From Feng County, Xuzhou to the Beijing Olympics, asking the wrong question is worse than not being able to find the answer - dedicated to Valentine's Day 2022

Love and competition are incompatible; they are each other's nemesis. It depends on what you want - a life-or-death squid game? Or a world where we can all share freedom and security? You decide.

Thank you readers for your contributions. IYP wishes that all people who understand love can obtain and use the true power of love.

While most people were talking about Feng County, Xuzhou, I was not. I was discussing the social phenomenon of dating with my friends.

As my friend said: "The dating market has everything but love." But there is no doubt that everyone wants love, wants to be understood and trusted. As IYP said , love is the most powerful fighting force, the courage and confidence that allow you to survive in this stressful social environment.

But why do so many people give up their desire for love and instead rely on the illusory "security" created by material wealth? As you know, the capital chain will break, the bubble will collapse , and even policies will change overnight, not to mention that the money you earn will be robbed by government taxes at any time, and the house you bought may be demolished and expropriated at any time... Change In other words, property is the most insecure thing . The trust, understanding and mutual help between us generated by love, true love, can withstand any wind and rain.

However, social experience advises people, "You'd better cry while sitting in a Ferrari than laughing while sitting on a bicycle."

So, question – How is love devalued?

When you look at the full meaning of love you realize that love is a collaboration. Like all collaboration, it must necessarily be opposed to competition.

When we love each other, it not only means that we exchange bodily fluids, warmth, and care with each other, but it also means that we share knowledge and resources with each other. In other words, "mine" is "yours." There is no competition or comparison here, only mutual benefit, complementarity, common progress and common growth - everyone has limitations and shortcomings, and of course they all have their best areas and advantages; only when we unite, We can become stronger. Only when we are strong can we withstand any threat.

This poster can be summed up in one word: love. Only love can unite us.

If there is competition, there will be no collaboration, and vice versa. If there is collaboration, there cannot be competition. This is a win-win or lose-lose game.

I remember that IYP once published an analysis on "Why your teammates don't share knowledge with each other." The answer is very simple, that is: competition. In a competitive environment, the most important thing is to inhibit knowledge sharing among members. The competitive environment makes everyone want to master a so-called exclusive skill so that they can become that indispensable person - and not be eliminated. This is an excusable strategy, but its drawbacks are also obvious: when most people think this way, for the team, creativity, innovation, and overall performance will all be seriously weakened. To put it simply, everyone loses.

Especially when you're an action team taking on an adventure, competition can get everyone into trouble - with the inability to quickly find replacements , the result is that when any one of your characters is successfully suppressed, your entire team collapses. when. How bad is that?

Therefore, the answer to the above question is simple: because of competition. Capitalism has turned all relationships into competition and transactions, bra cups and vaginas into capital, nurturing family ties into investments, interpersonal relationships into resources, and even the main factor that allows human society to thrive to this day - solidarity and mutual assistance. ——It has also been turned into a weird calculation of "what can you give me?"

Men often sigh when describing me: "What man can control such a woman?" Even as a compliment. However, the use of the word "drive" is enough to show how miserable this society has become. There is no love, and the illusion of love is also lost. Everything is control, control and being controlled, extractionism, reducing the value of human and non-human life and agency to extractable resources.

You don’t even need to read a book, you can realize this crisis just by looking at Internet advertisements - search for women’s skin care products and sexual health products, and see how those advertisements and soft articles repeatedly emphasize that “use this product to retain them.” Live in your boyfriend’s heart.” Don’t you understand, you are just a walking vagina, and there are vaginas like you walking everywhere, and your so-called competitors are countless. Are you scared? Then come and buy "this product"! Only "this product" can help you improve your competitiveness! …

I definitely didn’t say that beauty is not important and maintenance is not important, absolutely not. Beauty is a kind of healing for the heart, and of course you should maintain it, because health is the source of happiness, but fucking is definitely not and should not be the only attraction that can keep your boyfriend. If your partner is just a believer in tight vaginas and large cup sizes, I advise you to tell him to fuck off.

In fact, this is the story of Xuzhou. To be precise, the story of Xuzhou is just a dramatic episode after the entire society was deprived of the ability to love . Otherwise, what do you think the dating market is? What does blind date mean? How did the school district housing, the test-taking market, and domestic violence under the pretext of “hoping for a successful child” come about? Not to mention betrayal and fraud, provocation and exploitation, exploitation and extraction...

