Who have I supported recently (first half of 111.04)

I think good works, I don’t hesitate to use $LIKE to support, let better works continue to be produced, and let Matt City continue to grow

Using $LIKE to support articles is not difficult (although the steps are a bit cumbersome), and authors who receive support must be very happy.

Why do you say that?

Because I'm an author who has been supported, whenever I get a notification of being supported, even though the $LIKE count isn't much, it's an endorsement or a different kind of compliment.

Of course, clapping is also a way of clapping, like saying "this article is good" (when there are more people clapping, "I know" , or "read" , but it still does not affect the people who are encouraged by clapping People, someone willing to click the mouse and clap their hands, invested in this article for a possibly extremely short amount of time).

Support is a step higher than clapping hands. My interpretation of support is "this article is really good!", "I benefited a lot, thank you", "it opened my mind again, or saw a new world" , Support is stronger than clapping, whether it's from $LIKE proceeds, or an expression to the writer.

This series of articles is used by me to record the authors that I have supported recently. I hope that with my help, more people can support those authors . (authors I have supported, please do not come back politely, please use them to support the articles you think are good)

Since the beginning of April, a total of 105 Likecoins (5+10+25+5+10+50) have been given away. Because there are two articles about dried pineapples, I have sent a little more Likecoins😁

@Vivian ep1 -writing-is the best self-investment
The content of Spenser's book is well organized and can be referred to.

@錦頭雲 Pineapple Game Contestant No. 36-I used like-coin to buy the pineapple that I miss in my heart
It is very attentive, and it is the first article to publish the experience of dried pineapple, which is greatly appreciated.

@sloth's lifeWhat can you buy with like-coin-Delicious pineapple dried fruit that you can take with peace of mind-Renai Farm
The second experience of dried pineapples, interesting sloth dolls are in the mirror

@天马行空Life only begins at seventy-111-03
From the communication with the elderly, I realized the meaning of life when it is seventy years old

@Sky Unconstrained Happy Dutch child
Travel perception, children who grow up naturally are the happiest , parents should be gardeners and provide nutrients so that children can grow into what they should be.

@ Gardenia Durian  Study Notes-3-Creator Economy
Creators really can't create to make money.
If you are still worrying about rent and food, don't be fooled by the hashtags #Web3 #CreatorEconomy, go get a job


  1. It is really time-consuming to organize this article. If you don’t record your support, it will be very troublesome to find it afterwards! Maybe Matters can add which article to support on the email of Matters’ successful payment, and put the link on it, It will be much more convenient 😶
  2. In the second half of the month, I will continue to work hard to read the articles and support the articles that I think are rewarding


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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好久沒寫作啦! 筆尖(不~是手指)鈍了嗎?