Are there really people who don't care about other people's eyes?

as the title

I'm a really super invincible person who wants to get out of the eyes of others.

In my opinion (what I personally think), the eyes of others are 1. unimportant and 2. sometimes even fictional . The following two points are explained.

not important

What a person says or judges based on what he has experienced and seen. People who have only seen a glass of water will think that there is a lot of water in the river; people who have seen the sea will not be surprised. Therefore, the evaluation of others does not determine the quality of you as a person.

The emotions a person expresses, based on his personal likes and dislikes. Some people are so sweet, some people like salty, and people who love sweet, when someone gives you Jinsha snickers godiva twix m&m dove, he is envious, but only you know that you only want a piece of scallion pancake. So the admiration or disgust of others does not mean your feelings.

You, only you can define.

We sometimes ask others for their opinions, but what he said above depends on his experience, knowledge, and even how well he understands things.
So the reply you get is that the horse is not suitable for you, or that the horse is still outside the situation (Ou Ruguo can also adopt suitable suggestions when he encounters it), but whether you accept it or not, the ultimate responsibility is yourself . The simplest example is that he spends his own money to buy things, it is his simple sentence "I bought it!!!🔥"

Decide, only you can make it. (Ou, of course, don’t easily help others make decisions)

The vision of others can neither represent you, nor make decisions for you, and take responsibility for you. It is meaningless, so what is the vision of others?

Nothing x counts!

sometimes even fictional

I think this is easy for everyone to understand, and I won't go into details. Sometimes I always feel that someone is looking at me, but when I look up, I find that others are concentrating on doing their own thing or others have their backs to you even there is no one there 😂

What have I done to escape the gaze of others?

I really hate this thing that is so useless and constraining, I also want to live like the mane of a fast-paced horse; the white snow on the top of the mountain that will never melt for ten thousand years; just through the shimmering light of the sunshade,

Free, gritty, even a little stubborn.

In order to achieve the goal of being the mane-white snow and the sun, I turned to my friends who seemed to have this quality around me, and my learning generally began with imitation.

Europe! They will say it generously and confidently when they have something to say, so I will say it directly (under the premise of being polite and friendly, of course)

Eh? If they have something they want to do, they will do it without saying a word, then I will do it if I want to do it (of course, if it does not violate morality)

Gradually, I was fortunate enough to be someone like them, with the same confidence, radiance and ease. Wearing the clothes I like, I can carry out the most beautiful of Lao Tzu all over the body, and write the text in the format I like, whether he should use a comma or a space for a line break.

At this point, have I really gotten rid of the eyes of others?

not at all.


stuck in half

I've definitely become more bold and confident, I can ignore other people's comments, do whatever I want, be my truest self, and I dare to talk to strangers and have a good conversation (they should be Not bothered to pull 😂)

Speaking of which, have you found anything? I just don't care about other people's squinting, criticism, negative comments about me,

What about positive reviews? I can confidently say: I did not let go! I still care! 😂

Like this article, I wrote it based on the positive comments others have made of me.

This positive review is what went viral on my last post

I'm pure shy, but I don't mean to brag. Image source: Daily Toutiao

(Actually, I don’t know what it means to be popular) But a few netizens clapped their hands for me👏, and some even left a message that can only be left after reading the article,

I just want to say, it feels so good hehe

When I was having a good time, this question suddenly appeared in my head . Are there really people who don't care about other people's eyes?

I am happy because I wrote an article with output

Or because I wrote an article with output and I'm glad someone saw someone like it

Maybe the latter...

And my behavior is still influenced by other people's positive comments, which makes me feel like I'm not completely escaping.

So are there really people who don't care what other people think?

Or what I want to ask is

When can I be like this?

Looking forward to reading this article if you write down some opinions and ideas, I will definitely reply!


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