You and I are just not tied by iron chains and forced to have children, and your and my situation are not fundamentally different from the abducted women in Xuzhou. All of us are imprisoned in this loveless society, under the high pressure of competition. are subjected to various forms of violence. In this fundamental sense, none of us is “luckier” than anyone else.

The understanding and desire for love is natural. When we are babies, we will reach out our hands without hesitation for a hug. At that time, we will not consider the social status of the person opposite us, what the financial ability is, what size of house we live in, and what brand of car we drive. What kind of private car does this person have, how much is he or she is famous for, what is his use value, or even his position on the ideological spectrum... We just want love and that tenderness. Want a hug.

At that time, we enjoyed the original meaning of love.

It is this society, this system, that has failed us. Our innocence has been ruined and scarred, and our natural ability to love has been thrown to the ground again and again.

We keep falling, closing our hearts in a shattering panic.

Countless people have been disappointed in love and had to turn to protecting themselves. They are forced to accept the law of competition, and who wins and who loses becomes the only criterion in a relationship. In other words, they give up their natural ability to love.

As you know, injured animals are the most dangerous. They are likely to double down on the violence and ruthlessness of those who have harmed them, attacking anyone who comes near indiscriminately. When you try to awaken their instincts with pure and innocent love, you will find that it is not an easy task. As a result, you may become the next injured person. This is the spread of hate.

Hate spreads faster than love. Just like false news spreads much faster than the truth. But there is no doubt that we all want love and we don’t want to be deceived, but why does the result happen like this?

Is it because of the armor? Old scars become new armor. You and I both have our own armor. The thicker our armor is, the farther our hearts are from each other? Or is it cowardice? Do our own failures and the bad experiences of others make us afraid to be near each other?

neither. At least not entirely. The real reason is: competition. Because only when you mainly consider winning or losing, you will regard armor as the first priority; only when you give up enjoying love, the cowardice caused by fear and inferiority will spread to fill the hole in your heart.

It is the ruthless law of competition that makes us all forget that love is the only glue for any relationship. Any relationship.

There is a bad buzzword on the Chinese Internet: "envy, jealousy, ____". What word do you think should be filled in this blank? Some would say "hate", others would say "love". In fact, "hate" is consistent with the logic of this popular saying, because "envy and jealousy" are things that can only arise in the context of competition and are the result of comparison. In comparison and competition, it is There is absolutely no possibility of love. There can be no true love, let alone enjoyment. Just endless exhaustion, panic and anger.

A lot of people are talking about the Olympics these days, especially skiing and skating. Those athletes are called "ice princes" or "ice goddesses" and they are considered "people who love ice and snow." Oh, no, no, there is no love in the athletes' strategy, only competition; they gave up love and the innocence of enjoying the ice and snow from the beginning, and all their efforts were for that medal.

Many of them may have never experienced the true charm of sports, and they have missed the beauty of freedom brought by sports; for them, everything is competition, political obligation, nationalism and nationalism. They are not willing to use drugs to bet on the winner's status. They were losers from the start.

Can we eliminate drug use? Or strengthen urine testing, double the humiliation and punishment of those who cheat? No no, these are the wrong questions. The correct question should be: "Why do they choose to take medicine?" What made them give up the true and free expression of the movement itself, the collaboration of love and the enjoyment of beauty?

You know the answer.

From Tokyo to Los Angeles, from 2013 to 2021, citizen activists in major bidding countries boycotted the Olympics. IYP published the following article last year to introduce (remind) the significance of this action. Although, completely expected, the 2022 East Olympics so far in China, once again, almost no one is following up on it or even thinking about it.

"Global anti-Olympic movement rises, challenging the dark side of the Olympics"

Note that the anti-Olympic movement is against the consequences of sport being transformed into a nationalist, statist, patriarchal and imperialist monstrosity. The rebels want to reclaim the original meaning of sports - a collaborative practice based on love . Similarly, people who are against work are not against labor and creation. On the contrary, in order to maintain the progress driven by labor enthusiasm and creativity, you must resist the kidnapping and exploitation of 996 . Please do not confuse or misrepresent these efforts.

The dominant culture is dedicated to inciting competition, and the rulers confuse right and wrong, define competition as the only rule, and fabricate glory and virtue; because only when we all abandon love and enter the ruthless game of competition will we no longer be able to unite and exploit us. A huge base to overthrow the rule . This is what people usually mean by "maintaining stability."

