Memoirs of a Loser 193: A Strange Story of Chinese Corruption

A friend who made a fortune in real estate told me privately that he has been involved in many lawsuits for many years in land acquisition, house building and hotel building, but he wins every time. The secret is: for every lawsuit, the court will announce the name of the presiding judge when the case is filed, so he tried every means to find the judge and ask the judge to introduce him to a lawyer.

As mentioned above, the banned books from the mainland that were once rampant in Hong Kong are 70% to 80% fabricated. Several readers disagreed, saying that the content of these banned books is 70% to 80% true. Regarding the matter of a woman who gave birth to a son for a celebrity, but the mother and son disappeared from the world, readers believe that if it were not true, they would not be so nervous, and even violated the "Basic Law" and kidnapped people across the border, and even arrested the entire bookstore for censorship. This is no ordinary erotic trifle.

Of course, what my friends said is also true. I have never read any of these books. According to the publisher, I mean 70-80% fabrication, mainly referring to the specific and subtle descriptions of the real names of these books; as for the social conditions reflected in the content, I also believe that 70-80% are true.

Since I was named and criticized by the CCP after the June 4th in 1989, I have not gone to the mainland again. It was not until 2006 that I received the "Hometown Return Permit" after being dredged by a friend, so I went to Beijing to visit my fifth uncle who was old and sickly. She also went to Shenzhen with Liyi to meet her old friends and students. Later, I went to the mainland many times, including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hainan, Inner Mongolia and other places. Seeing the take-off of China's economy, the face of the city has changed greatly. I also heard and saw the development of crony capitalism in the whole country, and the operation of power, money and color in the economic take-off. Many things are completely unfamiliar to Hong Kong people who have lived in a clean government society for many years, and they have to admire the flexibility of mainlanders to use their brains and exploit loopholes.

A friend who made a fortune in real estate told me privately that he has been involved in many lawsuits for many years in land acquisition, house building and hotel building, but he wins every time. The secret is: for every lawsuit, the court will announce the name of the presiding judge when the case is filed, so he tried every means to find the judge and ask the judge to introduce him to a lawyer. This is the way to win a lawsuit. There is no trace of bribery or corruption.

When he built a hotel, he went to the fire chief and asked him to introduce a decoration company. Therefore, the fire department came to check the fire escape and must pass the border.

This kind of thing must be very common in the country, and there are endless patterns. It is unimaginable to live in a rules-based society. Why should the name of the presiding judge be announced when any lawsuit is filed? Is it to make corruption easier?

At a dinner party, I heard a person who is said to be a senior official of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection say: We must treat some things from a humane perspective. Humanize? Does it imply that "human nature is inherently greedy" and therefore should treat corruption openly?

Chinese playwright Sha Yexin published his play "If I Were Real" in 1979, which caused an uproar and was eventually banned. But in fact, the revealed cadre privileges are a piece of cake compared to the later developments. Thirty years later, in 2009, Sha Yexin published a long article of more than 20,000 words on the Internet: "The Culture of "Corruption"—The Chinese Nation Has Come to the Most Dangerous Time", summarizing the groupization of corruption among Chinese officials. , departmentalization, marketization, and gangsterization, corrupt officials have low and dirty character. The most shocking revelation is the "marketization" of buying and selling official positions.

Sha Yexin listed the market price of the “Wusha hat” sold in Chenzhou, Hunan, ranging from 2 million for the secretary of the county party committee, chief of public security, and secretary of the political and legal committee, to 200,000 for the county procurator and director of the county government office. The income of Wusha hat is also distributed proportionally by the secretary, deputy secretary and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee.

This is the official purchase price of a small city in 2009. After many years, I heard that a city in Guangdong Province wanted to buy a chief of public security to do it, and the price has risen to 200 million yuan. With a cost of 200 million yuan, it is conceivable that a position that can be held for an unknown period of time will be rich in oil and water. No wonder there are so many people from China coming to Hong Kong to buy and sell properties.

Sha Yexin's conclusion at that time was that corruption was the basis for the regime to govern. To rule the country by law and by virtue is to deceive oneself and others, but to rule the country by corruption is the truth. "When the level of corruption can satisfy officials at all levels without making the people too dissatisfied, it is the most ideal political situation for the regime." "If this balance is broken, it will endanger the regime itself, which is why the so-called "Anti-corruption"."

