The art of speaking, learning to be grateful for what you "have".


Focusing on the strengths of people and things, rather than magnifying the weaknesses, will make your day happier.
I learned it from my boyfriend and I am grateful for that.

Before marriage, you were taken care of by your family. When I got home, the food was ready, and when I wanted to wear that dress, it was already washed and folded. This is the most common thing. A mother who works hard and never complains, and sees no one's thanks.

After you get married, your mother's meticulous formula has been subtly embedded in your mind. You start to learn the way your mother treats her husband and sacrifice for the family. Even though everyone took it for granted, you never complained because it was your way of expressing love, and you learned it by your own eyes and ears.

I used to be so indifferent in the past, too, without much thought or appreciation for the things that happen naturally every day.

Since moving in with my boyfriend, he has changed me and even made me. Once I just washed the dishes, he noticed when he got home from get off work and said, "Thank you for washing the dishes." I was surprised at the time, he did more dishes than I did, and I didn't even think about it. Say thank you to him. At least in the past at home, I haven't heard anyone expressing gratitude for this. And his praise is not only that time, but every time. Other than that, he thanked me for everything I did for him. Take cooking, laundry, any trivial matters.

And that gratitude was contagious, and I started to feel content with the big and small things in my life. I am also grateful for all the things he did for me, for the housework, for taking me to and from get off work, for every cup of coffee he made for me. Learn to be grateful for everything you already have, and behind every little thing there is a person who gives silently.

If your significant other has never said thanks, try to start with you. Like my other half infected me. Learn to express your gratitude, and it comes from the heart. Over time, the people around you will be infected by you and grow old together in an atmosphere full of gratitude and love. You'll find that you stop complaining so often, and feel grateful instead. bless you.

Now I am very happy and very happy. Thank you so much for making me a better person.


I was reading a book in bed last night before going to bed, and he was playing with his phone.
It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to push the trash can out. (Every household in Australia has two large trash cans, the red cover is for general garbage, and the yellow cover is for recycling. On a fixed day every week, the full trash can must be pushed onto the street, and the garbage truck will come to empty it.)

(The picture is taken from the subnet

I said, "Ah! Forgot to push the trash can! I'll go now."

He said, "Wait a minute! I'll go! You don't have to do these things when I'm at home."

I immediately made the most exaggerated compliment: "Why are you so romantic~ You are the best man in the world, if you say you are second, no one dares to say first."

He just said lightly that I was exaggerating, and went out to push the trash can. (Ha ha)


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R.C.喜歡閱讀、喜歡說故事、喜歡避免衝突。 希望我的文字、我的故事能溫暖你的心靈。 或是給你一記當頭棒喝也好。
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