[Rensen Mantoubao Series] I'm sorry, I couldn't save you at that time

兩謙 Ruth
I hope we can all accept that what we can't do right now is hurting ourselves.

I hope we can all accept that what we can't do right now is hurting ourselves.


Hello everyone! I am Liang Qian!


I've been catching up with the end of the school term for a while now, and I want to take a break from my busy schedule and want to post my past works.
There are also short stories about creation.


There is a whale whose call is an unusual 52 hertz,
Scientists call it the loneliest whale in the world.
But then they found out again,
Similar whales.

sex, nudity, self-harm and substance abuse,
The depravity and dark side of human nature, behind those behaviors that are not understood,
Maybe it's just a monologue of a lonely life.

You will be loved, you will find similar frequencies,
Can express the truth of the mind.



I have a hurdle that I can't overcome



I just don't know how to speak, and even to speak, I have to simulate it in my head many times.

In fact, quietness and inability to express, these are essentially nothing




But I can't express it to others when I need it, I missed the opportunity to ask for help

I can't save myself, this is the place where I still can't forgive myself after many years

Even knowing...it's not my fault



Don't like to be worrying, don't like to mess up the atmosphere

Those sorrows are carefully transformed by me...




A light-hearted statement that prompts others to think I don't care,

But I don't know that this is just packaging, because I don't know what kind of emotion to use.

Some moments, I even hope badly,

Things could be a little more serious.


Is it more serious that I can be the perfect person who can be hurt,
I don't know if there is a standard to measure the socially defined injury, but I only know that the inner state is getting more and more distorted.


Later, I used to pretend not to care after talking about everything,

It won't hurt because others don't understand it!

I know I'm scared, but I can't do anything,
That helplessness is too profound.



Now, a few years later, I'm sitting in a chair in the consultation room again

(Like two years, like three years, like a long, long time ago...why am I still stuck here and can't get out
Still no answer, as always. Sometimes I get bored and can only rely on others to keep going,
I'm sorry I trouble you, I'm sorry I'm bad)

There are countless flashes in my head, why am I here again, why do I seem strange and problematic

Can she understand what I'm saying?

Still like everyone else, I don't think it's alright


But she said...

You got me thinking of a whale that only emits 52 hertz,

But because most whales are in a certain vocal range, no one can hear it.

But yeah~ Later, scientists seem to have found similar whales in other places,
It's just that when I'm still searching, I can only talk to myself. This process seems quite lonely.



What I want to say is...

I seem to be able to speak in a way that everyone can understand slowly.

Or rather, I seem to have met,

Even if it is different, I am willing to try to understand and listen to what I have to say.



Thank you, and you,

Catch me when I'm about to fall.





Further reading:

[Exhibition Postscript] If water is like fire and sound, an exhibition about action "Be Water, Be Fire, Be a Voice: Actions in the Everyday"

[Rensen Mantoubao Series - Lecture Sharing] Read others, write about yourself / Fireworks Talk in March


About Me — IG 🔎 Liang Qian RUTH:


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

兩謙 Ruth我是兩謙,有著多從身份與不同標籤,但我期望我是我自己,能真實活著的我自己。如果用幾個關鍵字快速認識我,約莫為 寫作 × 設計 × 插畫 × 攝影 × 街頭 × NGO,但期望你能透過筆下的我,與實際對話後的我,了解我是什麼樣子,也讓我學習認識你的樣子。 這裡大多分享我的想法與生活, 藝術創作的部分則以IG居多!歡迎大家來走跳走跳! Instagram : @ruth_draw.dsgn
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【精神科病房日誌】 Day6 咆哮的獸