In fact, man is just an animal


On the cold operating table, the operating lights were turned off, and the sound of drips flowing into the body along the small tube could be heard quietly.

With a blank mind, I lay on the operating table with my right ovary waiting to have an egg-sized cyst removed. Under a thin surgical gown is a naked body, like a helpless animal waiting to be slaughtered.

After hanging the three packs of IV, the anesthesiologist and the nurse began to set up the tools sonorously, and then took off the surgical gown. The anesthesiologist made me curl the naked me into a shrimp shape, and the long anesthesia needle was injected from my spine. lose consciousness.

In the hospital, everything follows the rules, fasting at the designated time, taking medicine at the designated time, queuing up for surgery at the designated time, and coming here to maintain the most basic human need: to be alive.

Consciously confused, during the hospitalization, it was the first time that I felt that human beings are actually just an animal. Now I can leave work and ideals aside. Clothes and tastes are all unimportant things. All I need is eating, excretion and waiting. Like a domesticated pet, unconditional acceptance of arrangements, to be honest, this kind of life is enviable and scary. Living can be so easy, can it?

Since he was discharged from the hospital and returned to real life, the days have passed quickly, and the various plans of the calendar seem to be rushing towards him at any time.

Tonight, I looked up and saw the hands in the quartz clock, still neither slow nor fast, advancing at its own rhythm. When I think about it, it's been less than a month since I was discharged from the hospital, but it seems that I have lived again.


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