As I have been repeatedly emphasizing, capitalism is a powerful tool for maintaining stability . It goes beyond 996 to hollow out almost all your personal time so that you have no time to think about what you really want. What is more, it creates a world where competition is the only prevailing rule and kills people. Death to all that love means. Without love, there will be no collaboration and mutual assistance, and without collaboration and mutual assistance, there will be no successful change.

When people talk about Xuzhou, just like when they talk about 996, when they talk about blind dates, when they talk about the Olympics, or when they talk about any topic, they almost always ask the wrong question. That's why those problems keep popping up without any effective solution.

My friends are already talking about "Is this the resolution of the Xuzhou story?" Obviously, they are referring to those official notifications. Once again, however, this is the wrong question to ask, because, the “solution” never really begins.

What makes men view women as child-bearing machines? Who is instilling in you the deformed values ​​​​that "there are three unfilial piety and no descendants are the greatest"? Why do some people have so many mistresses while others struggle to find a wife? ... Do you think there is a big difference between us, who are holding up real estate certificates and hanging luxury car keys around our necks, haggling in the blind date market, and the victims of marriage?

This is the most basic question that should be asked - how is the market for human trafficking formed? Where there is demand, there will be a market.

Asking the wrong question is worse than not having the answer. The main job of the brainwashing master is to localize, individualize and specialize the real systemic disaster, so as to eliminate the impact of accountability on the system. In other words, what it is desperately trying to do is mislead you into asking the wrong questions, trying its best to keep you on the most superficial level of reality in order to keep its roots solid. And malicious stupidity is this - it won't even let you touch the surface. As soon as you reach out, it will hit you. As it goes back and forth, you will naturally mistakenly think that the superficial surface is "valuable". In fact, it is still thousands of miles away.

When I was doing clinical internship, there was a patient in the psychiatric department who stole toilet paper. The toilet paper distributed, the toilet paper prepared in the bathroom, and even the toilet paper brought by other patients' family members are all likely to be stolen by her. People around him complained. After getting caught once, we pulled a hundred rolls of toilet paper out from under her bed. In order to "solve" the problem of stealing toilet paper and maintain the harmony of interpersonal relationships in the inpatient department, our department held a meeting.

During the meeting, the attending physician conducted a professional and in-depth analysis of the theft problem from a pathological perspective. These analyzes are highly instructive for the update of treatment plans; the inpatient nurse conducted a comprehensive analysis of the theft behavior from various signs observed daily. These interpretations have important reference value for the tactics of encirclement and interception; even pharmacists have joined in, giving practical suggestions known as "immediate results" in the medication plan (spoiler: increase the dosage of sedative ingredients) ).

In short, everyone is highly motivated and confidently ready to show off their talents in “solving problems”.

But as you can glean from the irony in my phrasing above, the so-called solution is a joke. Because no one thought about this matter from the realistic perspective of the patient who stole toilet paper.

The reality is:

1. She is a patient with anxiety disorder. The characteristic of this mental illness is that it amplifies any possible risks in the patient's mind, which means that her risk expectations are several times greater than those of ordinary people, and her expected psychological vulnerability is Several times higher than ordinary people. Just when you or I might consider something to be a bit of a nuisance but not a big deal, she will experience devastation.

2. She has no relatives or children. A distant relative never showed up again after sending her to the hospital. No one visits her, no one cares for her, no one loves her; she has no friends due to the social barriers caused by mental illness.

3. The undergraduate department is continuing to implement the "virtue" policy of diligence and frugality, and the budget for distributing toilet paper in the inpatient department has been reduced by half; some public restrooms often have no one to replace the paper tubes. This is also why some patients’ family members buy toilet paper and bring it in instead of waiting for distribution.

4. A brief explanation is needed for the "catastrophe" described in 1 above, so that you can imagine what it is like - roughly speaking, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, and colic in the internal organs. It feels like my head is going to explode, especially when I have a sense of crisis that I am about to lose control of my bowels and bowels, but in fact I may not have my bowels or bowels.

That's it. Do you understand? The story is simple. The reason why the elite undergraduates were unable to solve the phenomenon of toilet paper theft was because they all asked the wrong questions.

The question isn't "how to stop this patient from stealing toilet paper"; it should be "why is she stealing toilet paper" if there is enough toilet paper?

The tablets and mobile phones carried by other patients were not lost, the jewelry they were wearing was not lost, and even the cash lying there unattended was not lost; only toilet paper was stolen.

