TED Talks筆記|Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

ll Find the reason for your procrastination first, and then find a solution ll

I heard that the peak period of students' English was when they just finished the exam in high school. As a prospective senior, I felt that my English was probably degraded to the middle school, so I decided to find an interesting video to watch every day haha , and hope to learn something from these videos that I didn't know.

Procrastination means procrastination. I don’t know if you have this kind of experience. Obviously there are still many things that have not been resolved, but you just can’t prepare well, you can’t put down your mobile phone, but you can’t focus on entertainment. In fact, it’s just a waste of time.

In this video, it is said that there is a "Rational Decision-maker" in the head of ordinary people, helping the brain to do what it should do and make rational decisions.

There are also rational decision makers in the brains of procrastinators, but there is also an “Instant Gratification Monkey” that people love and hate. When rational decision-making conflicts with instant gratification, this monkey will Take away the dominance and enter the "Dark playground" dark playground for timely enjoyment? It sounds like a wonderful name. When we shouldn't relax, the dark playground will appear, filled with anxiety, tension, anxiety and other negative emotions, but the magic is that it is difficult to leave, although there are many of negative emotions (wry smile.

Image reference from the presentation in the video
So...how do procrastinators take the steering wheel from the monkeys and continue to be rational decision makers?

At this time, The Panic Monster appears. When the deadline is approaching, and when it finally has to be done, the Panic Monster will appear, scare away the monkeys and let rational decision-makers take back the dominance and do what should be done at the moment ( When I saw the video, I was really...hearted hahaha) Indeed, as a procrastinator, sometimes I really put things to the back of my mind, although I can still pay within the deadline. Yes, but I will go to the Dark Playground first, haha!

But the film also mentioned that there are two kinds of procrastination, one has a deadline, such as common jobs and schoolwork usually have deadlines, and the other has no deadline, such as sports, entrepreneurship, fulfilling dreams, etc. In this case, the panic monster will not appear, causing things to be delayed again and again, and then deeply regretted one day in the future. At the end of the film, we want us to think about why we are procrastinating, because everyone delays things differently.

The video ends here, I can feel the same way, but I can't seem to find the answer, so I found some answers myself, hoping to help people with the same procrastination!

1. Grab the time axis and think about the time it takes for each thing before doing things, so as to avoid misjudgment and lead to unfinished work

2. Reserve time for emergencies, and don’t make the itinerary too full (like I used to be full, the last event exceeded the expected time, and all the next things will be delayed, and even feel the delay because of the delay. Depression)

3. Find the reasons for your procrastination, which may be lack of confidence in yourself, fear of being denied, avoiding uncomfortable things, etc. Procrastination often comes from having too much imagination about the future, imagining that you will fail or things are difficult, we can Try to focus on the present moment and avoid overthinking.

4. Break down the big tasks into small tasks, reduce the difficulty and make it easier to start, and clarify what the goal of your action is.


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