are you happy?

What is happiness? Aristotle once said: happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, and it is also the ultimate goal of all human existence

After completing the 365-day plan, I haven't written an article for a long time. To be honest, I felt like letting go when I finished writing it.

Because I am a person who has high requirements for myself, from the beginning I wrote for enthusiasm, then I started to get a little lost, and finally I found happiness again

So what is happiness?

Aristotle once said: Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life and the ultimate goal of all human existence


How a person lives his life also affects his level of happiness. Trying to make oneself happier is a goal worth pursuing

are you happy?

I admit that most of my life was unhappy, but after reading this book (Have a Good Year: My Proposal for a Happy Life), I'm starting to be happy~

Now ask yourself:

Have you ever wondered if you are going to be happy?

Happiness is not something that can be felt by mouth. As we grow older, too many burdens and responsibilities make us breathless

But is the baggage really worth it? Ask yourself:

Does it feel right?

If it's not right, then you can cut it off

Ask yourself again:

Was your yesterday happy?

People are strange, we are willing to give everything in exchange for yesterday's life

But we often live every day of our own in a daze, not feeling grateful nor happy~

Then I want to ask you: what's wrong with you? If you're not happy and don't know what you're doing, then you should at least start choosing happiness~

Often we only cherish everything after a disaster, but you don't have to, just like me now that I'm diagnosed, I start to cherish every day when I'm free

<Days are long, but years are short>

When we grow up, time passes by in a flash. Because too many burdens fill our lives, we are used to making ourselves busy, but does this busyness really make you happier?

We don't have to live for others, the happiness of others doesn't necessarily make us happy, don't go to parties (activities) you don't like in order to cater to others

We should live for our own happiness, and the first lesson is to tell ourselves:

"you are very happy"

The best way to make yourself happy is to make other people happy

The best way to make other people happy is to be happy yourself

You have to be happy before you can bring happiness to others. In the past, I always wanted to bring change to others. Now I think the most important thing is happiness.

Just be happy, life is one, why make yourself so serious

Happiness does not mean unbridled enjoyment. Happiness itself does not necessarily make you feel happy, because you will face your true side (disadvantages), and you may not be happy in the short term, but it will definitely be better in the long run.

Happiness can also be very disciplined. Many people confuse the two. The two are not in conflict. In fact, we don’t usually think about happiness, and we often don’t understand what happiness is.

Because we often don’t know our own heart, or we dare not face our heart. When you have to face it, you may have to make changes, but if you don’t change, you are likely to continue to be heavy. We Throw away the unhappy things and keep the most important things

And that's the point, be careful not to let yourself fall into the trap of thinking, facing your heart is to find the life you want, not to get you into endless philosophical questions.

A lot of people think the pursuit of happiness is stupid or even a sin, I don't think they are happy themselves

Especially when we have trauma in our hearts, we tend to forget that there is joy in the world, and we will not dare to be happy because you feel that you are not worthy of happiness

But no matter what situation you are in, you have to be happy, like I am now diagnosed, but I am still happy

Because someone is with me, I really don't have anything to complain about except that I'm a little bored at home

The old me might start to think too much and start thinking that I can avoid this from happening

But I think it's fate, when a piece of shit hits you, you can choose to yell, or you can choose to wash off the dirt and move on

Accept all impermanence, when the test of fate comes, maybe the bits left behind are beautiful

BTW: I'm in good shape at the moment, don't worry :)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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