The Space third round of test eggs

Dividend Summary Regarding the third round of testing, how much did $like.foog's NFT earn?

Long story short, let me list the points and add:

  • 50 NFT eggs all pre-ordered and dispatched, 10 likecoins / piece x 50 pieces = 500 likecoins
  • 17 NFTs, 10 each, all sold, 20 likecoins or 20 $SPACE each, deduct 50 NFT eggs for redemption, a total of 120 sold

The income of 120 NFTs is as follows: (

1100 likecoins

1660 $SPACE

Each creator receives a 70% dividend (1162 $SPACE and 770 $likecoin);
I charge 30% dividend as admin fee (498 $SPACE and 330$ likecoin)

Although the Pizza Day event has just ended, this is The Space's Pizza Day. We successfully sold out our NFTs in likecoin and Space coin. I really want to thank you all partners!

@naked child
@syc3000(Aww )
@warm silent- JL

Is this over? No, just the beginning of $like.foog.

The Space official version of NFT eggs

NFT eggs have been officially launched. On a scheduled date in June in the future, we will hold an AMA to introduce members, announce our future development direction, and auction NFT eggs in a Dutch style (the auction price will be lowered over time) and the underground version. limited edition. Ten of us will also start to create more works in The Space to collect in the Galaxy of Pixel, waiting for everyone to collect.

Remember to click to follow, so as not to miss our latest trends!

Special thanks︰

Pop Rabbit is the first friend to collect our full set of 17 NFT tests;

@sloth's life Strong support from the beginning, big households who subscribed ten NFT eggs

@cauliflowerDenken collects our full set of NFTs for double the price

Thank you to the many friends Matters can't list all supporting our first steps with love.


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