wrong set



Chasing the bright sun, losing the sky, what will I do?

Ask him to participate in the business, take care of him Wanhe, what will you do?

The seven precepts are inscribed with rust, and the nine layers of shackles indicate what will happen.

Nightmare torn silk, Florence, what to worry about.

The Divine Comedy is silent, withered pupils fall into the night, what will the cone be?

Guizhi on the side temples, dark blue and exquisite, how will it be broken.

The rotten network condenses the ice, the floating city is like gravel, how can it be returned?

* "I got lost in heaven, what should I do" Mandelstam


Dreamless sails and Homer, half-murmured in an anonymous deep sleep.

The cranes dance in the shadows of the ship's masts, and the sea breeze of Erados swells.

The king bowed to Die Canglang, and the borders of foreign countries were wedged through.

Alas! Where are the people of Akaya going?

What is Helen to blame for the fall of Troy?

Overwhelm the city and immortalize eternal love, and for ten years, the dust is dark.

The night sea sinks into the ink and remembers Homer,

The giant wheel roaring with a dream lies on the star rock.

* "Insomnia Homer's Tight Sails" Mandelstam


The pupil of the scorpion, the shadow of the eyelids is cruel, and the eyes shoot into the sky.

The kite of water, the gray feathers swept away, the dream is cold and foggy.

The shavings of light, the soul of divination, the iron frame is crippled.

You are my me, standing in the wind and dew, and I am astonished.

The monument of the heart is dark and gray, and it is sealed in the mud.

* "Language Fence" Paul Celan


Silent Hill's Nian Ye Mantra, horrifying shadows of misunderstandings.

Time and space open veins, scarlet crouching.

The fierce horse broke its curse, and the withered gap drank.

The swift moon slashed the ravines, and the silver bones shattered the dust.

A single thought holds on to the deep sea, and the shimmering light holds four dimensions.

The green fruit remains gnawed, and the foam is gushing like a stinger.

* "Night of Words" Paul Celan


If a pack of wolves smother their fur, they will cut out the face of a mountain and stone.

In the jungle, the paper was wrong, and I sat in a daze and curled up Ye Se.

Broken heart strings, paper kites fluttering, that is, the quiet corridor of the curtain.

The red dragon phantom fox dived and burned the grass and trees in an instant.

The horns of the hoof are made to fill Xiao Han, melting the shadow of Yu Zhi Si.

The Daughter of the Leaning Tower murmured and destroyed Petersburg.

Clothed in ice and snow to float, mourning the suffering of the people.

Surrounded by all the animals for fun, but they are far away from the sky.

Devotion to the case to raise the spirit, look at the torch of the star soul.

Chiao of the raging fire, I will never return.

* "Gogol" Transstrom


The first snow falls, the journey of dreams is reversed, the first snow melts, the city is huge.

The dawn is blue and gray, the shadows of the guests are like shuttles, the refuge port, the quiet ode.

The snow is blowing, the pumice stone is rubbing, the snow is endless, Topi Mountain.

Only the bottom insects, the memory is trance, the grotesque description, the center is duh.

The ice feathers are like charms, swept away by copper and chrome, and the ice feathers are like eyelashes, covering the white gaps.

Time and space are like satin, covered with porcelain gravel, time and space are like condensation, and water vapor.

Only the snow trembles, like a sword unsheathed, only the snow does not stop, Dawn Giant Owl.

The light and shadow are just right, the midsummer of the old year, the egg of the night eagle, the light of Yaxiang.

* "Snow" Saint-Joan Pace


The time of the child has come, and the herds of cattle are kneeling, Weng Yu said, Christmas Eve.

The fire is burning, the crowd is snuggling, and all things are tame, praying in the shed.

The fantasy of thinking is so fresh, I will go to it, the river will branch in that year.

The herds of cattle are kneeling on the cliffs of the creek.

*The Herd by Thomas Hardy


Saying nothing, driving around the island, the runway is stretched by the sky,

Where does the land boundary lose its mark, and rewind the original Cangzhu.

Duozhuo Haiyue Xi ploughing and chiseling the wall ramie,

Days and nights, my thoughts are drawn, the shadow of the logs on the glaze beach is like a pestle,

The huge waves and broken rocks boil like boiling, and the slender-footed birds are in danger,

Back home, thick fog locks the island.

