Recruitment of Matters Discord Co-builders|Add event ambassadors to hold cultural, art and social issues activities

This launch is the recruitment of the 6th Discord Matters Cosmos driver, and the winners will receive start-up funds, event resources, and future Matters Token airdrops. This recruitment position has been adjusted. In addition to the moderator of the specific discussion area in the past, a new "event ambassador" is also recruited. The activity ambassador will be responsible for inviting the Matt City community, other cultural arts, and social units to do online activities and bring topics to the community for discussion. The content does not need to be related to Web3. We hope to facilitate more online communication, deepen understanding among communities, and build a better Matters community.

Co-builder Recruitment

In the past year, Discord has been the base of Web3, discussing different topics, allowing us to grow day by day. In order to better connect all Matt citizens, we hope to broaden the nature of activities in Discord. In recent months, whether Matters Universe Driver or users on Matters.News, they have organized essay solicitation activities on various themes; Matty is happy to see everyone communicate, and therefore hopes that Discord can play more roles and become a platform for community connection. place.

This recruitment, no matter whether it is recruiting Web3 forum moderators along the old way, or recruiting new "creator economy" page moderators, and hoping that you will join us as an "event ambassador", we all hope that there will be more activities and exchanges in the future. This happens. Whether it is the theme of Web3, or the sharing sessions of daily life, culture and art, movies and books, we all welcome and hope that everyone can come to participate in various activities.

Job Summary:
Recruitment quota: Discord "Matt Cosmic Driver" (four in total), community "Activity Ambassador" (one)
Resources: USDT Stablecoin, Likecoin, Traveloggers NFT
Term: April 3 to June 30

Recruitment schedule:
March 17 to March 27: Registration period
March 28-April 2: Voting period
April 3: Last term

The recruitment plan is officially launched! Details are as follows:

Recruit Discord "Matt Cosmic Driver" (three people)
Forum: "Web3 World", "Cryptocurrency", "NFT Discussion Forum"

Introduction: If you have the vision of blockchain and cryptocurrency, or have some insights into NFT, are good at discovering the latest information of Web3, can interpret data and news, or you are good at collecting and sorting out high-quality articles, and hope to communicate with community members Learn and explore together. Then, you are welcome to become the person in charge of the channels of "Web3 World", "Cryptocurrency" and "NFT Discussion Forum".

If you are a new candidate to join this time: Please write your proposal, how do you want to operate the above channel, you don't have to follow the current channel operation method, you can put forward your own proposal.

If you are looking for re-election: You can examine the past operating methods and effects, and consider whether you need to adjust the operating plan and continue to use its model, or propose new directions and goals.

1) Manage discussion boards, post information, articles and make discussions

2) During the three-month tenure, hold at least one voice activity to ensure the smooth completion of the activity. Possible jobs include, but are not limited to: being responsible for inviting guests, promoting events, or serving as a host. You can get someone else to help, but the driver is responsible for the event. The type of voice activity is not limited, it can be AMA, study session, guided tour, personal sharing session, etc.

3) During the three-month tenure, hold at least two other activities, which can be paper solicitation, weekly reports, purposeful questionnaires or voting activities, etc. All the above-mentioned activities need to be conducted on Discord. If the call for essays is held on Matters.News at the same time, the driver needs to connect the activity to Discord in any way so that users can flow between the two platforms.

Note 1: There will be three seats on the above page, and the three with the higher number of votes will serve as drivers. If the number of votes is the same, a new vote will be made.

Note 2: The above three pages are based on the existing "Web3Matters Recommendation", "NFT Discussion Area", "N3WS Unprofessional Information Sharing", and "Cryptocurrency". In order to make it easier for everyone to understand, back to the basics, here It is called "Web3 World", "Cryptocurrency", and "NFT Discussion Forum". Therefore, if the current driver wants to seek re-election, he can apply according to the original page he operated; new candidates can make proposals on the concepts of "Web3 World", "Cryptocurrency", and "NFT Discussion Forum".

Recruit new Discord "Matt Cosmic Driver" (one)
Forum: "Creator Economy"

Introduction: What is the ideal creator economic model in your mind? In order to more focus on promoting and publicizing the topic of creator economy, and throughout the purpose of the Matters community, we hope to add this channel, welcome to discuss any topics related to this concept. The content sharing of the creator economy channel can be about the current creator economy upsurge, the phenomenon and trend of the online creation world, its evolution and what kind of popular culture it has produced, the case study of the Web2 creator platform, or how Web3 leads A more egalitarian creator mode, etc. The form of creation, all kinds of information, what are the good-looking platforms, good-looking creations, the evolution of creation, and the change of its economic model can all be shared one by one.

