yes | flower is flower

In the "non-series", the value of flowers is more than flowers, so flowers are not flowers.

In the "non-series", it is said that the value of flowers is more than flowers, so flowers are not flowers .

Because the cosmos, rapeseed, and sunflower introduced during the fallow period of the farmland, under their appearance, contributed to the recuperation and fertility of the land behind them. So flowers are not flowers

This time, flowers are flowers ~

Flower is the reproductive organ of angiosperms, and its biological function is to combine male sperm cells and female egg cells to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination, followed by fertilization, which forms seeds and spreads them.

The botanical definition of flower is: in angiosperms, the reproductive organs composed of "floral leaves" specialized from leaves, whose biological functions are pollination, pollination, fertilization, seed formation, fruiting, and Follow-up dispersal and reproduction. "Flowers" are conventionally unique to angiosperms.

Angiosperms? If there is a quilt, of course there is a naked child. The quilt means that the seeds are covered and protected by the fruit, and the naked child means that the seeds are exposed.

Having said so much in the preface, the point is still to appreciate the pictures.

The same is true of many years ago mixed with recent.

The same is not repeated. Thanks to Anna for reminding me that this annotation is not repeated for Xiaofang and Xiaoshu in the shed next door.

This time I will be serious about numbering. The last time I was caught by the princess of the universe, I missed a few numbers.







This short six, the number must not be wrong. The last one, the flower is very small and inconspicuous, but I found it~

After I wrote the first point, Foluo told Wubi that they couldn't get in. I tried Foluo's, and the older articles were really hard to come out. So, I tried my own, indeed longer article, which was a bit difficult to get into.

And the witch pen, it is true that there is not a single article, simply, come and enjoy the pictures today.

Otherwise the eyes............

It's really going around in circles~~~

Thanks for watching~


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