The subsequent development is even more unbearable than Sha Yexin's conclusion: the greed of officials at all levels will never be satisfied; and the people are also used to it, and they can't do anything without bribery. The so-called "anti-corruption" has nothing to do with the stability of the regime, but has to do with someone's power status. It is a trick to defeat political enemies. If we really want to fight corruption, the most basic requirement is to disclose the property of all officials. But the CCP is not allowed to mention it. It can be seen from this that "governing the country with corruption" and "using anti-corruption as a means of fighting for power" are the foundation of the operation of the regime after the development of Chinese crony capitalism.

There is no need to say more about the prevalence of high-level interference by the CCP in erotic incidents. The most staggering is the 2017 Beijing Red Yellow Blue Kindergarten children who were sexually assaulted. After the incident broke out, Ao Ge, an online writer who claimed to have been in the education industry for more than 20 years, wrote a post saying that "sexual assault on young girls has long been an industry chain", and this industry chain has expanded to the size of the whole country. City. He said that there is a website called "Young Children's Resources Network", and the pictures of little girls in it come from kindergartens all over the world. When chatting with the police involved in solving the case, they said: The kindergarten acted as a pimp, and a young girl offered 100,000 to 500,000 yuan. "The risk is not high because 99% of young girls won't tell anyone what happened to her, including their parents."

I am skeptical of these rumors, because they are too unbelievable and have no basis. But my friends in the mainland are convinced of these things. He said that after the ruthless and vicious struggles of the Cultural Revolution, and then the materialism of bourgeois capitalism, the degeneration of human nature, and selfishness taking precedence over all kindness and morality, you cannot understand how rotten the whole society is.

There are two logics in China's domestic and foreign governance. One is "no tears until you see the coffin", and the other is "a wide face will change."

In 1997, Jiang Zemin came to Hong Kong to preside over the transfer of sovereignty. He repeatedly emphasized what the Basic Law declared that China would never allow central departments, provinces and cities to interfere in the internal affairs of the Hong Kong SAR. In 2003, 500,000 people marched against Article 23 legislation, Tung Chee-hwa withdrew the legislation, and China did not interfere. That's because China also urgently needs Hong Kong's investment, foreign exchange, and import of high-tech products through Hong Kong, and exports can enjoy low tariffs. This is "no tears without a coffin" for the sake of tolerance.

With China's accession to the WTO, it has become the world's factory, and the economy has taken off, and the powerful and powerful will "change as soon as they have a broad face." The interference in Hong Kong's internal affairs has changed from dark to obvious, no longer mentioning Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, but changing the statement that the central government has overall governance over Hong Kong, and saying that the Sino-British Joint Declaration is a historical document and has no practical significance. After the cross-border kidnapping was widely reported by public opinion, the amendment to the "Fugitive Offenders Ordinance" was introduced.

The "one country" of "one country, two systems" has rotted to such an extent that this rot has to be implemented in the system of Hong Kong. Was the "Reverse Extradition" movement in Hong Kong spontaneous or was it forced out?

Pictured, on the streets of Beijing in 2006.

(Original post on September 5, 2022)

"Memoirs of a Loser" serial catalog (continuously updated)

184. Can Hong Kong believe this person?

185. Anyone except Leung Chun-ying

186. Days and Nights of the Umbrella Movement

187. The opposition between pan-democratic and local

188. One of my most satisfying interviews

189. The Fish Ball Revolution and Liang Tianqi

190. Thinking of Liang Tianqi

191. The courage of young people is ashamed

192. The Weird Story of the Causeway Bay Bookstore

193. The strange story of corruption in China


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

李怡李怡,1936年生,香港知名時事評論家、作家。1970年曾創辦雜誌《七十年代》,1984年更名《九十年代》,直至1998年停刊。後在《蘋果日報》撰寫專欄,筆耕不輟半世紀。著有文集《放逐》、《思緒》、《對應》等十數本。 正在Matters連載首部自傳《失敗者回憶錄》:「我一生所主張所推動的事情,社會總是向相反趨向發展,無論是閱讀,獨立思考或民主自由都如是。這就是我所指的失敗的人生。」
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