Job description: Same as above

Note: If more than one candidate is interested in this page, the one with the higher number of votes will be the driver. If the number of votes is the same, the vote will be re-voted; if there is no vacancy, this page will not be opened and will be reserved for the next a recruitment period.

Recruit "Event Ambassador" (one)

Introduction: There are many different communities on Matters.News: literature, culture, art, music, film, public welfare, social issues, and gender communities. In order to let everyone know each other better, we hope that event ambassadors can connect with the community. Discord Organize activities so that in addition to daily creation, everyone can get to know everyone and communicate with each other in the activities. In addition, you can also invite communities that are not on Matters.News to participate in online activities. As long as it is a community or topic that you think is interesting, it will be planned by you.

1) During the three-month term of office, at least three dialogue and voice sharing sessions need to be held, and the topics and community categories cannot be repeated. Topics do not need to be Web3 related. The event ambassador needs to invite participants in the community as guests to share on Discord, and the event ambassador needs to ensure the smooth completion of the event. Possible jobs include, but are not limited to: being responsible for inviting guests, promoting events, or serving as a host. You can get other people to help with hosting, but the ambassador needs to be responsible for the event.

2) During the three-month tenure period, at least two "non-guest dialogue and sharing activities" need to be held, which can be study sessions, public speaking sessions, community cooperation essays, etc., all need to be held on Discord. If you choose to launch a solicitation on Matters.News at the same time, you need to connect the event to Discord in any way so that users can flow between the two platforms.

3) Event ambassadors need to communicate with Discord administrator Dobby and plan community events together.

Note: If more than one candidate is interested in this position, the one with the higher number of votes will serve as the event ambassador. If the number of votes is the same, a new vote will be made; if there is no vacancy, it will be retained until the next recruitment period.

【Participation method】

1. Please send out your entry post on the "Mate Universe Pilot Recruitment" channel from March 17th to March 27th . Please introduce yourself in the post. It is recommended that you include the following content in the introduction to help us Get to know you better:

"Matt Cosmic Driver" entry post template:

  • Which channel do you want to be in charge of?
  • Based on your chosen channel, what relevant learning or exploration experiences have you had?
  • Share any of your own advantages and let us know that we can't miss you!
  • Introduce in detail your operational goals for the next three months: How can you meet the conditions for positions 1 to 3? Please come up with at least one event that has been thought up and give an introduction.
  • Discord/channel shortcomings and improvements: What do you think are the current shortcomings, or how do you want to improve?

Note: If you want to be a candidate for the "creator economy", please explain what you think the creator economy is, what is the blueprint for the ideal creator economy, etc.

"Event Ambassador" entry post template:

  • Why do you want to be an event ambassador?
  • Do you have experience hosting online events?
  • What communities are you currently or have you been involved in? What topics and content sharing are you interested in?
  • Introduce in detail the operational goals for the next three months. Please propose and introduce at least two activities that you have already thought about (for example, themes, communities, content of conversations)

2. Registration ends at 23:59 on March 27 (East Eighth District). Discord users will start voting at noon on March 28. Voting ends at 23:59 on April 2. The voting place is "Matt Cosmic Driver "Recruitment", the voting will be conducted anonymously, and the candidate with the highest number of votes will be elected.

Not yet on Discord? go this way .

【Please note】

1. Obligations of "Matt Space Pilot":

  • Once elected, please complete the operational goals you set for yourself and accept community supervision . If there is any behavior that harms the community and other users, or if more than ten community users request to remove your driver position from the station, your position will be revoked and the corresponding rights and interests will be withdrawn.

2. Rights of "Matt Universe Pilot" and "Event Ambassador"

  • After being elected, you will receive a stable currency worth 2,500 Hong Kong dollars and a start-up fund of 12,000 LikeCoin . This fund is freely distributed by you and will be transferred to you in three months.
  • The additional available resources for each Matt universe driver and event ambassador are: a maximum of 60,000 LikeCoins, 10 Traveloggers NFTs, and stable coins worth 600 Hong Kong dollars are available every three months.

The beginning of community autonomy is decentralized collaboration, which is also the spirit of Matt Universe. We can all be creators, organizers. If your heart is moved, come together!


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