3-2-1 every week: Don't eat inside the bowl and look outside the bowl, stop complaining, live a good life, and gradually improve!

Eating inside the bowl and looking outside, not knowing how to cherish what you have around you, and constantly fantasizing about what you can't get, will only make life worse and worse. What you want, you should start from what you already have, plan and execute, and advance towards a better tomorrow!

Original source: https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/ april-14-2022?rh_ref=ebaff8bc

3 Ideas From Me

"For those who expect everything, there are many curses.
For those who appreciate everything, there are many blessings."

There's a lot of damnation for those who expect everything. People who cherish everything are blessed.

The wildflowers on the roadside are particularly fragrant, which is the mentality of eating inside the bowl and looking outside the bowl. For those who do not cherish what they have and instead imagine what they do not have, such people will always have bad luck. Cherish happiness, start with the people and things around you. 🙏

"Money is not the only way to improve life. Instead of widening your margin of profit, widen your margin of leisure. Instead of optimizing for money, optimize for time. Instead of seeking efficiency, seek recovery."

Money is not the only way to improve your life.
Instead of expanding your profit space, expand your leisure space.
Instead of optimizing money, optimize time. Do not seek efficiency, seek recovery.

Focus on money, although the driving force is high, but you will be enslaved by money if you are not careful.

Recognize that money is only a tool, and you are the master .

Working hard for money, and ultimately ruining the body and the family relationship, this is not worth the gain.

"Many good opportunities are ruined for the dream of slightly better ones.

Would you have a more successful career if you had taken that other job or moved cities? Possibly. But your actual career will definitely suffer if you don't commit to doing it to the best of your ability.

Would you be 10% happier in a different relationship? Maybe. Maybe not. But you'll definitely be unhappy in the one you have if you spend all day thinking about what else is out there.

The surefire way to end up worse off is to agonize over unchosen options and fail to make the most of the one you selected. Every minute spent yearning for your unlived lives is a moment you can't invest in the one you actually have.

Choices matter, but so does your level of commitment."

Many good opportunities are ruined by dreams of better opportunities.

Would you have a more successful career if you had taken another job or moved to the city?
Possibly, but if you don't do your best, your current career will definitely suffer.

Are you 10% happier in a different relationship?
Maybe, maybe not. If you think about what else is out there all day, you are sure to be dissatisfied with the one you have.

"Worrying about the options you didn't choose and not making the most of the options you've chosen" will definitely make life worse.
Every minute you spend yearning for a life you never had the chance to live is a minute less for you to invest in the life you actually have.

Choice is important, but the level of your commitment is even more important.

This week's three ideas are actually talking about the same thing, which is to live your current life well, and don't always imagine that you can have a better life. But be careful, telling you not to fantasize doesn't mean you can't think about it. After all, if life isn't good enough right now, there should be a plan to move toward a better life.

Keywords here: have a plan, move towards better, act


2 Quotes From Others

Author Cheryl Strayed on the trap of self-pity:

"Nobody's going to do your life for you. You have to do it yourself, whether you're rich or poor, out of money or raking it in, the beneficiary of ridiculous fortune or terrible injustice. And you have to do it no matter what is true. No matter what is hard. No matter what unjust, sad, sucky things befall you. Self-pity is a dead-end road. You make the choice to drive down it. It's up to you to decide to stay parked there or to turn around and drive out."

Author Cheryl Strayed says in "The Self-Pity Trap":

No one will help you live your life.
You have to do it yourself, whether you are rich or poor, have no money or make money, inherit considerable wealth or be the beneficiary of horrific injustice.
No matter what is true, no matter how difficult it is, no matter what injustice, sadness, bad things come to you, you have to live your own life.

Self-pity is a dead end. You choose to drive down this path of self-pity, and it is ultimately up to you whether to park there or turn around and drive out.

Source: Tiny Beautiful Things

Life is not fair. People who work the same way may not get the same rewards. People in miserable circumstances may not always be miserable.

"People are more popular than dead people" vs "More than less than others", it depends on what angle you look at the world from.

Self-pity is a common path for those who blame others, but those people may not realize it's a dead end.

Complaining about others is useless, it just makes you more "excuses" to give up your efforts.

Stop complaining, live a good life, and gradually improve !

Biologist and Nobel Prize winner Sydney Brenner on innovative thinking:

"I strongly believe that the only way to encourage innovation is to give it to the young. The young have a great advantage in that they are ignorant. Because I think ignorance in science is very important. If you're like me and you know too much you can't try new things. I always work in fields of which I'm totally ignorant."

Biologist and Nobel Laureate Sydney Brenner on innovative thinking:

"I firmly believe that the only way to encourage innovation is to give it to young people. Young people have a huge advantage because they are ignorant. Because I think ignorance of science is very important. If you are like me, you know too More, you can't try new things. I'm always working in areas I don't understand at all.

Source: A Conversation with Sydney Brenner

It's not that old dogs can't learn new tricks, but old dogs often deny new tricks from the beginning.

The young man is not afraid of tigers, and he should have the mentality of daring to enter, rush, and try.

1 Question For You

 When was the last time you felt a sense of wonder and awe? What can that experience teach you about how to spend your time?

When was the last time you were surprised and in awe? What has this experience taught you about how you spend your time?

Let me think...surprise, awe? !

I really can't remember, it seems~~~~ My observation of life needs to be more subtle!!


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