Environmental, medical and food.

I was called "rare to see" by the optometrist because I was over 40 years old and my myopia increased and my presbyopia appeared at the same time. I suddenly felt that it should be a conspiracy of 3C and mobile phones, and I saw that everyone around me, no matter how big or small, was slippery and slippery. , I feel that the ophthalmology-related industry should be quite promising, so it has also successively included related companies into the investment portfolio.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, I opened the disk-watching software as usual, and looked at the trend of my own investment portfolio today. Although I have seldom come in and out since I adjusted the investment portfolio a while ago, it is my interest to look at the market every day, and it is also a kind of concern and necessary responsibility. After all, I always carry the funds entrusted to me by some family members.

My three key shareholder groups are also my favorite topics, namely " environmental protection, medical care and food ". All products and services that are needed by everyone and that are highly repetitive are themselves great investment targets. . What's more, some of the companies are the leaders in the industry. Either they have scale advantages, or they have brand advantages, or they have first-mover advantages, etc. As long as they have advantages, they will naturally make profits. In the eyes of the golden rooster, it is a matter of course in the income portfolio.

" Wherever there are people, there is waste " is not wrong at all. I take care of the garbage and resource recycling at home. Watching the continuous output of waste and recyclables every day, when I go out to take out the garbage, I see that every household has a bag (or several bags), and I feel that this industry It is full of prospects. Sure enough, I heard a lot of news about the price adjustment of waste disposal this year. I believe it will not be just this year. I am afraid it will be a trend in the future. After all, it is impossible not to take out the garbage!

" Eat (use) will not be good " is my understanding of the medical group. Basically, the medical industry earns from repetitive needs, such as drugs, consumables, etc., which patients must consume repeatedly but cannot be cured. It's really not easy to slow down the symptoms or make money. In addition, I was recently called by the optometrist " rare to see " because of my 40-year-old myopia and the appearance of presbyopia at the same time. I suddenly felt that it should be a conspiracy of 3C and mobile phones. The machine is slippery and slippery, and I feel that the ophthalmology-related industry should be quite promising, so I also gradually include related companies into the investment portfolio.

Needless to say, food companies, everyone eats three meals a day, plus snacks, drinks, midnight snack, etc., selling food is always a good business, so of course, the investment portfolio cannot be without them!

The above are the three key groups in my current investment portfolio, which also account for a considerable proportion. I want to share with you about half of the listings. Do you have any special interest or optimistic groups for investing in Taiwan stocks? Welcome to share and discuss with me!


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半調子人生人生中場,生活、婚姻、職場、投資都是半調子,但,這沒什麼不好。光譜般的方方面面,都不該只有好或壞、對或錯,我喜歡現在的生活,喜歡現在我的半調子人生。 邀請您一起來參與我的分享。內容主題也許很雜亂,但複雜是人生的本質,而簡單卻是我們的選擇,擇我所愛、愛我所擇。
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