White, more than a giant tower

The end of the Beiqi Clinic Hospital series

Author Little Sun's Star and Heart

It was just last night, when I was disturbed by my inexplicable thoughts and felt dizzy, the new dean sent me a message.

I must be crazy, my head is full of inexplicable shadows lingering, and before I can figure out if I am crazy, I fell asleep in a daze.

I opened my eyes early in the morning and saw the message the new dean sent me last night.

"My mother passed away. Details will be discussed tomorrow."

Alas! What I was doing last night and didn't see it! Who was that madman last night! I don't care that I haven't washed my face yet, I immediately turned on the battle mode, immediately returned the message, and rushed to the hospital as soon as possible.

The old doctor's wife has been hospitalized for several months, and she has improved a while ago. Everyone thought that she would recover soon, but I didn't expect it to end like this.

Recalling that the old doctor's wife was recuperating in her own ward before she was hospitalized. One day, I wanted to go see her before going to work, but when I opened the door of the ward, I found that her clothes were half-returned, and she was paralyzed on the ground.

When I saw it, I was shocked, I must have tried to use the simple toilet, and I fell down. I hurriedly wanted to help her up, but it was very strange, she was a thin old man, but she was like a heavy mass of mud, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pull her up.

I ran to call the old sister in the affairs to help, and the two of us held the old doctor's wife up one by one and tried to help her up, but no matter how hard the two of us tried to shout, one, two, three! It was difficult to even straighten, let alone a half-meter-high bed.

It was only then that I discovered that it would be very difficult to pull up a completely powerless old man if I did not cooperate with us.

"Who's on duty downstairs today?" I was a little anxious.

The old sister said, "It's A!"

When I heard it was A, I hesitated for a second. To be honest, I felt very ashamed. It's been a while, and I still remember personal grievances.

I glanced at the old doctor's wife, who was limp all over and had no weak eyes, "Go and call A!" I said.

The old sister immediately said Hi, and hurried downstairs to call someone.

A ran up and saw that she did not know what to do in three or two postures, and all of a sudden she put the old doctor's wife on the bed.

I watched this scene and felt sorry for my powerlessness.

Although A is not pleasing to my eye, and I don't necessarily like A, I have to admit that we must respect each other's professionalism.

"It's already like this, tell her son (the new director) to take her to the hospital quickly!" I said.

(Although our home is also a hospital...)

A said, "Her son (the new dean) did not agree, and I have no choice!"

A and I were standing in front of the old doctor's bed, and for the first time, I felt a little bit of unity with A.

A chief financial officer and a chief nursing officer have nothing to do with the dying old man in front of him.

Then, this is the silent ending.

My old doctor's wife loves me as much as the old dean, except sometimes because of the gap of half a century, I don't quite understand what she is talking about.

Basically, she's a nice person, except for being a bit of a celestial being.

As soon as I stepped into the hospital in the morning, either the smell of burning or the strange smell of grilled fish permeated the whole hospital. I walked into the kitchen and saw that the blackened pot was protesting loudly on the gas donkey. The food in the pot was a whole uncut pumpkin. For some reason, there was still a handful stuck in the pumpkin kitchen knife. People who don't understand it will be shocked by the scenery in front of them and drop their jaw!

The person who will do such good deeds is my boss. A ninety-year-old old doctor's wife.

The old doctor's wife was not like this two years ago. At most, she will tell you with a very serious expression, "Please throw the small refrigerator directly down from the second floor, so that you don't have to carry it!"

Or say to the operator with a very serious expression, "Please saw the farm tool hut in half from the middle, and the part of the roof above will be placed on the top floor to raise dogs."

When these absurd instructions are conveyed in earnest, you will begin to wonder if the problem is yourself.

In this way, there are some monsters from the heavens, and I can't escape the clutches of Alzheimer's disease. In addition to inserting a kitchen knife on the pumpkin, now I have started to make dumplings for dogs. You can say that I discriminate against animals or have no love. , but even so, I don't think it's necessary to wrap the dog's food.

One day, the old doctor's wife happily ran over and asked me if I would make meat dumplings? I? I am, of course, not, yes! She seemed a little disappointed when she heard it, but she was still very positive and said she wanted to try it for herself.

Two days later, she was very excited and asked me to try the zongzi she made. When I saw it, it was not so much a meat zongzi, but a fried rice wrapped in a lotus leaf bag with four corners folded.

But I don't know it myself. I can't dislike it. I put a mouthful in my mouth with trepidation. The old doctor's wife looked at me expectantly, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

Mmmm...I grew so big and never tasted the taste. I don't know why, but there is still a sour taste. Did you pour vinegar?

Don't dare to dislike it, bite the bullet and finish it. After a while, I heard the conversation between the old doctor's wife and the old cleaning Tanaka, "Tanaka, didn't you put the chestnuts you bought yesterday in the refrigerator? It's sour even today, but it doesn't matter, it can still be used to that extent..."

When I heard it, I almost spit it out, but it actually contained sour chestnuts? Have these two people ever eaten meat dumplings?

It was only then that I found out why the doctor's wife's hand-made meal invitation was always the only reason I attended.

The old doctor who made sour chestnut dumplings, the old doctor who made dog dumplings, the old doctor who cut flowers and grass, the old doctor who made a mess in the kitchen, went to the dentist next door, and wore someone else's clothes The old doctor lady whose shoes came back...

The figure of the old doctor's wife, like the old dean, appears and disappears in various corners of the hospital, disappears and reappears. I tried to catch her figure in the kitchen, but I only caught a handful of air, she smiled at me and disappeared without a trace.

Simple and kind-hearted, I feel that the old doctor, who is always bullied by the staff and the old dean, has the heart of a bodhisattva, and she has really become a bodhisattva.

In the morning, I discussed various handling and aftermath with the new dean. Both of them were very stable, as if they were discussing other people's affairs.

I made various phone calls all day, and kept repeating the news of the death of the old doctor's wife.

I couldn't help but tear up when I was talking to Mr. Rolex.

I really want to tell the old doctor's wife that I will take good care of the hospital she longs for and ask her to smile at Jiuquan, but to be honest, her son has her inheritance and is even more powerful than her. I am really not sure.

The people who brought me into the white tower were all dead, and I was the only one left in the tower.

White, more than a giant tower...

A was later betrayed by her own human assistant, B, and came to find my allies….

I really drove away an old sister and helped a newcomer up to pick me up...

The dean, the emperor, said to me with a sad face, he can only see patients, and he can't do anything else.

Should I open the door and go out, or close the door and come in?

I wish the old doctor a good journey. I think I'm about to go too...?

Whether or not Sugiyama will stay, let the waiter decide for himself!

The fate of Sugiyama is left to readers to imagine for themselves! If you think Sugiyama is there, then Sugiyama is there. If you want Sugiyama to go, then Sugiyama will leave. As for the chess I played... I looked like I moved to the left, but in fact this was the result I wanted, and my year and a half plan finally came to an end.

Thank you for your reading and love for the hospital series, with a picture to help you better imagine and enter the situation when reading, thank you for your support.

There are a total of 21 articles in the Beiqi Clinic series. You can understand it without reading each article. If you are interested, you can read it slowly with the hashtag # Beiqi Clinic. I think it is quite interesting, thank you for watching.


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