Why study nature school: Exchange the most mainstream heart for non-mainstream love (Part 1)

I'm baffled by this learning model. Why is it that I don't need to pick up a pen at work now, but I want my children to waste time copying all the time every day? Mingming asked "Teacher GOOGLE Gu", what is the purpose of reciting the information that can be known on the Internet?

Many people have asked me, your child has good learning ability and can follow the rhythm of mainstream schools, why did you choose a green school that pursues "nature, humanism, and autonomy" when you were in elementary school, and gave up "Gu Yigu". "Children, waste their aptitude and ability, and even hinder their bright life.

At the beginning, I didn't know the nature school, and I didn't even have a concept of environmental protection. I'm just a "suit friend" who eats and eats all day, exuding a copper stench, everything is goal-oriented, and it is very mundane.

Enrolling in a natural school is a kind of fate.

Inexplicable mainstream education

When my sister was enrolled in kindergarten, we moved the house on purpose, so that she could enroll in the government primary school where I was a child. However, I heard from a friend that I am now full-time, and I have to do a lot of homework after school. Even in the middle of the night, there are also a lot of homework that parents need to participate in...

The more I listened, the more annoyed I became. I didn't want to spend time entangled with my children in my busy work, nor did I think it would be effective in dealing with the future world. I'm baffled by this learning model. Why is it that I don't need to pick up a pen at work now, but I want my children to waste time copying all the time every day? Mingming asked "Teacher GOOGLE Gu", what is the purpose of reciting the information that can be known on the Internet? Thinking of this, I came up with the idea of studying DSS/through-train, hoping to make the children more relaxed, dynamic and humane.

Since K2, I have taken my sister to the open days of different schools to experience the environment and atmosphere. I believe that if my sister can apply for a school she likes in the schools I "screened", she will be more motivated to study and will not complain about her parents. By fate, I learned from my friends that the natural school happened to be celebrating its tenth anniversary. There were a series of activities and large-scale open days. With the attitude of "seeing the danger without compromising the bottom", my sister and I went to visit.

Natural school, a spectacle

It was a strange experience. We watched a student performance, written, directed and performed by a real student. The adults watched it loosely and without choreography, and I couldn't see the "target" and "height". I was just wondering why the teacher would let this "childish" performance on the stage. However, the more dumbfounded the adults looked, the more excited the children looked, and even applauded!

I asked my sister, she kept saying, "Take a good look! Take a good look!" This was my first shock in this school, and it was also my first time to reflect on "What is education? Who is the leader of this learning?" I There is no answer, but for sure it brings back sad memories of my teenage cramming education. My choice at that time was to participate in more activities in this school and let my family feel it before deciding.

The second time I participated was their 10th anniversary hiking fundraising event. Our family of four followed the instructor up the mountain without understanding the nature and vegetarian concept. When we went back to school from the mountain, the school prepared vegetarian food for the guests. We were surprised to find that vegetarian food can be "good enough", which is completely different from going to Zhaipu when we were children.

As for the children, they didn't arrange too much, just put a box of chalk on the playground. Naturally, the children drew on the ground. This is an experience that I have never had as an adult. My concept is that "the teacher will not allow it", and I have never and dared not "paint a doll" on the floor or wall.

However, in this school, the teacher not only does not look embarrassed, but even likes to see the children do it. There is no limit, where the child draws and what to draw on the ground is completely free. I also don't see children doing things that affect others or destroy nature.

Do you trust your child? Does your child trust you?

This complete trust in a primary school student, or even a prospective primary school student, impacted my values. Since childhood, we have learned to be "obedient", whether we want to or not, we must follow the instructions of our teachers and elders; if we don't understand, they say "you will understand when you are old"; afraid of being scolded by them, we will learn to do it secretly and go out. You have to solve things yourself.

Unconsciously, I lost "confidence" in my teachers and elders, and I even lost my trust in people. At nature school, this notion and experience was shattered, and I rethought my parenting style—do I want to repeat the past, or try to realize my dream of being an "ideal parent"?

At this moment, the matter of finding a school for your child has surpassed the amount of homework, the language used, the prospect of further studies and even future employment. I just think, I want the children to be happier, and also that we can have more "trust" and have a better relationship.

As a result, the recoil brought by this choice is far beyond imagination. This school not only changed the children, but also changed me, and even the whole family...

(to be continued)

The original text was published on POPA Channel .


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山寨匠人在金融圈裡營營役役十多年,還差一點點便成功上岸、名成利就之際,因為社會的現況,因為孩子的出現,因為心靈的呼喚,決意放下自在,回頭逆流游向大海中心,追求心靈上所嚮往的烏托邦。 讓我們深深呼吸,重新掌握自己的脈搏。慢慢來,細細來,透過雙手,開放心靈,感受事情的過程,感恩事情的發生,感激事情的教誨。 Facebook 專頁: www.fb.com/livenlovenaturally
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