First article - UNOLIN's first MATTERS newcomer creation article - published on 20200510

(NASA, owned by the US space agency ATLANTIS space shuttle launch screen)

(Source of cover image: please click here !)

Like the title!

This is a first test article!

It also takes some time to get used to the way the web pages are written!

And understand the operation and interaction of the entire website and other SOPs!

From the elementary school days in 1978, writing a diary to the present!

Writing is not just for simply expressing, recording mood, and errands!

In order to cater for school exams, in order to cater to the tonality of the pages of newspapers and magazines,

In order to consider the religious and political issues of certain readers, receiving units, and editors!

For their preferences, for the remuneration, and for not embarrassing each other!

Later, I also added consideration to the title, word count, terminology, examples, etc. of the article!

But at the same time, he also retains his truest self on his blog, diary and other media.

As a writer who loves revisions!

Whether it's changing the title, changing the punctuation, adding fuel, adding new examples, adding new photos or videos!

There has been almost no article since I was a child, and I haven't changed it at all since I published it!

On the MATTERS website, a feature that is hard to change once an article is published!

It's also a big challenge for me!

Although there are seniors who have proposed how to revise the manuscript!

But I think I can force myself to adapt to the special REQUIREMENT of MATTERS!

Before, I had tens of thousands of completed manuscripts, and I can slowly write them one by one!

From blog, FB facebook, and computer hard drive, bring it here to post!

Recently, I have also written nearly 100 articles related to Wuhan pneumonia/new coronavirus!

You can also share it here!

Let's stop here first!



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Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

UNOLIN想說啥,就說啥。台南、台北、西雅圖、布宜諾斯艾利斯,四城故事。近30國,旅遊出差留學工作移民生活體驗。外語雜學、國際政經文化、吃喝玩樂、情場職場、老司機。 電郵 部落格 FB粉絲頁
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