I have nothing to say and think about this journey, everything is clear and narrated in time,

Land and water come and go.

* "Peninsula" Seamus Sydney


The milk and flies in the cup that I know, the blood and the ice under the skin,

Knowing that the weather is sunny, the wind and the rain are booming, the good wood bears fruit, the meridian distinguishes the branches and vines,

In the dust of the world that I know, I am also busy and busy with numerology,

Knowing everything in the world is better than knowing myself.

Knowing that the long and short shirts are divided into the front, the devotion under the monk's robe,

Known to serve the lord, the nun veiled,

Knowing the cryptic language and knowing the liar

I also know the fine wine in the luminous cup,

Knowing everything in the world is better than knowing myself.

Knowing the geometry of horses and mules, Mary and Belle, the graceful beauty of her,

Knowing the actuarial cost of pondering, knowing the dream, the sleepy eyes and the demons,

Also aware of the bias of heresy, the power of Rome overturns the emperor,

Knowing everything in the world is better than knowing myself.

My lord, my king, I know all things well,

All the pink and the pale, all the saints, all mortals die,

Knowing everything in the world is better than knowing myself.

* "Wei Yan Yao Song" Wei Yong


In the past, there was a woman in the dock who led you to her residence.

The boat travels with a clear sound, accompanied by Yi Changye Xu.

Mu Bi is like a madman, at the beginning of your riverside.

Citrus Zuqing tea, the thing in Kyushu.

You say that you can't repay it, and it drags your heart into waves.

The river is Yida, but love never ends.

You are willing to travel with Iraq, and the four seas will be free.

Ru Lingzheng Iraqi people, I know the meaning of Yi people.

Jesus was a sailor who walked on water.

Lonely wooden tower, staring for a long time.

Only drowning people can see it, and the saint also knows there is.

If the prisoners in the sea can be released, all sentient beings are helmsmen.

The sky was about to be opened, and his body was rotten.

* "Susan" by Leonard Cohen


The guitar leans towards dawn, and the sad song hits the gong.

The guitar chases the morning light, and the rush is endless.

Qi Qi complex Qi Qi, Du Qu Yong drives.

Between the mountain springs and the throats, the wind and snow are facing each other.

Whispering and mourning things, mourning strings are handed over.

Look at the white camellia, and the southern sand burns the sea.

The sound of the piano is lost in the morning and evening, and the sad song begins again and again.

Returning birds perishes on branches, Hu Yu abandons flying arrows.

The heart-piercing bitter dragon roars, and the five strings are absolutely like a dagger.

* "Guitar" Lorca


Lin Yuying, I met her when I met her, and I remembered her when she passed away.

The heavy clouds shrouded and covered them, and the cities lost their voices, and chased them away.

The old song is Qiangqiang, lingering in contempt, Wei Ru listen to it, and thinking tie it.

* "Raining" Apollinaire


What I think about is in Hori room, the door of the world slowly peeling paint,

Flying midges swaying in the shadow of the bottle, and the gap between the boards leaps.

What I think is in Aesop, the tortoise and the hare are wrong,

The head curtain of the tomb of the fox tail and pig ears, the secret spell is the support of the wind.

What I think about is the ideal country, and I want to go to the Horizono where I follow,

Black skin, black tambourine, worm feast and bone erosion.

* "Black Tambourine" Hart Crane


Fading, fading, old wall white Watto gold emblem.

The white quilt of Iraq reflects Xia Fei. The white towel of the scholar is dipped in Xihui.

What Yiwu hated, and the scholars hated me, the sweat on his forehead never stopped.

Not yet, not yet, the ancient city of paper kites chasing clouds.

Yoyo, the child is holding the line across the city hill.

To the north of the city, my flag is Xuan, and I will tell you no worries.

South of the city, the flag is yellow, don't worry.


old town. old roof. afternoon sun. New clothes.

White sheets. Female enemy. Coarse towels. Male enemy. Wipe off sweat.

Sky. Paper kites fly. silk. Childish hands.

He has a wall. Both are missing.

wall left. The flag is pale. show me. His joy.

wall right. The flag is red. Show him. my pleasure?



