The investigation results of the Qiao You case are released, and the disaster adjustment meeting will list ten improvement directions

On May 2, the Ministry of the Interior held a press conference on the "Report on the Investigation of the Causes of the Fire and Firefighters' Died Accidents in Changhua Qiaoyou Building". Result description.

Text / Gongku reporter Hong Yuzeng

The fire affected the "Passion Fruit Hotel" located in the same building as an epidemic prevention hotel, resulting in a total of 4 deaths and 21 injuries. The dead included three residents of the epidemic prevention hotel and Chen Zhifan, a member of the Eastern Division of the Changhua County Fire Department. Due to the death of firefighters, according to Article 27-1(4) of the Fire Protection Act , a disaster accident investigation committee (hereinafter referred to as the “disaster investigation committee”) must be established to investigate the causes of firefighters’ deaths or serious injuries and make recommendations. Improve content with tracking.

The disaster recovery meeting was convened by Chen Zongyan, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of the Interior, Xie Jingxu, Deputy Director of the Fire Department of the Ministry of the Interior, as the deputy convener, and a total of 11 experts and scholars from the private sector formed a disaster recovery team. Chen Zongyan said that the case was the first case of a fire in an epidemic prevention hotel. After 2 on-site investigations, 9 meetings, 4 interviews, and 2 correspondences, the disaster investigation report was completed.

According to the report, Chen Zhifan, a firefighter who died in the line of duty, died of hypoxic shock and suffocation due to exhaustion of gas cylinders and inhalation of toxic gas after removing his mask. The investigation direction also conducts a comprehensive analysis from the review process of the epidemic prevention hotel, the safety and use of the building, the maintenance and inspection management mechanism, as well as the command investigation and deployment of the rescue by the fire department at the moment of the fire.

The content mentioned that the building materials in the compartments of Qiaoyou Building are in poor condition, and the condition of each floor is different. For example, the Xinxinma electronic game field on the first floor was closed due to the epidemic, and the rest of the 2nd to 5th floors, and the 10th to 15th floors did not. The owner moved in, except for the passion fruit hotel used by the epidemic prevention hotel from the 6th to the 9th floor.

In addition, the Changhua County Government adopted the "pre-examination and then investigation" approach to the building, and the actual inspection has not yet been carried out, resulting in the failure to immediately discover the public safety concerns of the Qiaoyou Building. At the same time, there are also doubts about the rescue response strategy and the use of radio at the moment of the fire, which led to the death of the police.

Liu Hongru, head of the disaster rescue team of the Fire Department of the Ministry of the Interior, mentioned that the disaster investigation committee listed ten improvement directions and divided them into four different time schedules: short-term, short-term, medium-term and long-term. It is recommended that relevant units make improvements.

The ten suggestions for improvement include:
Strengthen building management, strengthen fire prevention management, improve firefighter disaster relief training, conduct cross-organization demonstrations or drills for building epidemic prevention hotel fires, improve the quality of radio communication at building fire sites, and establish consultation, diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) for firefighters system, increase firefighting manpower, plan and build a fire evacuation treatment mechanism for a large number of injured patients in epidemic prevention hotels, build a unified teaching system, and inventory and review the basic equipment items of disaster relief modules.

Returning to the responsibility for the incident, the Changhua County Government adopted the "pre-check first, and then check" approach to the construction of the Qiaoyou Building, which led to public security concerns, and the current state of the building's construction at the administrative level was different from the approved plan. What should I do about the above two problems? Clarify responsibility with the county government?

Chen Zongyan responded that the disaster investigation committee is not for "responsibility", but to investigate the facts and make specific suggestions for improvement. As for the Changhua County Government earlier this year, it publicly stated that since the Qiaoyou Building is a "dangerous building", it must be demolished in the future. Will this affect the content or process of the follow-up investigation of the disaster investigation committee? Chen Zongyan said that how to handle the building in the future will be handed over to the Changhua County Government.

The disaster recovery meeting was convened by Chen Zongyan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior.

What are the follow-up monitoring mechanisms for the ten recommendations listed by the Disaster Commission? How does the central government require local governments to implement improvements? For example, Chen Zongyan said that for the management of buildings or buildings, the Construction Department of the Ministry of the Interior will make relevant amendments, and the "Fire Law" will also be revised. Another example is the training of firefighters. Relevant units have been instructed to coordinate with fire training centers in various counties and cities. In the future, a mechanism will be formulated for the training content.

Chen Zongyan said that the report belongs to the announcement content, and the relevant suggestions have a certain strength. Not only will the report content be provided to the relevant authorities and responsible units, but also hope that the relevant units will propose measures for the report content. He emphasized: "The investigation committee has no right to supervise. We present the contents of the report, which will become the basis for supervision by local public opinion agencies and the general public."

Wu Junde, the police supervisor of the disaster rescue team of the fire department, further explained that according to Article 27-1 of the "Fire Law", the disaster adjustment committee must follow up on the incident. Therefore, the disaster adjustment committee does not end the work after holding this press conference. Qiao You The case will be handled in the same manner as Taichung Taichung's death on duty case, and follow-up will be carried out.

Faced with the results of the disaster investigation committee, Li Zongwu, the vice chairman of the Firefighters' Work Rights Promotion Association who is also a member of the disaster investigation committee, said that most of the interviews in the disaster investigation report were completed by him. Sexuality”, resulting in the inability to ask key people in the fire department and the fire department to be interviewed, and the lack of relevant information.

In the face of the possibility of demolition of the Qiaoyou Building in the future, how should the relevant physical evidence be dealt with if further investigation is required? Li Zongwu said that at the end of November last year, Chen Zhifan's family also went to the Changhua District Prosecutor's Office to file a lawsuit against Cai Jinfeng, the head of the Passion Fruit Hotel, and Qiu Congjia, the deputy director of the county fire department. It is true that the Changhua County Government has made negligence and should also request the Changhua County Government to retain the building to facilitate subsequent judicial investigations.

You can also read about the fire of Qiaoyou here...

"The Reception Room of Splendid Time" Episode 326: Why Vulcan Tears (Part 1): Families of the firefighters who died want the truth

Episode 327 of "The Reception Room of Splendid Time": Why does Vulcan cry (Part 2): Can the lives of dozens of firefighters be exchanged for peace?

2021.08.03 An investigation meeting was held for the first time in the case of Qiao You's death in the line of duty. The Consumer Promotion Association called on the family and the Secretariat to attend


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