Recruitment | Chinese Worker Wiki entry editing team

Create and enrich Wikipedia articles related to Chinese workers, and archive past actions.

Whose name will be remembered, whose story will be heard, and whose experience can be recognized as "history"?

It seems that the answer has not changed much from the age of printing to store collective memory to the Internet age where everyone seems to participate. Those who can be remembered are often groups who have mastered the ability to speak and narrate. Not to mention, we live in an online world that is obsessed with "erasing", and many things end up as a string of wrong characters or 404.

In the past 20 years, the stories of Chinese workers' actions and labor NGOs have been able to appear in the mainstream media and become the objects of public concern, but the workers themselves are still a group that lacks the right to speak. They have no channels and tools. "Normative way to summarize experience. The situation is even worse today, with worker activism and labor NGOs becoming off topic in the media.

Collective memory needs to be shaped. Perhaps in another ten years, the stories and names of this period will no longer be known.

This is the origin of the China Workers Wiki entry editing group. While the memory is not blurred and there is still a lot of information, we would like to invite more partners to expand the related entries on Wikipedia with the theme of "Chinese workers".

The editorial team mainly creates and enriches entries related to the theme of Chinese workers on Wikipedia, so that some worker actions, NGOs or people can have searchable entries, which not only allows Internet searchers to understand these histories, but also contributes to the Archive of past actions.

If you also care about Chinese workers and are interested in recording and sorting out important people and events in the past, you are welcome to join the editorial team. I believe that through this process, participants can deepen their understanding of Chinese workers’ actions and organizations, and they can also discover some hidden histories so that values ​​can be preserved.

Partners who are interested in participating in the Chinese Workers Wiki entry editing group can fill out the following form to sign up:

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中国工人维基词条编辑小组中国工人维基词条编辑小组是一个志愿者小组,主要是在维基百科上创设和丰富中国工人主题相关的词条,为过去的行动存档。 志愿者报名: