Verbal violence hurts more than physical violence!

Language is originally a symbol used by human beings to communicate, including spoken language and writing. These tools are originally ineffective, but if they are used as weapons to attack each other, the deep damage will be more serious than physical trauma, because The wound is not on the surface, but buried deep in the heart. It is difficult to find the right medicine for the disease. Over time, the spirit will collapse and the whole person will collapse.

Buddhism advises people to speak carefully, do not commit verbal karma, and the tongue is especially sharp.

Today, the dissemination of information is far-reaching. Through the Internet, people can communicate immediately without face-to-face, and cyberbullying caused by verbal violence has led to serious social problems. They have been hit hard, and their studies, work and daily life have been troubled. News of many people who have committed suicide due to this is not uncommon.

Face-to-face verbal violence is more annoying, because the other party is right in front of you, and the feeling is more direct. If it is a relative, the pain is as deep as a knife, and if you swallow a lot of unconscionable words, you will not know where to spit the grievances.

Women are born with stronger language skills than men. Although men’s logical analysis is better, their language skills are limited by logical thinking, and they will not express emotions and lack of rationale casually. Women’s emotions and sensibility are often more Men are rich and often do not think logically first in terms of expression. They just want to use language to express their feelings immediately. In addition, girls have a stronger sense of language, so women are born to talk more than men.

At home, the couple quarreled. In the end, the victory of the scolding battle was mostly attributed to the woman, but unfortunately, if the woman did not know how to stop, the quarrel would be unforgiving. When encountering a person with low EQ or temper With a bad husband, domestic violence happens spontaneously, so the victims of domestic violence cases are mostly girls, because boys can't stand their inner frustration or feel that the other party is unreasonable and vexatious and resort to force.

When domestic violence happened, many people ignored the fact that the boy had also hurt each other in the depths of his heart because they saw the physical injury of the girl, but the man didn't take it seriously. At that time, the man was very angry and just wanted to use violence. To vent my dissatisfaction, the author does not want to bury the domestic violence of boys, nor do I agree with any domestic violence. For those girls who are beaten by their husbands for no reason, I agree with 100% that they should be protected, but if the woman gains power I'm sorry, I can only say to a girl: "Poor people, there must be something to hate!"

Domestic violence cannot last for a long time (Photo source: Photo Network)


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