How much do you know about your health?

As you get older, have you started eating health food too?

Chatting with many friends around me recently, I found that many people are beginning to feel their physical strength is getting worse. In fact, when the production of coenzyme Q10 declines with age, abnormal work and rest, inactivity, environmental factors, etc. The demand for coenzyme Q10 will not decrease. Because of this, many people will recommend that you can try coenzyme Q10 health food, this article will also introduce you what coenzyme Q10 is !

What is Coenzyme Q10?
How are you?

Coenzyme Q10 (coenzyme Q10), also known as Co-Q10 or coenzyme Q10, is a fat-soluble nutrient that is located in the small energy-producing factories "mitochondria" in the body, helping the energy supply system to operate quickly. Domestic and foreign studies have pointed out It has an effect on enhancing physical strength, promoting metabolism, and maintaining healthy circulation, which is why coenzyme Q10 is often recommended for maintenance.

What are the functions and functions of Q10:

Human coenzyme Q10 functions to transport oxygen and nutrients to the whole body. Therefore, coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in maintaining the functioning of the human body. In daily life, everything you do requires energy.

If the production rate of coenzyme Q10 in the body is slow and cannot maintain the normal supply of energy, it is easy to be powerless to do anything. At this time, supplementing coenzyme Q10 is like pushing the original stuck capacity machine and turning on the operation switch again! The following is a brief introduction to the efficacy and role of coenzyme Q10 !

● Help circulatory health ● Contribute to beauty and beauty ● Help maintain health ● Keep spirits strong ● Promote metabolism ● Replenish after illness

If the body lacks too much coenzyme Q10, what are the effects?

Of course, if the human body lacks too much coenzyme Q10, it will also cause some effects. Generally, the content of coenzyme Q10 will peak at the age of 30, and then gradually decrease with age. In addition to the loss of coenzyme Q10 caused by aging, Irregular life and rest, balanced diet, environmental stress factors, etc.

  • Reduced Q10 : Reduced Q10 (QH) is an active form in the body. It does not need to be converted by enzymes and can be directly absorbed and utilized. The absorption rate is 2.5 times higher than that of the oxidized type.
  • Oxidized Q10 : Although it can be converted into active QH by enzymes, the redox efficiency will become worse and worse as the age increases and the body function decreases. Directly select the reduction type Q10.

Further reading :
It turns out that coenzyme Q10 has to be supplemented like this! Make up for every day to be full of vitality!
Is Coenzyme Q10 good for the heart? Pay attention to these things when eating Q10!


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