Stop condensing the glass strings during the day, and the sound of the strings repeats the time and space door.

Solitary light draws the dome, green grass spreads over Kunlun.

The scorpion hides the rocks, and the negative rocks turn the universe.

The quiet afternoon sun, the crease of time.

Crying birds swallow fast wind, silver feathers fall into the sky.

Ten thousand leaves wither, all herbs are zero.

Death arrow, no one bow.

It's in a hurry, and it's gone forever.

*The Birds by Octavio Paz


Boundless flowers, your feet, day and night forever.

The path of dreams, the eyes of yours, the world.

At first glance blue sky and twilight heart.

Wouldn't it be a waste of time to cry.

Ye He Yong, there is no other way, the scarlet sinking wheel licks the tongue.

* "You who never walked out of your garden" Sodergrand


Floating feathers pass through the border, and read with deep sorrow.

The more the fan is held, the more the gap between the light, the spring red is confused and will not live.

Everything you touch becomes dust, and you worry about the thickness of the mountain.

From the time when the sea was withered, the bright moon buckled.

*Fan to Malame


The ice wheel shines in the long night, and I will not return.

The mountains and the sea, the dream is no longer a dream.

The body is gone, the soul is left to rely on, the breeze passes, and the empty door is turned.

The soul skeleton has not been here for a long time, people are like yesterday, they can be remembered again, and they are scattered.

Qiu Xing dragged Fang Fei in an instant.

Boulevard, shadows cuddle, silent night, piano keys, dark gray, hidden window curtains.

* "Never Return" Jimenez


My spirit, the star of the night. Execute this rose and listen to it.

Thorn marks, warm in the palm. The sound of the strings is not a single arrow.

Layers of abyss shone into the sky, and the spiritual song rose to the eternal night.

Physics can defy all phenomena, and glory will survive after death.

Roses last a thin one. Crimson fast-decaying stars.

Thoughts burn long days.

*"To My Soul" Jimenez


A dense cloud of night flames floats, and the dome collapses into its shape.

The green hoof guards me, and the dragon's spine is painted dark.

Twisted hair holds the steed bone, and the lacquer pupil gathers thunder.

The silver hook is lost in the sky, and the whip is used to break the ghost.

My horse steps on the bonfire, and my horse shoots the black light.

The sun and the moon are as tight as iron, and the fields are separated from each other.

The heavy ink cracked deep purple, and it was ground into frost.

My horse steps on the mulch, and the mulch blooms with cloves.

The negatives sank the next day, and the starry sky faded like lead.

My horse melts into the night, and my horse shines in Jiuyuan.

The fighters who are approaching the army are all in front.

* "Dark Horse"

(twenty one)

The hour hand hangs forever, and the white light leaves the summer flowers.

The rock tablets are arranged in the narrow sea, and the time sequence crosses instantly.

Dawn burns the temple, and all the spirits dance on the yellow sand.

Xuanniao sang an elegy, and died with the red lotus.

Only the shadow is buried in the middle of the night, and the lake water stops in the evening.

The barren mansion is eroding the cold ashes, and the hour hand has no beginning.

* "Little Gidding" No. 4

(twenty two)

Quasi Konghou citation

Public, public, what is the meaning of the long night?

Crazy husband crossing a hundred feet of beachhead, the streamer is like a cast object.

Gonghu Gonghu, and the song passed the arrow to the Golden Crow.

Gu Se has fifty strings, and the candle dance is withered on the wall.

Mirui burns eyes and stars are lost, and the five dimensions are stacked together in the beginning.

Chasing the brown ants, sawing whale bones, and rushing to tie the cocoons with the gust of wind.

The public and the public are unforgivable, and I will not care if I go to the long night.


The direction of the service shows me in the past. Lost and confused, show me where I am going.

Bow down and earnestly, show me to go. As the service is, show me and go.

The rock that blocks, keeps it sinking. Help me move it, show me to go with me.

The beginning of the Dao shows me the beginning of my journey. It is worthwhile to maintain its strength, and it shows that I will go to the end.

The evil's disease, only I protect it. Particles of light, surging like waves.

Dimensional lock and dimension chain, I can't be bothered. Abandon the chain, abandon the chain, take care of the heart like a servant.

* "Show me the place" Leonard Cohen



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