Eating out of the box|Mister Donut X Sanrio|The pudding dog is turned into a donut! I'm going to swallow them all in one bite!

I have to say that the filling is delicious, the big-eared dog is obviously better. (Although I think everyone chooses this doughnut for its cute appearance) Pudding Dog is just pure pudding taste.

The night before the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, my friend told me that he saw pudding dogs appear in Mister Donut, and I went to the city center yesterday to buy a wave!

After all, pudding dogs are really cute.

Next to the Botticus at the door, there is a buy six get three free for placards.

I just want to ask, "Can you give me the sign after the event?" If I were a clerk, I would really want to go home.

This this! Buy 6 get 3 free, I thought I was going to miss it, but unfortunately it was the last night when I wrote this article, probably when everyone went there, there was no 6 get 3 free.

But I don't know if there are still pudding dogs to buy, because it's really cute, it can't be only a week, right? It would be a pity otherwise!

After taking the tray and the clip, facing the glass window, I found that the whole frame is super dreamy and cute enough!

How cute is the pudding dog holding the donut? !
The big-eared dog Xi Na and the hamster Muffin dream together.
His name is Little Mouse Scone.
On the left is the hamster muffin and on the right is the squirrel bagel.

Fortunately, there was no one there at the time, and I couldn't stop anyone from filming wildly there.

Immediately decided to buy him six and send three home. (However, the three discounts are only 39 yuan off the lowest price, even if the three prices are higher, it is 39 yuan off)

Pudding dogs and big-eared dogs waiting on the shelf for me to pick up.

It's too cute to see them lining up over there, even if I write here and find that I'm so poor that I can only write cute, it doesn't matter, after all, it's a fact.

However, it was embarrassing to use the clips when holding it. The pudding dog fell forward as soon as it touched it. I was afraid that I would have to buy it all and take it home.

The storefront wall was covered with the outer packaging of this joint name, and the whole dream bubble took off.

By the way, at the moment I thought that there are two types of paper bags: big-eared dogs and pudding dogs, but they are actually different sides of the same.

There are also premium purchases for this event. There are drink bags (+179), porcelain plates (+299), and stainless steel straws (+349). Although they are all cute, I bought them and really didn’t need them, so I didn’t spend the money.

You can go to the scene to see the entity, and then decide whether to increase the price.

Even the outer box of the product I really want to take home~~!

In the end, I bought 9 donuts to go home and divided them into two cartons.

Because the big-eared dog and the pudding dog are too big, they are both in the joint carton, and the others are placed in the original large carton.

The front of the paper bag is really cute to melt. (excuse the madness of pudding dog fans)

The big-eared dog is okay too, and the muffin is great.

On one side of the paper bag, there are pictures of all the characters together, so cute! !

Originally, I planned to put a long-distance photo of the store, but because this side picture is really worth sharing with you, I put three more paper tape photos.

This time, in addition to the co-branded carton box, paper bag, and two types of donuts, there are also new products in the cheese series. I also bought two of them to share.

Look at the carton first:

The great thing is that the side is also taken care of, I can't bear to lose it.

Let’s share two cheesebodies first:

Gold Cheese Botti, $45 (NTD)

When I was shopping, the clerk happened to come over to sort out the shelves. She sincerely recommended this new product to me, saying:

"That's the taste of Cheetos!"

I want to say this and I'm curious, I don't know what the taste is when the cheese powder that is usually eaten as a cookie is combined with the doughnut. After the entrance, the taste itself is similar, but if it can be a little richer, it will feel better.

On the whole, there is a feeling of "less one taste", I wish there was a stronger cheese taste, but overall it is delicious, to be exact, it is " diluted Cheetos cookie doughnut".

Parmesan cheese bottling, $45

I bought this same series together. The cheese powder looks white. The clerk said that this is sweet, salty and salty. This is true, but in fact, I think the two cheese powders have the same taste regardless of color, except that there is a layer of white sweet chocolate on the surface of the botti.

So after the entrance, the saltiness of the cheese powder is mixed with the sweetness of the white chocolate dipping sauce to become a sweet, salty and salty taste.

Later, after reading the introduction on the official website, I found that the white sauce on the surface of the big-eared dog is also cheese-flavored cocoa sauce . I guessed that this is the same as the white sauce on the surface of the big-eared dog doughnut.

It is delicious, and because of the cocoa sauce, it is moister than the previous one, and it tastes more rich and rich . I recommend this one more.

This time there are many new cheese flavor products, because I am not so interested, such as the roasted cheese Opal , which looks interesting, but the price and features can't impress me, so I didn't buy it.

In addition, there are several models that were sold out when I went to the scene. For example, the creme brulee Botti is very interesting. For details, you can refer to the official website for information .

Next is super cute:

Pudding Dog Donuts $75

The appearance is super extra, but because he arrived home the night before, and after putting it in the refrigerator for one night, his little brown hat actually broke!

It's a pity, so I had to put it on his head and pretend to be okay to take a picture.

First look at the design around the carton:

Right behind, there is a big-eared dog using an egg beater, and a pudding dog is making a picture of botey.

Both sides are Pudding Dog, and his good friend Squirrel Bagel.

The hats are all torn off, so pitiful.

Although this donut is priced at 75 yuan , the appearance and the added value of the joint name, plus this size, are indeed one size larger than the average sweetness.

As big as the palm of an adult male.

The filling is very full except for the ears.

The filling is pudding-flavored custard sauce , which is sweet but not greasy. I like it very much, but the description on the official website also says that the crust is "creme pudding-flavored cocoa sauce" , but in fact Can't eat well.

After all, the custard inside has enough pudding flavor, I really can't tell the difference between the two.

When I finish taking pictures and look at the front, I think the pudding dog is so pitiful QQ

Big-Ear Dog Donuts, 75 yuan

I have to say that the design of the big-eared dog is very complete. I think that compared to the previous activities of Pokémon and Kapo, the design of the Sanrio joint name is the most complete, and I can’t bear to bite it.

The carton of the big-eared dog is mainly pink, and the picture on the back is the same as that of the pudding dog.

On the side is a picture of a big-eared dog holding a donut carton and eating a French donut.

The right eye was gnawed off, and there was no filling.

However, in the filling part, the amount of big-eared dogs is relatively small , and it is impossible for the ears to be filled horizontally, so that they are just ordinary cake doughnuts.

I took a bite in the center and still didn't get the filling. It took a bit more to eat.

However, the stuffed part of the big-eared dog is quite special. It is "Fragrant Cinnamon Apple Custard" (marketing materials on the official website). I have the feeling of "cinnamon" the first time I eat it. I like it very much, but There is a group of people who are afraid of cinnamon flavors, and may have to decide for themselves, because his taste is obvious.

The light brown filling made me a little confused at first, except for the cinnamon flavor. I could taste the pulp in it, but the taste was very subtle. I even wondered if it was peach flavor? Or apple flavor?

Finally checked the information to confirm.

But I have to say that the filling is delicious, the big-eared dog is obviously better . (Although I think everyone chooses this doughnut for its cute appearance) Pudding Dog is just pure pudding taste.

After tasting the food and taking pictures, look at these two broken Sanrio characters, I think they are so pitiful!

(Still eat it as soon as possible! Hahaha)

The above is the experience and photos of the Mister Donut and Sanrio joint products I unboxed this time. I hope you can also feel the purchasing power brought by cute products! Ha ha

(Then hurry up and buy a wave)

After all, the pudding dog is really cute, and the big-eared dog is... I believe there are still many fans of his own! I'm just not one of them, but overall it's great!

I can't bear to throw away the paper bag! ! Hurry up and find a place to collect it!


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