The reason is very simple. Electronic devices, expensive jewelry, including banknotes, are of no use to you when you are likely to suffer from a crisis of incontinence at any time. What you need is an adequate amount of toilet paper. The policy of distributing toilet paper in the undergraduate department is "fair and reasonable", with one roll per bed on a regular basis, without considering the specific situation of the patient, or even whether the frequency of distribution can meet the demand.

Things are rare and valuable. What we need to ask is - who/and what is causing scarcity?

When you treat this patient as an object of domination, when you have no care for her and will not consider anything for her, you are doomed to end up as a jerk.

The so-called "combating illegal and criminal activities" sounds righteous and brilliant, but it asks the wrong question from the beginning. It localizes, individualizes, and specializes so-called criminal behavior. The result is that you will never be able to fight off so-called crimes, and there will always be people who take risks for urgent basic needs. If you continue to turn a blind eye to people's basic needs, a so-called "crime wave" will overthrow your rule.

Please think about Xuzhou! Are you asking the right question? ? ?

In order to maintain the stability of their own power, the ruling class has used methods of deception, carrots and sticks since ancient times. The most important method is, as mentioned above, to localize, individualize, specialize, and transfer systemic problems. Your focus, limiting your thoughts to the most superficial surface reality, leaves most people feeling like they always have a virtual cupping jar to hold.

In other words, the ruling class is committed to building a Matrix . Here, all problems seem to have become "other people's problems", each crisis alarm has been downgraded to "eating melons", and the successive disasters have only brought the small blessing of "Fortunately it's not me" to most bystanders.

The deeper you sink into the Matrix, the more entrenched the power of the ruling class becomes. You consider yourself “dissident,” but your dissent has never truly challenged that oppressive system; if you continue to ignore the reality that the ruling class strives to hide and continue to be content with superficiality, you will only sink deeper into disaster. Until it's too late.

Many people even have a wrong understanding of “dissent” and mistakenly believe that disagreement with those in power is “dissent.” How could it be that simple. If your dissent does not impact the ruling structure, you are just whining.

Of course you will see the ruling class "making some changes" in response to your complaints, but remember, it's all based on a calculation of two evils - giving up the golden throne? Or just apologize and lose face and pass it by? This is the choice they have before them. The answer is obvious.

Passion and courage are based on strategic wisdom and tactical creativity. Your layout vision must at least cover the scope of the repression system - as IYP said, "We are in an era of interconnected repression around the world." . Just look at Kazakhstan recently. Once you fail, there is no doubt about the outcome.

It pays to stop thinking unrealistically until you can actually ask the *right* questions.

Asking the wrong questions is fatal and is the source of all the stupidest solutions. The recent case in San Francisco is a case in point: an experiment in legalizing opioids (to avoid overdose). At the same time, tent encampments exploded with complete disregard for the homeless. Most of the people who use opioids are homeless people who use drugs to cope with the stress of being evicted, and the vast majority of them were not drug users before they were forced to become homeless. Critics said San Francisco's move was "handing a loaded gun to a suicidal person." This is the result of asking the wrong question - the question shouldn't be "How to solve the scourge of drug overdose", but "Why do people become dependent on drugs?" If everyone can find warmth and care, hope and motivation in reality, and have real happiness and creativity brought by freedom, how many people will still look forward to the hallucinations created by drugs?

When communicating about the Greek rebel movement last year, a very typical symbol was mentioned by almost all the communicators, that is, how did the Greeks form a strong alliance across clans, classes, industries, and ideologies? What makes people who can't guarantee that they won't fight even if they happen to sit across from each other join hands and fight side by side?

It's actually very simple, that is, they asked the **right** questions. When you ask the right questions, you discover that all of us, all movements, all so-called factions and ideological camps, suffer from the same oppressive system and that we actually have the same strategic goals.

When we put all the problems we face on the table, you will find that all difficulties come from the same system.

IYP's end-of-year ceremony last year had an appropriate description of "the system" and a gentle warning about the dangers of the Overton Window. In particular, that article emphasized "love" as the most powerful fighting force. I hope more people can understand the truth it illustrates.

Final iteration: love and competition are incompatible, they are each other's nemesis. It depends on what you want - a life-or-death squid game ? Or a world where we can all share freedom and security? You decide.

Another Valentine's Day is here, and I would like to use this article to wish all those who truly understand the meaning of love can enjoy true love. Please remember how Pastor Valentine used his life to protect love. ⚪️


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