Easy Homemade Food Gathering - Moisturizers


I came to the once a week food gathering again. This time, the homemade food is Lubing Lubing. It is a refreshing, satiating and easy-to-eat food. The ingredients are:
1. Bean sprouts 2. cabbage 3. carrots 4. dried tofu 5. shredded egg 6. small sausages 7. poached eggs 8. The most important part of moistening the crust is of course the fried noodles!!! With Dongquan chili sauce~ ~~
Peanut flour and icing sugar are indispensable for moistening the cake

The terms moisturizing cake and spring roll are both common nowadays. In short, moistening cake and spring roll are both wrapped with glutinous rice cake. The filling of the moistening cake has already been fried. Raw ingredients must go through the frying process before you can enjoy the fillings of the northern and southern flavors. The fillings are not the same.

Northerners like to have a light taste with a bit of salty fragrance. The vegetable ingredients are mostly cabbage and carrots, which are more moist.

The southern ones are usually fried with dried tofu, shrimp, sausage, cabbage, mushrooms, and braised pork. The meat used is mostly sausage and braised pork. Adding noodles is a unique southern taste!!!

I don't know what type of pancakes you like.


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