Weekly 3-2-1: Discover opportunities at work, start small, but dream big,

Find opportunities for passion and value creation from work. Start small, but dream big. Looking at it another way, things might have a chance of making a big difference. ​Focus on what you can do and what you can master. Don’t worry too much about what you can’t master. Life is like this, and so is investment!

3 Ideas From Me

"It's only work if you would rather be doing something else.
Find a way to carve a career out of what you already want to do."
Only works if you'd rather do something else. 
Find a way to start a business from something you already want to do.

I think this is about passion. When you do what you want to do, doing that thing may be drudgery in the eyes of others, but for you, it is sweet as honey.

Think wildly, maybe you can come up with what you want to do. But if you can find value that can be extended in what has been done, there is an opportunity to create new opportunities in what has been done .

An apprentice becomes a master because the apprentice can enjoy it, constantly improve his skills, and eventually become a skill that can be turned into a career.

"Build small habits. Make big plans.
Make small habits. Make big plans.
1) Keep your daily actions small. Strive to get 1% better every day.
2) Keep your daily mindset big. Think about how you can play a bigger game.
Start small, but never dream small."
1) Keep your daily actions small. Strive to improve by 1% every day. 
2) Keep your daily mindset grand. Think about how you can play bigger games. 
Start small, but never just dream small.

A thousand miles begins with a single step.

Just make a little progress every day. Start small, but dream big.

"Great work resists compression.
Great explanations are short, but potent.
Great software delivers the same outcome in fewer clicks.
Great manufacturing processes create products in less time and with less waste.
The shape of genius is simplicity."
Works great against compression. 
Great explanations are short but powerful. 
Great software delivers the same results with fewer clicks. 
Excellent manufacturing processes can create products in less time and with less waste. 
The shape of genius is simple.

​It is really not easy to simplify the complex and make it easy for people to understand.

There is a method called "Feynman's method", which originated from Feynman, the genius of physics. The way he learns a new thing is to try to tell the new thing to someone who doesn't understand it at all, and make him understand it.

Only when you deeply understand the essence of it can you describe it in a very concise and easy-to-understand way.

​2 Quotes From Others

Computer scientist Alan Kay on the value of looking at old things in a new way:
"A change in perspective is worth 80 IQ points."
Computer scientist Alan Kay on the value of seeing old things in new ways: "A change of opinion is worth 80 IQ points."

Source: Talk at Creative Think seminar

Sometimes there is always a sudden realization: Why didn't I think of this!

In fact, in many cases, it is just the angle you cut in, and the perspective used at the beginning is different, which affects your subsequent judgment​

Looking at it another way, things might have a chance of making a big difference.


Painter Mariam Paré, who specializes in making paintings by mouth after suffering a spinal cord injury, offers some advice to her younger self:
Artist Mariam Paré, who paints exclusively with her mouth after a spinal cord injury, has some advice for her younger self:

"If I could talk to myself twenty years ago, I would tell myself to focus on my strengths, and not on my weaknesses; on the things I could do and not the things I couldn't do; 
If I could talk to myself 20 years ago, I would tell myself to focus on my strengths, not my weaknesses; about what I can do, not what I can't;
to strive to excel and hone those skills to the point of excellence. That this was the best strategy to secure my future. I would say to myself that the only real obstacles you have are those you create for yourself. honed to excellence. This is the best strategy for securing my future. I would say to myself, the only real barriers you have are the ones you create for yourself"

Source: In the Company of Women

​Focus on what you can do, what you can master, and what you can’t master, don’t worry too much.

Investment gurus also often say that you cannot control the fluctuation of stock prices, so there is no need to worry. But you can control your mood, your portfolio mix, and your focus, so how do you stay in a good mood in a bear market? To put it simply, it means that the assets are well allocated, then go to watch dramas, watch less disks, and you can spend it smoothly if you are in a good mood, haha.

1 Question For You

 Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and criticize our mistakes to an unhelpful degree. Sometimes we are too easy on ourselves and let excuses run our lives.
Which way are you leaning right now? How can you pull yourself back to center?
Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves, criticizing our mistakes to the point of being unhelpful.
Sometimes we take it too easy with ourselves and let excuses rule our lives. 
Which direction are you leaning towards now? How can you pull yourself back to the center?

Thinking about it, I seem to be too easy on myself! It's time to be harsh on myself!!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

貓眼看世界貓~偶爾懶散,偶爾機警,以不同的視角解讀這個世界。 對賺錢有濃厚興趣,尤其是加密幣,也喜歡分享自己的所思所想,希望透過網路以文會友。
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