Three Essays on "Language and Action"

action! action! - This is the purpose of our existence. - Fichte

an encouragement

As long as human beings don’t know how the inorganic nature gave birth to things such as reason, thinking, and free will that transcend causality, they shouldn’t underestimate the role of consciousness on human body functions. The attitudes of those who see only the will to live as fundamental, and reason as if to be the only way for mankind to emerge from biological competition, have indicated that their only way out is to be content to descend into pure passion and In the process of an impulsive sense of life, he fell into a seemingly irrelevant passivity. But how can a person who is half pushed and half lived, understand his own situation? Victory is unfulfilling, and failure is even more devastating, if it is not my own making or success or failure. But, with just a hint of sobriety, I also realize that what I am doing is always voluntary; therefore I should not be afraid to attribute poor results to myself, like the heroes of a tragedy who are then called heroes, Because in the end, you still act by your own will - raging Achilles, if you only act at will and be called a hero, why let the god-like Priam redeem the corpse of his son What—then why should they care if they live in a doomed tragedy? A determined choice, because it is ultimately voluntary, brings courage only seen in the self-deprecating man; for when the will is freed from the mere control of desire, it is free, and may at any moment be a mess, so much so that Those who are ready face it—something that should be called "my life", and who are blessed with humor and aesthetics.

And the poor man who has lost this courage, you will spend your life searching for the will of alienation in order to be dominated by the life experience - are you owning your life - you will become the mouth of public opinion, talking about other people's words all day long , even the blood flowing through the body that is clearly felt will be drawn from elsewhere, and it is destined to be unable to implement the belief that the brave man has always upheld - action!

relational reality

Rationality is the ability to be consciously "given with meaning." I cannot yet say that "being given meaning" necessarily refers to the process by which "something is given meaning". "Something" is already something that has been given meaning and is therefore not pure. If I think about the concept "something" without thinking that it already means at least one object (at least itself, so that everything that makes sense must mean something), then there is no need to say "something" ". Something is thus of course always entrapped in the system of meanings it is given, but its object must never be given without warning in clarifying "meaning given" itself as an action.

To give meaning is to establish a relationship. In relation to relevance, it is not that we first identify ready-made things that are independent and distinguishable from each other, and then think about their connections; rather, we are grasping the basis of seemingly empty and seemingly meaningless connections by themselves. , to distinguish the ready-made things. Many examples show that, no matter in the primitive society or the age of science, all phenomena are understood in relation. This connection, whatever its various names in history (from cult in primitive societies, miracles in religion, to categories in philosophy and "force" in our modern population), is actually belief itself, that is, it cannot be proved by any method, yet it appears to be the most unprovable, fundamental and unshakable reality. Lightning, for example, is understood in its relation, so that its causes are almost created—whether it is the god of lightning or the role of power and power—and they are immediately more pre-existing the more essential reality, that is, out of relation begets reality, not out of reality relation is born.

The reality of logically self-contradictory relational categories is believed all the time. Relation as force, thus in language usually understood as a subjective product, embodies the secondary status of subject and predicate, with only the verb predominant. Once we understand this, we can set aside subject and object for the time being and examine what phenomenology calls the concept of "intentionality." That is to say, our understanding of our own rational capacity has shown that the relationship itself does not need to passively wait for the seemingly supporting reality to become the connection of some fixed relational term; the relationship itself is an active and infinite signifying— —Reality is constructed on the basis of faith.


I wish I was dumb. Unless man returns to a state of thought and no language, his life will be false. No matter how unique and seemingly only personal thoughts and emotions are, they can only be expressed and realized by language, and language is always public, and it is destined to be used by those who use it from the moment of its birth. To cater to others—that is to say, even the loneliness of loneliness realizes itself on the basis of presupposing the affirmation of others—the purpose is so real, and the means so hypocritical! I will doubt my motives, my thoughts are nothing but a total pandering, so much so that as soon as I speak, I become someone else, and I never speak for myself—unless I am mute.

Humans, what contradictory animals, you find yourself in being other. But words like "be yourself" and "me" were actually born before you learned to think about yourself. Before language, you, like all natural organisms, had a dim feeling of being in a constant stream of life, rolling in and rolling away. As the original language clearly described this vital and integrated thing, it was thought that life would be better able to accept this magnificent devotion, but you actually became one you, followed by one "me". I, who admit that I have my own life, is reluctant to give it lightly, and he has shunned this ritual as a sacrifice. But where does that sense of ownership of life come from - language! What a contradiction, it expects my devotion and wants me to be alone; it makes me think about myself and recognizes others; it makes me independent and dependent.

I now say that I wish to be mute - a state of mind but no language - a wish that is no longer a myth of the past, but precisely the future. People do not abandon language, but transcend it, in a way of action.

When I write about "action", I must stop writing.


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