Little Sparrow Daily| Jingmei Xianjiyan Trail

Last weekend was a rare good weather in winter. The light blue sky with ribbons of white clouds, the gentle wind and the sun is very suitable for going out for a walk. Even I, a lazy bug who just wanted to stay in bed, felt this way. I'm so sorry for not going out in the weather.

Last weekend was a rare good weather in winter. The light blue sky with ribbons of white clouds, the gentle wind and the sun is very suitable for going out for a walk. Even me, a lazy bug who just wanted to stay in bed, felt this way. I'm so sorry for not going out in the weather.

However, when I went out temporarily, I didn’t know where to go. It’s good to have a healthy and full mountain climbing itinerary, so I slid on the Internet and slid the Great Taipei Trail mentioned by IG Net Beauty, such as Jinmian Mountain, Yangming Mountain, and Yangming Mountain in Neihu. Xiangshan Mountain in Xinyi District, every scene is so beautiful, but considering my own poor physical strength, I finally decided to choose the Xianjiyan Trail in Jingmei. Jingmei Market, but there is my gourmet pocket list in the market: Anonymous noodle shop.

I decided to go out for this mountain climbing trip for the sake of eating delicious food.

Take the green line MRT to Jingmei Station, and the exit of the MRT is the long-awaited Jingmei Market. The crowds of grocery shopping in the morning are exaggerated. Proceed in the direction of the trail. There are intimate road signs to guide the direction along the way, and a conspicuous archway can be seen standing there from a distance, and there is a large Xianjiyan Trail next to it.

Then get ready to climb the mountain.

There are not many stairs along the way, and the slope is not too steep. It is quite easy and comfortable to walk. It is really suitable for me who is not physically strong. Starting from the archway, it takes about half an hour to reach the temple of Xianjiyan. The ground is very messy under renovation, but the scenery here is very beautiful. Looking out from the railings, you can overlook the entire Jingmei city, and you can see the small 101 high-rise buildings in the distance.

It turns out that the trail is shorter than expected, and it takes only a few steps to reach the end? Of course not, there is a trail behind the temple that can climb further, and it can be connected to other bifurcated trails, and can leave from different entrances and exits, but for me taking the MRT, the traffic at other entrances is too troublesome So I finally chose another route to go back to the original entrance. Another reason was to go to the triangle point of Jingmei Mountain to take pictures to show that I really completed the Xianjiyan Trail. When going down the mountain, I passed a huge rock on the way. It is said that there is a footprint on the rock left by a fairy who passed by, and this is the origin of the name of the trail.

After climbing down the mountain hard, of course, I went straight to Jingmei Market to see if there was anything delicious, but it was already afternoon, the vendors were basically closed, and there were only a few passers-by left, and I was very worried about the nameless noodles. Is the store closed? Fortunately, it is in business. I happily ordered a bowl of large intestine soup and a plate of black and white cuts. It was delicious. The overall portion is too large and not too expensive. Although I really want to order another bowl of Yangchun noodles or cut noodles, unfortunately I don’t have that stomach, so I have to look forward to my next visit. I highly recommend everyone to climb the mountain on weekends and eat at Jingmei Market. Food!


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小麻雀 我就像是一隻城市裡平凡的小麻雀 明白自己的喜歡與不喜歡 因為喜歡的東西有好多,所以活著才會如此快樂 因為不喜歡的東西有好多,所以才會珍惜喜歡的東西
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