It turns out that writing has been with me since I was a child

Whether it is giving laughter, learning, or borrowing a mirror, hope that you can be a lifeline, not the last straw that crushes others.
This article is the square grid writing activity:
Square Grid╳ Yuanshen Publishing|Call for Papers|I write so I am here, each article is a beautiful encounter
, and the idea is to share opinions and ideas on "writing". The content can be deep or shallow, and I still start with my most direct ideas, and extend to recommend two high-quality books.

" Writing " has always been an important product of the sustainable development of human civilization, and it is also an excellent way for people with poor speech to communicate well to each other through writing.

about writing

I wrote in elementary school to let adults know that in the future I would be a doctor, a president, a pilot, a rocket, or my family background.

When I was in middle school, I wrote to make the person I love happy, and when I grew up, I wrote to make myself laugh.

When I was in high school, my writing seemed to be a double-faced personality, and the arrogant and uninhibited remarks were to show the self-worth of growing up.

College writing is like writing essays and hidden poems, making up a lot of trivial information and stories, and using seemingly astonishing text to whitewash the brief and important points of the article.

Source: Movie "Tang Bohu Points Autumn Fragrance"
 The above content is purely a joke, it is only a personal statement, no innuendo to others, any similarity is purely accidental!

Today's writing, for oneself, is to allow oneself to enter into the heart, to explore and rebuild oneself, to find the source of one's emotions and thoughts from the text, and to give oneself positive power and negative release from the footprint of the text; Learning knowledge and experience, and conveying it to those who are destined through writing, whether it is giving laughter, learning or borrowing, I hope that I can be a lifeline, not the last straw that crushes others.

I am not a writer, but enjoying writing to understand and express myself is also an investment in myself.

The extension recommends a picture book storybook " The Lion Who Can't Write ".

Author: Martin. Bazset; Publisher: Mickey Barker Ltd.

The cute lion in the story is like a triangular rice ball. As the king of all beasts, it thinks that writing and reading have nothing to do with it, until it falls in love with a lioness who is temperamental and loves to read, in order to get close to her and express herself. I only use the usual way to ask others to help write the love letter, but the love letters written by others are not in line with my own. How should I finally know this lioness?

A lovely and educational picture book story, not only conveys the importance of reading and writing, but also allows children to play lions to expand their imagination.

Further recommend a book " Write! In order to reach yourself: let go of inferiority complex and fear, and re-understand your own writing practice ".

Author: Noli Streep; Publisher: Times Publishing

It is a mind writing class about 57 self-healing lessons about how to write your own mind and heal yourself through words.

Spiritual writing can be very simple, but don’t limit , deny , and compare . The content can be diary, life events, current entanglements and choices, or even a simple and profound statement. Write yourself and develop a habit, so that you can sort out the footprints you have traveled, let them become nutrients, and not dilute with the trend of time.

In addition, it is also mentioned that although continuous reading can improve the self-cultivation and depth of your writing, hands-on writing is the beginning of everything. You should not be limited by traditional thinking and cognition, and let you understand the benefits of writing. It is a book worth reading, Great book to study.

I am a Talf house, sharing my life experience, learning, reading and other experiences through text. Keep it for yourself and for those who are interested, thank you for reading.

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Talf宅Hi 我是Talf宅,將自身的生活體驗、學習、閱讀等心得,藉由文章分享出來。留給自己也給有興趣的人。
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