【Mi Gaoxue Mint #006】Three months after joining the Web3 team


After the Luna incident, I made a decision to join a friend's Web3 team. I just turned three months today. Although it is a part-time job model, I don’t invest less time than my full-time colleagues. One of the founders even said to me, "Are you putting in too much time?"

In the past three months, the part that has changed me the most is from the original experience of "playing through words" to "hands-on". Find out how much is "fantasy assumptions"; how much is "doable"; and how much is lacking and insufficiency.

In the past, as a user of Web 3 projects, I only thought about "making money" and "getting rich". However, when I changed to another angle, I wanted to "cultivate long-term users" instead.

In this process of empathy, I am very fortunate to be born in the content platform of Steem and Matters, these projects have taught me the importance of community building. Whether it is Defi, Gamefi, SocialFi..., without the support of the community, the Web 3 project will be difficult to go on.

In the past three months, the biggest change for me is the world of NFTs.

Originally, I also had a lot of NFTs in my hands, but most of them came from games. Over 90% of NFTs are earned from GameFi games played between 2020 and 2021. At that time, Opensea, NFT artwork and the most popular PFP (generating avatar) broke out in the same period. At that time, I hated PFP's NFT project very much; and I couldn't see the prospect of NFT artwork.

In the past few months, I have learned about the NFT "culture" from the ground up, and it has completely changed my mind. Of course, there are many projects that are trying to get away with Rug Pull, but there are also many projects that are trying to unite the community.

I used to think that a Token held by hundreds of thousands, millions or tens of millions of people is a "community". These one head elephants are only held by thousands of people, how can they become a community.

However, this idea turned out to be wrong.

The community operation of NFTs is not easy, although it seems that there are only thousands of holders. However, it is not easy for people with the same ideas, hobbies and values to get together.

In the past, I was operating a game. After launching a game, I generally used "free play" and "free download" to attract players.

In the game, provide different activities, tasks, experiences, screen effects, etc., so that players can try to stay (retention rate).

When players stay, different incentives are provided for players to try to "pay", starting with a minimum payment of $1, and gradually cultivate to $20, or even more than $10,000.

In this process, the world of NFTs is like Free Mint, Floor Price and blue-chip projects.

At present, if you simply launch NFTs, you should definitely die. Therefore, common projects now have real development plans behind them.

Some are projects for the development of Web 3, some are purely community support, some are full of public welfare, and of course, many are just for "fun" or "show off".

After three months of planning work on the Web 3 team, the basic structure of the project has taken shape. (The project I am working on is a blockchain project for cultural conservation) at least, I have never met a Web 2 or Web 3 friend, and doubted the possibility and long-term value of this project.

And what I find most lacking is an understanding of the Web 3 community. The situation is like launching games in the past, but I have zero knowledge of different game discussion forums or game guilds.

The experience of these three months has made me more and more admire my friends who run Web 3 projects.


Promotion: LikeCoin chain has launched writing NFT, everyone remember to [apply for whitelist] to become the early bird creator of LikeCoin writing NFT.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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米高與小狗ThankYou我是米高,我與太太有一個很懂事的小朋友 - 小狗ThankYou。 曾經放下畫筆30年,疫情下重新開始繪畫,運用原子筆描繪及追憶逝去的孩子,願他繼續帶歡笑給我們。這個帳號是為小狗而開,In memory of our beloved son
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