Visit Anicinabe Park, a beautiful park


After waiting for nearly 40 minutes, after buying sushi, everyone decided to go to a nearby park to eat and chat, which can be said to be a picnic concept XD.

As soon as I entered this park, I couldn't help but start my trip to take pictures.

Personally, I really love this one, everything goes well together, and the clouds look really powerful.

This park is really beautiful. In addition to the big trees, there is also a beautiful lake. Under the sunlight, it is really unbelievably beautiful. Especially that lake, I really want to go boating on it.

It looks like someone is still fishing.

In fact, there is no end to the park, so I used my only foot strength to try my best to walk around and take some pictures that I think are pretty beautiful~~

In short, the park is super big, everything is good, the scenery is beautiful, and there are many seats in the pavilion. Unfortunately, there is no toilet. I saw a lot of camper vans in the park. I really want to borrow a toilet from them. After getting to know each other, the happy hour is very fast,

Everyone decided to go shopping in the city.


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