forget, with, unforgettable

I didn't mean to forget. I didn't remember it on purpose. It wasn't intentional, but it was a loss, so I tried to avoid it. But I can't control myself, I don't know how I can forget the most important and the most painful. sorry.

I lost my Apple Pencil a while ago, and I felt extremely regretful. I posted an article in the local community, and my friend helped me forward it. I called the store I visited along the way and asked, but there was no response.
After losing the original price plus modification and accessories, the pen worth more than NTD $5000 is not only painful, but also heart-wrenching.

While I was writing the Xie Xun essay with tears in my eyes, a former colleague said that he would send me a private message immediately, saying that he would lend me a beautiful pen. I was embarrassed to use the borrowed one. I said, although the nib can be replaced, I will also buy a pen cover to protect it, but it is not my private property, otherwise I will sell it at a discount. A former colleague said that he had engraved his name, and it was not easy to sell it to me. Moreover, he bought it with a friend at the employee price, so he bought it as a package but didn't use it. When I made money, I bought the pen myself and returned it to him. So he accepted his offer.

My mother also called specially and said that my cousin seemed very sad when he read my article and wanted to send me one. I said that my former colleague lent me, and just in case I bought a cheap pen from the deputy factory to go out, help me with Cousin said thank you.

The article was deleted, because the friends I saw on SNS gave me a lot of comfort one after another, because I was afraid that everyone would be too enthusiastic (and too worried). How did you write that everyone was sympathetic in the first place (scratching head).

The process of dropping the pen is also very bizarre. I took it out and attached it to the iPad, thinking that I would go out to be productive. As a result, I suddenly didn’t want to write after eating, and went straight home without taking out the iPad and pen. It may be that I accidentally took out my wallet while paying the bills, and didn't notice the pen leaving my bag somewhere.

I once told a netizen at Clubhouse that my grief was extremely painful and I couldn’t make a sound when I dropped the pen. The last time it was so painful and I couldn’t cry was when I saw the news of my sister’s passing on SNS in September last year. .

Friends say that this analogy is not good, it's weird. But I think the degree is of course different, whether the damage can be compensated and the cost are different, but the same is severe pain. I really can't think of it as a high-priced item. That pen carried the joy of working in the company I dreamed of for 20 years; I decided to swipe my credit card to buy the tablet and the pen in installments before I got paid, and vowed to my family that I would work hard to make this big money back, and my family would look at me. But I know that I have played dozens of drawing and note-taking apps in the Apple store, so I can only forgive me... These are not just "money" and "pen"!

However, some things have been too long to be forgotten, or become a stumbling block to my progress, so it is better not to take them to heart, or it may be just trivial things that do not need to be stored in my mind, but I can't forget anything. I can't stop thinking in circles, like running a hamster wheel. It's so painful that every time I recall it, I have hurt thoughts, but I can't erase it.

It's like the scene where the bastard asked me my name before I went to elementary school, I was shy so I vaguely walked over, I was laughed at as an electrical appliance, and then my brother helped me get my name right; it was like that time when I vaguely felt something was wrong, so I didn't want to. Tell him the hunch; like the frightening electric shock that he really put his hand into my clothes when he really had no outsiders in my house; like the few days in our middle school, when he deliberately took his boyfriend home for the night, in order to let him know, even if My parents weren't home, he couldn't molest me any more, and he struggled to figure out how to intimidate him to get him to stop.

I still remember that afternoon when I took a bath with a vegetable cloth and cried silently.

I didn't mean to forget. I didn't remember it on purpose. It wasn't intentional, but it was a loss, so I tried to avoid it. But I can't control myself, I don't know how I can forget the most important and the most painful. sorry.


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