Happy Mothers' Day

Dear mom, thank you.

On Mother's Day this year, because I was overseas, I shopped online through Atomy and sent a love gift directly to my mother with free overseas shipping.

The love package includes:

Meiyan Collagen Drink - I wish my mother to be energetic and beautiful even without makeup.

Washable Mask - One piece goes with you, and I wish mother good health.

Good Fiber Dried Fruit - Less sugar, more natural and healthy fruit snacks to accompany mother.

Sandwiched Seaweed Roasted - Non-oily, salty and low-calorie roasted seaweed to accompany mother.

Potato Vegetable Ramen and Jajang Noodles - Don't forget to supplement the energy with dietary fiber while mum is busy recording.

I hope this little gift will bring a big smile and a healthy life to my mother every day, and I hope my mother will win the grand prize. 💕

Atomy Atomy

Every scratch-off reminds me of 2 memories.

memory one

A sister trip to Germany that year - a group of 5, one day we stayed in a large suite with two comfortable double box spring beds and a single foldable, padded cot. Obviously everyone wants a box spring, so we number the beds and let fate decide yours.

Deng Deng Deng... The answer is revealed, I got the unpleasant little bed in the corner. My sisters cheered and screamed when I saw the number.

My sister asked me, what were you thinking about before you drew the number? I said: I won't be so unlucky just to be drawn by me!

She listened and laughed and said, no wonder you will be drawn in the cot. I asked my sister what do you meditate on? She said: Tonight I hope to sleep on the box spring bed of that number. Although she didn't draw the correct number, she drew the box spring.

Memories II

On the New Year's Day of a certain year, I bought a scratch card worth NT$2,000 for my parents.

On New Year's Eve, before enjoying the scratch,

Dad always had a smile on his face and was very happy to receive this gift. He said, "Wow~ such a big scratcher will win the jackpot!"

When my mother received this gift, she asked me how much this scratch card was. ...what?! It's so expensive, and if you don't win, $2000 will fly away. Mom said excitedly.

Deng Deng Deng... The answer is revealed:

Dad won 10,000 Taiwan dollars.

Mom won 0 yuan, thank you for your patronage.

These two stories tell us that the belief in positive energy can also be said to be the law of attraction. 😂😂

Faith is a magical thing, it will hear you, so you have to believe 100% of what has not been achieved, it is a raging force that can bring you courage and determination towards your goals.

May is the time to say my best wishes to my mother and all the girls around me. I would like to express my best wishes to the hard working mothers all over the world through the video: Happy Mother's Day.

Did you know that there is also Atomy in the country you live in? Atomy Global Online Shopping Company also presents a Mother's Day event! Members can shop online and prepare a gift package for the important girls in your life. Ta-Q-Bin is free home delivery, personally deliver your blessings to the other party, and don't forget to reward yourself with a blessing gift for your hard work.

📍Atomy official website

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