I'm right, Israel's attack on Hamas is opening the way for the US to attack Iran (2009-01-03 10:38:48)


I'm right, Israel's strike on Hamas is opening the way for the US to strike Iran

Sima Pingbang

I wrote two blogs a few days ago, talking about why Israel strikes Hamas so ruthlessly, in fact, it opens the way for the United States to strike and deter Iran:

" Israel Bloodbath in Gaza: The United States Opens the Door to Let Dogs Terrorize the World " and " Three "Dogs" Raised by the United States Are or Will Be...".

I say:

And it (the United States) raises Israel. Now, it is not Palestine that is mainly attacked. This is also the main reason why the United States has not helped Israel to completely eliminate Palestine, because if Fatah and Hamas are gone, how can Israel be so powerful? Why can a military force have nuclear weapons? Now, Israel's bloodbath in Gaza is aimed at Tehran, intimidating Iran, and making excuses for further strikes against Iran.

Although Iran is cheering, I believe that after all, this country has not had a war for many years, there are doves in the country, and its strength is not weak, just like China, intimidation is useful, it depends on whether Iran can withstand it.

Today, I saw the news "Hamas acquires Iran-guided missiles and threatens Israel's nuclear reactor". Sure enough, Israel is going to lead the war to Iran. How can Israel have the courage? He is just a war proxy, and the American will behind it finally surfaced. It's "fighting Iran".


Israeli officials said recently that Hamas has acquired a large number of Iranian-made Meteor-3 missiles. Because of the missile's long range, Israel's top-secret nuclear facility in Dimona is under serious threat.

Israel is also believed to have stored nuclear warheads at Dimona. At present, many people worry that in addition to the Meteor-3 missiles, Hamas will acquire more threatening weapons and equipment, so that Israel's nuclear facilities are located within its own strike range.

Currently. The rocket attack from Gaza forced more and more Israeli civilians to evacuate, and the scale and advanced level of Hamas' weapons and equipment also surprised the Israeli army commander.


Don't underestimate this news, it may guide Israel's subsequent military trends.


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