

"Hezai, why did you just leave me like this?"

In Nuoda's room, Li Donghai huddled in the corner and listened to the song alone. When I listened to this song, there was someone by my side...


"Hezai! Listen to this song!"

One night three years ago, it was snowing heavily outside and the air was freezing. The stove in the log cabin was the only source of warmth in this space, and a figure huddled in front of the stove.

"Lee Hyukjae, come here quickly! I called you a few times."

That figure was Li Donghae, and Li Hezai, who was cooking dinner in the kitchen, walked over in a hurry. "Come here, did Haihai hear any nice songs?" he asked, holding the freshly cooked instant noodles in one hand and feeding his cute baby with the other.

"This song @#-)/Sad$:;?..." Lee Hyuk Jae smiled helplessly. "Lee Donghae, did I tell you not to talk when you eat? You can't understand it when you talk normally... Ah!" Lee Donghae He blushed and punched Li Hezai's leg hard. "Don't be noisy! Shh!" Lee Hyuk Jae rubbed his beaten thigh, "Then are you going to tell me what song you listened to?"

"I'm sorry, don't leave me, I want you here with me, I know that your love is gone."

The sad piano sound and the music melody came from Li Donghai's mobile phone, "This song sounds so sad and sad. As soon as the piano sound in front of me came out, my nose felt sore..." He lowered his eyes, immersed in the sad atmosphere. "Hai Hai Jia" Li He Zai touched his baby, his baby has always been very emotional, he has always known it.

"This song talks about the sadness of the person who still loves after the two broke up. This is really cruel. It is obvious that two people need to agree to be together. Why do they leave alone if they want to?"

Lee Donghae frowned and asked Lee Hyukjae.

"Umm... Hai Hai, sometimes no one can tell about feelings, but don't worry, I'll always be here!" He patted his chest to assure, while his lover got up and hugged him. But what Li Hezai said was right, no one can tell about feelings.


"Heh, Hezai, wasn't it a guarantee back then? You said it would always be there... How could you lie to me..."

In the past few years together, the front is really sweet, the two are tired of being together almost all the time, and the level of love is almost unbearable even for the juniors who were familiar with them when they were students. "Brother Donghae, if you stick to Lee Hyukjae like this, one day this passion will disappear," Cao Kyuhyun said earnestly.

"Kyu~ No, you can see that I lost so many straight and crooked balls in front of me. After finally waiting for Hezai to accept me, he won't say goodbye so easily." He had a shy smile on his face. Indeed, after so many years, from the youthful student days, to the society, Li Donghai's straight balls are not less, and Li Hezai has also been subdued by him from the urban cold man to Li Donghai's exclusive warm man, he believes that Li Hezai will not leave him. .

Maybe it was because of Li Donghai's sensibility, or maybe it was because of Li Hezai's rationality. In the next two years, the two had a small quarrel for almost three days, and a big fight for five days. Gradually, they stopped seeing each other, and even Lee Hyuk Jae, who used to live in the same community, moved back to the house he used to rent with Cao Kyu Hyun. "No, I just think the house is too big to be alone," he said, but everyone knew the real reason, but no one found out.

"Brother Donghae, come and play more when you have time. Didn't you all clamor for me to cook when we lived together? Come over and cook for you later!" Cao Kyuhyun shouted on the other end of the phone. "Okay, come over when you have time, and remember to prepare avocado!" After a few words, Li Donghai said that he had to go out and ended the call.

"Aren't you going to look for him?" Cao Guixian asked, while the person sitting across from him had an indifferent expression, "I've been too busy lately", his voice did not fluctuate, and the cold response made Cao Guixian frown.

"Busy? You've been in the dormitory for almost a week and haven't gone out. You told me that you're busy? In the past, even if you were busy with schoolwork and internships, no matter how busy you were, you would make time to spend with Li Donghai. You haven't seen each other for almost a month, right? Excuse me, what are you busy with, do you know how uninspired he sounds on the phone? Shouldn't you go to accompany him?" He was so angry that he read a rap and omitted the honorific.

"To accompany him? Please, people in their thirties, do you still want to talk about that kind of tired love like a child in their teens and twenties? Everyone is an adult, and I have what I want. Busy, he should grow up. Oh right, I didn't want to come back for dinner tonight." After speaking, he turned and left, leaving the resentful Cao Guixian in the living room.

"I can't breathe, I'm so weak, I know this isn't easy. Don't tell me that your love is gone"

Li Donghai was walking on the road, playing the same song repeatedly on his phone, looking at the two people on the tablecloth of the screen, holding hands and smiling so sweetly, why does everything seem to have changed now? "Hey, what's wrong with us..." He Kyuhyun said something was wrong, but he just didn't want to be at home alone. Walking and walking, I didn't expect to walk near the dormitory unconsciously, and a familiar figure in the distance came out of the gate, it was him.

I haven't seen each other for nearly a month since the last quarrel, and the quarrel is not a big deal, but Li Donghai is angry and Li Hezai has not been looking for him or sticking to him recently. Maybe, after leaving the society, many things will change. The reality and pressure of the society gradually fade the love, but Li Donghai still carries the youthful and innocent look of his student days. He does not understand why Li Hezai is gradually indifferent, I went to him one at a time, and the only response I got was "I'm very tired today, I'm going to bed first"

One day he couldn't hold it in anymore and shouted "Lee Hyuk Jae what are you thinking now!"

In the long time we were together, Li Donghai had never been so angry. He used to lose his temper, and then Li Hezai would come to coax him, but that day, he didn't, he just left a sentence "I'm very tired, I don't want to quarrel with you, go back." Turning around and entering the room.


Facing the figure of his lover, Li Donghai had the urge to rush forward and hug him tightly, he really missed him. "Hezai..." But he didn't, he just shouted from a distance.

Hearing his name being called, he was stunned at first, then looked indifferent, "Why are you here?"

I... can't come... Lee Donghae thought to himself, but he didn't say it. "No... just... just walked around." He tried to squeeze out a smile, not wanting to let the tears fall.

"If it's all right, I'll leave, I have an appointment." After speaking, Li Hezai turned and left. At that moment, Li Donghai knew that he didn't love him anymore, because he had seen how he loved him.

When you love me, you will be very happy to see me coming to your house to look for you, you will come to me with a big smile and say "Haihai, you are here~"; you will hold my hand and enter together Home door, ask me what I want to eat today, do you want me to cook instant noodles for you; at night, you will lie on the big double bed with me in your arms, smell my fragrance, nibble my side neck lightly, and say "Haihai, you are so beautiful." We spent the spring night together.

Your every word, your every move, all belong to me. Now, in your eyes, I can't find my figure, you are like a wisp of cooking smoke, which disappears when you touch it. During this period of time, we were like two people in a tug of war. Although the rope in our hands was broken, I didn't want to let go. Although my palms were scarred, I wanted to continue to hold. Finally, you can't take it anymore, let go of the rope, a center of gravity is unstable, and I fall into a bottomless pit, but you won't come to save me.

Li Donghai stood there for a long time, looking at the figure slowly disappearing in front of him, his heart seemed to be tightly grasped and it was difficult to breathe.

Heartache is what it feels like...

The beginning was at the door of this dormitory, under this street lamp, and the end was also here. He smiled wryly, tears dripping down "Why is it so ironic..." At the end of the music, a few lyrics were repeated.

"Don't tell me that your love is gone, that your love is gone."

Goodbye my love.



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菱菱Instagram:eunhae_ling0312 專寫赫海💗 ☪︎餘生,願只有你,因愛你成癮
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Rainy day.