【Community Activities | From Today I Want to Change: Motivation】Change comes from motivation

Changes, without a strong motivation or reason, can easily become halfway through. .

Written on February 17, 2022

More than a tenth of the year has passed by 2022. How are your plans for the new year going?

Seeing the [Community Activity Proposal | I want to change from today] held by @zhishihua, I thought about it, what exactly does Xiaofu want to change? Looking back at the articles I wrote before participating in the [Community Activity Proposal | My Bad Habits] of @關來, I always do not write before the deadline (this time is no exception😅😅), it seems that this can be this post theme of the text.

Thinking about my bad habits, it seems that the anticlimactic should also be improved, and it is more in line with the requirements of this event, and finally decided to choose this theme.

Xiaofu often has a lot of ideas and likes to try new things. At the beginning, she always rushes forward with all her might, indulging in these new things without thinking. But after a short period of time, the enthusiasm disappeared, and it slowly fell silent, put these things aside, put them in the cold palace, and then started looking for new things again.

But going around among these things, just like girls go shopping, after passing through many goods, they may not be able to find one "good".

At the end of 2021, I came into contact with a class called "It's Nice to Have Money". The instructor shared some concepts related to our money relationship and gave some exercises. During the course, it really subverted a lot of my thinking about money. But after the class, some points were slowly forgotten. It was not until I took some advanced courses and joined the paid community of "I'm Really Rich", and insisted on performing one of the homework, the effect of the change was more significant.

Although it is called homework, it can actually be said to be a life experience that draws closer to oneself and money. This homework task is to live with money BB (money) every day, just like a couple dating.

When I took this homework on [It's Good to Be Rich], I followed the teacher's suggestion to do it obediently, but sometimes I was too busy to do my homework.

Later, I joined the [I'm Really Rich] community. The instructor once again encouraged everyone to date with BB Qian, and suggested to record these things every day for 30 consecutive days to achieve better results.

In order to implement an exercise, Xiao Fu thought about it, and suddenly inspiration floated by. Maybe he could use the post in Matt City to complete the homework and make it a daily routine.

If you are simply dating Qian BB, of course, there is no difficulty at all, but if you want to record and write these things into articles, and you don’t want to be too trivial, this is still a bit difficult (this is the same as insisting on posting every day. It is a challenge to the difficulty) .

In the first few days of posting, it was easy to find inspiration to write, but in the middle and late stages, the dating stuff became a bit repetitive, and Xiaofu had to spend a little bit of effort to discover what she could share.

During these 30 days, sometimes due to lack of ideas or delays, I thought about giving up posting, but Xiaofu asked herself: Why do you do this homework of "Dating with Qian BB" ? Why record in the form of a post? What was the original intention of doing this homework? A series of questions made Xiaofu throw away unnecessary distractions and continue to work hard to post.

This time I did my homework and did not encounter too many obstacles. I also gave myself a mental exercise and let Xiaofu summarize this experience:

The importance of "getting things/goals done"

There are always ups and downs and challenges in doing anything, especially something that needs to be done continuously. Persistence in completing things can give yourself a positive and encouragement, and build confidence in yourself.

Identify the reason and meaning behind your goals

When we want to do something, it may be just an impulse at the time, not knowing what value we want to get from it.

If you can set a goal, ask yourself what results you want, why you want this result, and what it means to you after reaching the goal. When you have a clear understanding of what your heart wants, it will go a long way to being able to stick to getting things done.

Focus and enjoy the process

To keep doing one thing, there will always be blockages and bottlenecks, which can easily lead to giving up. If you want to persevere, it is best to focus on the process, pay attention to the insights you get when you do every detail of this thing (no matter whether it is a success or an obstacle, it is also enlightening), and enjoy the joy of completing small goals. It will slowly build a sense of achievement and push yourself to continue to move forward towards the big goal.

cheer and cheer yourself up

When a goal is set and progress toward the goal, if you are lucky, you will have a few partners, but more often you will be alone. The people around us may support or disagree, or they may pour cold water on themselves, but the most important thing is that we must know clearly that we are our own fans and cheerleaders. If you don't even "support" yourself, who will support you?

When you complete a small goal, please cheer yourself and applaud yourself.

When encountering difficulties, obstacles and setbacks, ask yourself to cheer and cheer for yourself.

Cheering up for yourself is what keeps you going.

So, in the end, Xiaofu can complete the homework of dating BB Qian for 30 consecutive days? The answer~ Of course it's done! Otherwise, I would not dare to post this post. 🤣🤣

Dating and dragging with Qian BB (Source: @Pixabay & @Floor Fire Flog / Edited by @Flo Fire Fire Flog)

After completing this homework, I kept myself away from the anticlimactic. And decided to keep writing. Why? Because when I recorded the "dating with Qian BB" , I really felt that I had been living a very rich life, and I also discovered a lot of treasures and forgotten things. This time I continue to write, hoping to give myself a new challenge to see how far I can go. If you want to know more, you may wish to follow the two tags "Dating with Money BB" and "MoneyBaby" .

Dating with Qian BB - Continuation (Source: @Pixabay & @Flore Fire Flog / Edited by @Flo Fire Fire Flog)

Although more than one-tenth of 2022 has passed, if you have any plans to complete within this year, start immediately. The so-called "will not be afraid to be late", as long as you start taking action, you will definitely get results.


Thank you @zhishihua for holding the event, and let Xiaofu review the mental journey of completing the homework of dating BB Qian.

Attached is Xiaofu's [Facebook Page] and [Appreciation Citizen], and everyone is welcome to support her.

🪴Xiaofu's creative space

https://www.facebook.com/Xiaofu's creative space-626942741287470/

🪴Xiao Fu's admiring citizen


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Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

芙洛火火Flog期望以積極思維和正能量感染他人 🪴 小芙的創作空間: https://www.facebook.com/小芙的創作空間-626942741287470/ 🪴 讚賞公民: https://liker.land/floglau20/civic
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