By Nanwen | 📉 Writers stuck in $LIKE

As soon as this article comes out, it may be leaned to the North Pole 😜. Recently, I saw an article about withdrawing from the green circle, which made me reflect on why I applied for the green circle. Will I withdraw? Hail No! I like the texture of the green circle, and I focus on the number of claps, not the number of $LIKEs.

Before I became a Civic Liker, I didn't even know there was such a thing

When I first joined Matt City, I just recorded and wrote here, and I didn't realize that there was a LIKE COIN.

Later, I wrote an article seriously, LIKE COIN is indeed a trigger point (who doesn’t love it if you have money?!) There was indeed a period of time when the LIKE COIN received every week would make people feel good about themselves (I’m talking about myself).

Later, I noticed that some people had green circles on their avatars, and then I knew they had Civic Liker. It turned out that the $LIKE I received was not only from the foundation, but also from some people who paid real money to subscribe to Civic Liker. .

Later, I changed it to civic liker of web3, 5000 $LIKE is enough, I am vain, wanting a green circle is one idea, another idea is to agree with this platform, so after the threshold was determined, I didn’t think about it for too long. I transferred $500 from elsewhere for $LIKE, and took our family to become a Civic Liker, as a sponsorship of a platform that I agree with and platform usage fees.

Earnings plummet, but clapping enthusiasm remains

Recently, I have seen a lot of people feel that they have received a lot less $LIKE, and it is true

In February, 651 clappings earned 333 $LIKEs, which is only a fraction of the number of seniors.

Last week, some time after web3, received 818 claps, including 76 Civic Likers, but received 264 $LIKEs.

Do you feel this difference? definitely have ~


Such a gap, am I lost? 🤔

It’s a lie to say that I don’t feel lost. I did feel lost in the first week, because $LIKE really became less.

But I realized,

The total number of claps harvested by the article has not decreased too much, indicating that there are still people who are willing to interact with my article (clapping)

Focus is clap count, not $LIKE count , and I'm instantly relieved

$LIKE earnings are indeed lower, So WHAT !!

Maoyan has no multi-platform revenue, and currently only publishes articles on Matters. As for the decrease in revenue, it must have a great impact.

However, I'm not a full-time writer (and there is still room for improvement at my current level) * don't rely on $LIKE to eat * Before becoming a Civic Liker, I didn't expect it to bring me real life-changing benefits.

Therefore, I am still willing to continue to output concepts, ideas, and experiences that I think are beneficial to me, and continue to regard this place as a place to practice and improve output capabilities, hoping that more people will like, enjoy, and even benefit from it.

Do I need to cancel the Civic Liker and take out the pledged $LIKE to send?

I won't do this, I can still receive some $LIKE every week, and if I see a good article, or an article that I agree with, I am also happy to send $LIKE to directly support ( maybe I support not many people, 5~20 $LIKE will be sent out every week )

Getting $LIKE is always just a bonus, good or not, because I just love that green light
Green Lantern  


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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好久沒寫作啦! 筆尖(不~是手指)鈍了嗎?