Reading Writing|2022 Matters Annual Questionnaire: Writing Matters.

Keep writing and keep writing, growing from small to large like a snowball, what has been written becomes a kind of proof, and finally becomes an identity and a profession.

Compared with last year's 2021 Matters year-end questionnaire , time flies, and it's time to look back on this year again. How is everyone doing this year?

Glenn Carstens-Peters (Unsplash)

My 2022 Matters Annual Questionnaire

1. 2022 is coming to an end, please record one thing you most want to record this year.

A career change that happened in April of this year. I am very happy to welcome affirmation and self-realization through writing.

Keep writing and keep writing, growing from small to large like a snowball, what has been written becomes a kind of proof, and finally becomes an identity and a profession.

It seems that it can really bring about some kind of change in life.


2. In the third year of the epidemic, every city and everyone's daily life began to be different. What have you lost this year? What are you trying to restore and rebuild?

Continuing from the above, because of the relationship between two errands, I lost the "reading time" in the past, and most of them can only add and subtract a small amount of reading before going to bed; looking forward to 2023, it is necessary to re-establish the past intake.


Please describe a person or thing you met this year that will make you miss.

It is a "revolutionary emotional" friend who lives overseas (with deep roots abroad) and returns to Taiwan once a year. I recall the look of rolling your eyes unconsciously when you are thinking about things.


4. In 2022, are there any moments that make you feel strong emotions? How did you get along with it in the end?

This year, when I understand many things as " elephants ", everyone can only see (touch) a small part of it, and there will be less emotional entanglement, because the emotions don't come out at all (laughs) ).

It is replaced by the emotion of " curiosity ". I want to collect more one-sidedness and try my best to piece together the truest appearance of this elephant. Multiple perspectives are the whole picture of the matter .


V. In the past year, can you express a point of view that has been influenced by others?

When a real team worker receives a job, he does not think of the Chuhe Han world of chess, but a thinking more like Go. quoted by "Adult Learning Choice"

This point of view was something I hadn't sorted out before.

Facing work (collaboration), we should have a "big picture view" like playing Go, instead of worrying about who is black and who is white; instead of spending energy on clarifying the scope of work for a single person , we should think about how to help the team as a whole , Address common challenges. Don't rush to draw a line, but draw a circle , and think with a global perspective.


Lu, compared to last year, how has your relationship with your body changed? Would you like your body better now?

Walk-to-Earn ( StepN ) walks every day, and I like the way I treat my body.


7. Please share the areas you have discovered or continued to cultivate this year (it can be newly discovered interests, professional fields, urban spaces, natural secrets, or a way to treat yourself or others).

In the past, I was used to writing in a coffee shop, where I could calm down; this year, I cleared a writing space at "home", accompanied by hot drinks, surrounded by a sense of security to concentrate on writing, and a cat.

In the past two months, I have developed interest and a sense of accomplishment in delving into the SEO optimization of articles, and continued to cultivate the position of articles on the Google homepage .


8. The book/movie/photo/sentence that I most want to share this year.

I want to share with you the novel " Flat Country " published in 1884...When we look at it from another angle— upward instead of northward —from the original black and white two-dimensional ideology, we find thinking It can be multidimensional and open to the discussion and existence of other possibilities.


Nine. Please fill in the blanks: 2022, ____ Matters.

Be always writing with Matters.


1. Invite @旅读congxin, @晚狗的生活 to fill out this annual questionnaire!

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