is also a stage where it is difficult to set goals, so it is recommended to do rolling corrections here. It's not a bad thing. Once you find a method that suits you, the efficiency you get will be worth it, and it doesn't mean that your past efforts will be in vain, but when you can't find a method, you're most likely to be depressed.

Action Practical practice - brushing words, grammar books > crazy questions + analysis, podcast > watching American dramas, looking for English conversations <br class="smart">From here, I have made different plans for teaching materials, reading, and listening.

[Textbook selection]
Because most of the friends around me use the "International School Village Reading + Listening Question Bank with Analysis" and these two books are also recommended on the Internet, so I bought these two books without hesitation (recommend by people who come here, buy second-hand books, new books Really expensive QQ), and the monster lecturer is aimed at customers who want to get very high scores, plus I have tried it and found it too difficult, so I don't think about it at all. But then I found a book that I think is more suitable for beginners to read "Toei Reading Super Score published by Shantideva". This book is more suitable as an untimed practice in the early stage. The words are simple and common. Basically they are used to appease themselves (destroyed by the international school village QQ

There are realistic topics, CDs, analysis, and big push!
It is really a good helper for beginners. If I had known earlier, I would have bought him first!

[Reading & Listening]
In the previous month, I consulted my roommate’s opinion, and I used vocabulary and grammar books for reading, and podcasts for listening practice. It was also very painful at this stage, because I found that my efficiency in memorizing vocabulary was very low, and I needed a lot of grammar books. Learning, and the podcast has no pictures, it is super easy to distract, and there is no way to absorb it, so I checked the method online again at this time, and among many methods, I found that TOEIC is a test that can be used to refer to archaeological questions , basically there is no difference. There are too many, so I decided to use the "crazy brushing method", which is a big trick to prepare for any big test in the past, because my goal is not to learn English well, but to take the test a lot, and then I realized that I should focus on the "exam". This stage is also the most painful, a month has passed and I have no progress.

The second month began to enter the situation! Find your own way!


After changing the method, I started to swipe the questions frantically. Reading is easier than listening. There are many resources on the Internet, and there are many APPs for answering questions on mobile phones. This part is to swipe at least 50 questions a day from the second month to 1 time a day for the next month. with the following methods:

  1. Mark the uncertain questions and words, because the exam still needs to practice guessing, but if you are uncertain, you must come back to review whether it is right or wrong
  2. Write down the words you don't know, such as: schedule (n.) schedule, timetable, and review what you learned that day before going to bed every day
  3. In the first half of this stage, you can try to read the question first and then read the article, but here I read all the articles , because the focus is on reading + understanding words


Listening, I also brushed the questions crazily, but the difference was that it was very painful to brush. At that time, I kept telling myself, "Pain means that I still need to improve, this is a challenge I have to overcome", so this is forcing myself to understand until I understand it. , I will not limit the time for the first listening session, let myself hear as if I can answer the question before proceeding to the next question. If I really can’t, I will guess. After I finished it, I spent about 2 weeks reviewing the same session. This part is really true. It is hard to listen to the past, if someone has a better way, please add below! During the process I have matched these methods:

  1. Start slowly with 0.9x speed, understanding is the first step
  2. Don't let yourself go. If you don't understand, listen until you understand. If you really can't review it, listen again. If you still don't understand, take a look at the analysis and listen again.
  3. Listen to English every day! Never let go

So the core of this stage is: rolling adjustment (don't be afraid of hitting the wall) > looking for a method > don't relax I can only do so!

Result Final result - do you think it was successful? No, my simulation results are super bad QQ
At the end of this period, my TOEIC score exceeded 750 only once, and the other averages fell between 550 and 700, which made me very disheartened, but also because of this result, I reviewed the problem again, and then I went online to check Other people's preparation methods have found that there is a great "analysis" of their own answering results, that is, each part of the record is recorded to see how many mistakes are made on average, and the right medicine is prescribed, but this is the next stage! At one point, I was very painful in my mentality. I always joked with my roommate that I could pass the 745 test, and I began to feel as if I could fail the test. It was the first time I had drunk myself (actually, it was only two sips of red wine), but I did have my English reading and listening skills. At this time there is very rapid progress!

Entering the final stage, as long as there is still time, there is still a chance!

The last stage <br class="smart"> not much content, this part is relatively simple

In the last two months, I started to strengthen the "exam skills". Any new words or listening skills that I don't understand a little bit will not be paid too much attention at this stage, because at this stage I set T to "Keep up with" Exam Pace" and "Familiarity with the Exam Mode", part A is the following:

  1. Brush once a day + review, and you will complete the review and review on the same day. This part will come faster than the previous stage, because the number of wrong questions has been reduced a lot. If you don’t understand the words, you won’t mind too much. Listening is also During the review, I feel that I can answer the correct answer, and I will not ask to understand all of them.
  2. Reading test skills, I wrote it from the beginning, because the CP value of the following questions is high, I keep the assumption that the exam may be nervous and need to guess the questions, but I still try to find a way to complete it within the time, and basically finish the second part For the rest of the time, I will focus = the number of remaining questions + 5-10 minutes to ensure that I can adjust the speed by myself. Then, for the article questions, I always read the title first and then the article. Basically, the paragraphs of the article are in the same order as the title. That is, the first paragraph may have the answer to the first question, and the second paragraph may have the answer to the second and third questions.
  3. Listening test skills, open the test paper and turn to the back first, and put all the questions with charts and tables in mind first, so as not to be too late to read when you encounter them. Before you finish reading the preface, you must read at least three questions and options, and then keep the speed of more than one question. If you read question 15, you should read the questions and options of question 16, and focus on listening to 15 find answers

Result Final result - until the official test, you can still complete all the questions within time, TOEIC 920 points!

When I checked the Internet, I was really moved. It happened to go around the island to Qixingtan.

Thank you very much for reading my sharing. Please forgive me if the writing is not good. I am also very happy to start writing and share my own experience. I don’t know if you like this kind of mental journey sharing or simple skill sharing? (Delete the wall-hit period in the middle)
Let me know by leaving a message! If you like watching this growth process, please follow me! I will also look for opportunities to share other experiences in the future!

I am currently looking for a job transfer, and I look forward to sharing with you!


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